"Yes." Chu Tiange nodded, and the light moon said it was right. Indeed, there was not only a soul coagulating flower on the mainland, but it was extremely difficult to find it.

But in any case, he will find Ning Hun Hua to save Bai longying!

This is what he owes her!

After that, mu Qianyue issued an announcement, offering a high price reward for ninghunhua, a local level primary skill, and a reward of 10 million gold coins for ninghunhua!

Such a generous move once again caused a stir in the whole magic state, which is the land of heaven and martial arts.

So every mountain, forest can be seen everywhere shaking figures, everywhere in search of soul condensation flowers!

If you can get such a high reward, you can definitely fly into the sky and become a strong man! Jinlian Huisheng pill is an elixir that can bring the dead back to life. There are also ground level primary skills!

It's a top-level skill that only a big family can possess. You can stand on the top of the mainland!

Ten million gold coins, enough for them to work hard for many years!

Anyway, the people of the whole continent are crazy, and everyone is looking for ninghunhua day and night!

It is true that there must be brave men under heavy money.

A person's power is small, but if it is all out, the effect will be different!

There are countless people in the land of magic state. No matter adults or children, there are groups of people going into the mountains to look for ninghunhua.

Only seven days after the news was sent out, someone came to Yanhuang city.

Yan Xia suddenly walked in with a face of joy, "mistress, someone has found the soul condensation flower!"

Mu shallow month hears speech big joy, "bring him in quickly!"

One side of the Chutian song smell speech face is also showing the excited look, too good, finally someone to find Ning Hun Hua!

Following the summer is a woman, wearing a simple and elegant green dress, 3000 green silk simply tied into a bun, simple and atmosphere.

She was followed by a six-year-old boy with a face carved in pink and jade and big black eyes, which was lovely.

When Mu Xiaoyue saw the woman's face, she was not shocked by her figure. Her eyes were staring at her tightly. She was surprised and said, "cloud clothes?"

"It's rare that the master still remembers me." With a faint smile on her lips, she stepped forward and said, "baby, this is your aunt Yue."

"Hello, aunt Yue." Bao'er is very good. She looks at Xiangmu Qianyue with big black eyes and tilts her head. "I remember aunt Yue. I met her when I was a child. She also helped us. Aunt Yue is a good person."

Smell speech, Mu shallow month can't help chuckling, squat down the body, stretch out his hand in his lovely small nose, gently scrape, "my family treasure's memory is so good, in the past five years, still remember me."

"I will remember aunt Yue all my life." Baby nodded seriously.

"How nice. Aunt Yue will remember you all her life." Mu Xiaoyue said with a smile.

When he was a child, bao'er was only a little like nalanye. Now that he grows up, he looks more like him, especially his eyebrows and eyes, which are almost carved out of the same mold as nalanye.

After a pause, mu Qianyue raised her head to look at the cloud and asked, "is it you who found the soul coagulating flower?"

Yunchang nodded with a smile, and her beautiful face was moist and gentle. "A year ago, when I was practicing outside, I accidentally got the ninghunhua. However, this thing is precious, but it is of no use to me, so it has been kept in the space. A few days ago, I heard that you were looking for ninghunhua, so I came here specially. "

A red sandalwood box appeared in her palm and handed it to Mu Qianyue.

Mu Xiaoyue's face is happy, open, it's filled with a soul coagulating flower! And it is a mature condensation soul flower, the effect is better!

"Yunchang, thank you so much! You really arrived in time! Here are the rewards... " With that, mu Qianyue took out the Golden Lotus Huisheng pill, the ground level skill and ten million gold coins, but was rejected by yunshang.

"If you didn't help me and encourage me, maybe I didn't have me now! So I won't ask for your reward! Ninghunhua is the favor I give you back. " Yunchang road.

She can't owe her too much, or she'll be upset for the rest of her life.

Mu Qianyue can see the strength of yunshang at the moment. She is a nine level holy warrior. Her strength is pretty good. When she was pregnant and gave birth to Baoer, she wasted at least two years of time. She had to take care of the children, practice at the same time, and try to find a way to live. She is really a strong woman!

So now she has the strength of the Ninth level warrior, which is a great shock.

"Take this golden lotus rejuvenation pill. In addition, this blood pill is a gift for bao'er." Mu Xiaoyue said with a smile that she didn't give her the primary skill of the earth level. Judging from the practice of yunshang, her skill is not bad and will naturally be passed on to bao'er, so the local level primary skill is useless.

Seeing that yunshang still wants to postpone it, mu Qianyue can't help saying, "bao'er is at the age of cultivation. This blood vessel pill can change his constitution and become more excellent. So don't refuse. Besides, it's not from me, it's from bao'er! ""Jinlian Huisheng pill, I still have some. Take one as a backup. In addition, I'll keep your information confidential, so as not to be watched

"Well, I'll take it." Cloud clothes helpless way.

"Thank you for your efforts Baoer said with a smile.

Mu Qianyue invited yunshang to stay in Yanhuang palace for a few days. Through these days, she learned that Yunchang also came to the land of fantasy state, and took bao'er to experience many dangers of wind and rain.

Later, she set up a small team relying on her own strength. After two years of development, it has become a large scale, which surprised mu Qianyue.

It seems that the surface of yunshang is weak, and the heart is really strong! For bao'er, she really paid too much and sacrificed too much!

If she didn't insist on giving birth to bao'er, she would still be the first lady of yunzong! But she did not, she did not return to yunzong, relying on her own strength to live hard outside for six years!

Also established their own forces, is really inspirational ah!

After living in the Yanhuang palace for a few days, yunshang left with bao'er, and mu Qianyue didn't detain her too much, because she also had important things to do!

Bai longying, after a day's sleep, wakes up after a day's sleep. Her bright eyes like autumn water contain a trace of confusion. She looks around in surprise.

The antique room is very elegant.

"You are awake." Men's warm voice sounded in the ear, is so familiar, not cold as before.

Bai longying was stunned and looked up. She saw the familiar face and the person engraved in the bottom of her heart. She sat up from the bed and looked at him in a daze.

"Song of heaven? Why are you here? I, I'm dead... "

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