As for Chutian song, it ran quietly between the palace and the Ming Pavilion, spreading news secretly.

"Shallow moon, nalanjing, as you suspect, Yan Li has a heart of betrayal, and tends to move closer to Yan and elegance." Chutian Song said coldly.

"Yes." Mu Xiaoyue nodded lightly, her face was calm, but a wisp of fine awn flowed through her black pupil.

At dusk, mu Qianyue disguised as a bodyguard. Under the leadership of Yan Yi, he left the palace and went all the way to the Ming Pavilion.

Hot summer, hot sun, Yan Li, Cang Ming and Xuan night were all in the house. They were around the table, drinking peach blossom snow lotus fruit wine, and eating and chatting with braised chicken. They were very happy.

The door was pushed open with a squeak, and two figures stood outside the room.

Yan Xia and others raised their heads and looked. When they saw Yan Yi, their faces were full of horror and vigilance. How did Yan Yi come?

"It's me."

Mu Xiaoyue pulled off the human skin mask on her face, revealing that beautiful face. Rao is so, cangming and Xuanye are still shocked, "mistress, how do you stay with him?"

"Don't worry, he's my man now." Mu shallow moon light smile way, straight into the room, eyes swept swept swept down on the table, then eyes gently squint up, a wisp of fine awn quickly flashed.

"Master, when you come here, you don't say hello." When Yan Li saw mu Qianyue, his eyes flashed and he called. He seemed calm on the surface, but in fact, his heart set off waves. How could the fourth Prince become a man of Mu Qianyue?

"What are you doing? Do you want to drink alcohol? Count me in, too

Mu Xiaoyue went to the table and sat down, took a glass of wine, poured a cup of wine, put it on the lip and sniffed, "good wine! It's very intoxicating just to smell the wine. It must be very good. "

Said not from light sip, and then a face intoxicated sigh, "good drink, worthy of being made with peach blossom and snow lotus wine!"

The moon did not show a trace of anger in his heart, so he did not show his anger.

"Of course, this is the imperial tribute wine of the Yanhuang empire. The quantity is very rare. We, the sons of the royal family, only have ten bottles a year. We have already finished drinking. Yan Li brought this jar of wine, and he is the last one The summer laughs.

"Oh? Is it? It's a good time for me to come. " Mu shallow moon light pick eyebrows, look to Yan Li.

The woman's light and lazy eyes seem to have a kind of terrible penetrating power, which makes Yan Li's heart feel guilty.

"Yes, the last one."

"Unfortunately, the last jar of peach blossom was drunk and poisoned. Well, Yanli, you've really ruined the wine. " The woman's elbow supported the lower palate, and her face casually raised her eyes. However, the words she said had a shocking breath.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly cooled down. Yan Li looked up at the woman in front of her. He could not help but feel a little panic. He tried to suppress the panic in his heart, "master, I don't understand what you are talking about?"

Yan Xia, Yan Yang, Yan Xin, Yan brilliant and Cang Ming, their faces are full of doubts. They look at Mu shallow moon and Yan Li.

Gold leaves the night but quickly but reacts to come over, a pair of eyes son coldly stare at the hot summer, "did you put poison in the wine?"

Yan Li didn't answer Jin Li's words. Instead, he looked at mu Qianyue and asked in a cold voice, "how did you find out?"

"As a poison master, if you don't find the poison in the wine, can you be a poison master?" Mu shallow moon light said, she gently shook the wine cup in her hand, such as water like wine in the cup rippling up, the strong aroma of wine wantonly diffuse, floating all over the room.

"Hum! So what? Are you poisoned yet? " Yan Li sneered.

Hot summer eyes surging in two groups of anger, "Yan Li, why do you want to poison in the wine?"

Yan Yang, Yan Xin and Yan guanghuang looked at him with the same anger and incomprehension. It seemed that they could not understand why he poisoned them!

"How can you have the scattered soul in your hand? Is it from Yan Qingya?" Asked asamo.

"Not bad!" Yan Li's eyes flashed. It seemed that mu Qianyue suddenly saw that what he was doing in the wine was lihunsan. He also knew that it was Yan Qingya who gave him.

"What poison is lihunsan?" Hearing this name, Yan Xia and other people's faces are full of doubts.

"Scattered soul, colorless and tasteless, is extremely difficult to detect. It can unconsciously separate the soul of the poisoned person from the body. At the beginning, they will feel nothing at all, and they will only have a slight headache the next day. Even if a doctor is invited, it is difficult to find out the condition. Until seven days, the mind will be completely detached and become a wandering soul, and their body will become a walking corpse. " The voice of Mu shallow moon rings.

Separated soul scattered, ten thousand years ago or she studied out, and taught to Yan Shu.

At that time, it was she who scattered the spirits of Yan and Huang people, which led to her and Jing's tragic defeat in that war.

Yan Xia and others smell speech, his face changed greatly, he stretched out his hand to grab Yan Li's collar and roared, "Yan Li, quickly take out the antidote! Otherwise, I'll kill youYan Li scorned to push the hot summer aside, "now you can't even use the real yuan force, how to kill me?"

Hot summer and other talents found that the body of the real yuan force disappeared!

"Yanli, we are not mean to you. Why do you do this?" Yan Xin Nu road.

"Because he turned to Yan Qingya." Mu shallow moon lightly throws down a word.

"Good! I did take refuge in the princess! We are the real blood of Yanhuang. Why should we be loyal to an outsider? " Yan Li disdains cold hum.

"Hum! I think you are forgetting your righteousness when you see the color! " Hot summer rage way.

They never thought that Yan Qingya would step in, nor did they think that Yan Li might betray! What a mistake!

Fortunately, Yan Li knows nothing about the real situation of the Ming Pavilion. He just knows the existence of the Ming Pavilion. It is not clear how many masters and strong men there are in the Ming Pavilion. Moreover, there is more than such a house in the Ming Pavilion.

The so-called cunning rabbit three grottoes, they naturally want to build a few more secret bases in case of danger!

Only cangming, Xuanye and jinliye know the real internal information. Even Yan Xia doesn't know much about it. It's not that the summer is unreliable, but it can't tell too much about it now, for fear of causing the emperor's attention.

However, Yanxia still knows how many people surrender to nalanjing here in the Yanhuang Empire, and he has been handling and arranging this matter.

He has no doubt about his loyalty.

"There's nothing to blame for your betrayal. After all, Yan Qingya is the eldest princess of the Yanhuang empire. If she can become her husband, the whole empire will become your backing and even be put into your hands. Compared with Mingge, it has a lot more prospects than following me and Jing." Mu Xiaoyue stood up with a cold smile on her lips. , the fastest update of the webnovel!