The golden pupil of Chutian song is permeated with a touch of tenderness and brilliance, "you are not dead, it is the shallow moon that has saved you with the condensation soul flower."

Hearing this, Bai longying's eyes show a clear color. It turns out that the moon saved her.

As if thinking of something, her face turned red, looked up at the man in front of her, her eyes fell on his jade face, a little nervous, "what you said before still count?"

"What words?" Chu Tiange frowns in doubt.

"You..." Bai longying's face darkened. Before her consciousness dissipated, she heard him say that if she woke up, he would try to like herself.

But when this came to her lips, she did not have the courage to question him.

Feeling her loss, Chu Tian song's doubts in her eyes were more than one point, "Miss White, are you still uncomfortable? I'll go and ask the moon to see it for you. "

Bai longying's face was pale. She took his hand and shook her head. "No, I'm fine. Maybe I just wake up and I'm weak. I'll have a rest."

Then she lay down again, with her back to Chutian song. Her hair was scattered in the pillow like a blooming ink lotus.

Bai longying closed her eyes and looked gloomy. It seems that he still doesn't like himself! She has worked so hard for so long

The room was quiet, so quiet that only the sound of each other's breathing.

Chu Tian song is very confused. She woke up just now and was very happy and excited. How could she be in a bad mood all of a sudden?

The air in the room was a little dull. Chu Tiange only felt that the atmosphere was a little awkward, so he stood up and said, "Miss White, you should have a rest earlier. I'll go out first. If you have something, you can call me."

There was no reply, as if she were asleep.

Chu Tiange walked out of the room and closed the door slowly.

"What's up? Is she awake? " Mu shallow month just entered the courtyard, then saw Chu Tian song come out from the house, can't help asking.

Chu Tiange nodded, "well, wake up. But... " He frowned slightly.

"But what?" Mu Xiaoyue asked curiously, "is she where there is any uncomfortable place?"

"That's not true. Just when she started to wake up, she was in a good mood, but suddenly she was tired... " Chu Tian song is very confused.


Suddenly tired? Dai Mei frowned, thought for a moment, looked up at him and asked, "what does she have?"

"Nothing." After thinking about it, Chu Tian Ge repeated the dialogue with Bai longying to Mu Qianyue.

After listening to his words, Mu shallow month is very speechless to draw a corner of the mouth, eyes warm ambiguous looking at him, lips raised a faint smile, "no matter how to say, you and she are friends, if you call her white girl, it seems too strange, too inhuman. You can change their names, such as Ying'er, Xiao Ying, a Ying That's what friends call them

"Is it?" Chutian song frowned suspiciously, "will this be too intimate?"

"No Mu Xiaoyue shakes his head, reaches out to pat his shoulder, a face seriously said, "if I call you Mr. Chu, do you feel uncomfortable? Is it strange? "

Chu Tiange nodded, "it's true."

He and shallow month know for so long, she has been calling his name, now hear Mr. Chu these three words, really awkward tight.

"Well, I see." He nodded again. He was surprised that Bai longying was angry because of the address.

"Well, you can stew a soup for her to drink. Take some Radix Polygoni Multiflori, ginseng, Yuling fruit, and a black chicken to supplement it. After all, she has been sleeping for half a year. You can go to the Treasury to get the medicine. " Mu shallow month thought to say.

Oh, what a wood!

It seems that he doesn't know much about the love between men and women, especially the thoughts of little girls!

What a pity for her master, she not only has to save people, but also arranges for the life-long happiness of the cute animals! It's not easy!

However, it's really strange why nalanjing's EQ is so high?

Well, at the beginning, I fooled her into a daze. She pretended to be a fool to eat tofu and was proficient in everything

Chutian song was fooled into a daze, also did not think about the details, just according to Mu Qianyue said to do, he only know that shallow moon let him do what he did!

After Chu Ge took the herbs, he went to the kitchen to stew soup. He who had practiced his cooking skills, naturally, stewed a black chicken soup. In less than an hour, it had been cooked, and the rich fragrance floated all over the kitchen

In the room, Bai longying was lying on the bed, looking at the roof, a little dazed, but also a little crazy.

Chutian song, you big fool! Are you forgetting or pretending you can't remember?

And called her white girl

What a strange feeling.

Now she has a kind of feeling to give up. I don't know if she can get his love with her wholehearted devotionno way! Who is Bai longying? How can we give up halfway?!

No matter whether he will fall in love with himself or not, she can't give up! Isn't it? At least when she died, she really felt the worry and pain of Chutian song, and her eyes full of heartache and self reproach

This proves that in his heart, there is a little bit of her position

As long as he continues to work hard, she believes that he will eventually fall in love with himself!

After making up her mind, Bai longying felt that she was full of blood and revived, and she was full of confidence again. Her white lips raised a beautiful arc and murmured, "I will never leave you, until I die!"

Just then, with a light "creak", the door was pushed open, and Chu Tiange came in with a tray.

The man wore a black robe, set off his face like the moon, delicate and perfect, more cold and charming.

He is as long and broad as jade palm holding tray, there is no trace of disobedience, but the picture is full of warmth.

Chu Tiange put the tray on the table, opened the porcelain cup, and filled a bowl of black chicken soup. Then he went to the bedside and sat down on the wooden bench beside the bed. "This is the ginseng black chicken soup that shallow moon told me to cook. She said that you just woke up, and your body was still very weak and needed to be replenished."

Bai longying's face has changed. In fact, her body has recovered almost. The light moon made him boil it?

"Did you cook it yourself?"

"Yes." Chu Tiange nodded, looking a little unnatural, "I don't know how the taste is. I think it's not hard to drink. When I was in the demon world before, I had specially practiced cooking. But this is the second time I've been cooking. "

Bai longying's eyes brightened when she heard the speech. She suddenly understood why she asked him to cook soup. She didn't feel moved. She was helping her! So she has to refuel! , the fastest update of the webnovel!