Liu Ruyan's face changed. It seemed that Mu was so eloquent. "She Mou son sinks heavy," you have Dan medicine on body, search a search not to know! "

"Liu Ruyan, you don't have any evidence now. Why do you search for it?" Cang Yu Wei angry way.

Don't we dare to search? Prove her guilty! Everyone present will cooperate with me in the search of Feibao building. She is not willing to, which is enough to prove my speculation! " Willow is like a flue.

"What if we can't find it? You must kneel down and apologize Cang Yu Wei angry way.

"Hum! If we can't find out, we can only check whether there is a rare blood force in her blood Liu Ruyan has a sneer in his mouth. When he says yes, can others not believe it?

She is a newcomer to Canglang city. She is powerless and has no right. Others will definitely not believe her.

The light in Mu Qianyue's eyes is not help but deep. There is a pile of poor Qi blood vessels in her space, which naturally exists in her body, because she has taken Qianqi blood pills.

Ha ha

"If she stole the pills and killed me, I would not believe it. If you steal pills, I will believe it. " Nalanye's voice suddenly rang out.

His deep eyes fell on Liu Ruyan's body. She was shocked and immediately said, "this childe, what do you mean? Do you doubt our people in Feibao tower? Hehe, as the eldest lady of Feibao building, what pill do you think I haven't seen? What's more, I don't need to do this. This is the foundation of my adoptive father's hard work. Who would lift a stone and hit his own foot

Everyone nodded after hearing the speech. Yes, Miss Ruyan's words are reasonable. No one will deliberately lift a stone to hit his feet. She is the eldest lady of Feibao Tower! Have you ever met someone who can steal from your own house?

How about Feibao? You are not the real daughter of the owner of Feibao tower. " Nalanye's mouth contains a trace of ridicule, the meaning of the words is self-evident.

His voice fell, so that Liu Ruyan's face turned white, and his drooping eyes quickly flashed a sense of humiliation.

"Good! I'm sure I'm not the real daughter of the owner of Feibao building. But I grew up with my adoptive father. My adoptive father is more powerful than my own father in my heart. How could I betray him? Besides, I may inherit the whole Feibao building in the future. Why should I do something harmful to myself? " Liu Ruyan said firmly and incomparably.

But elder Luo looked at Liu Ruyan with even more disappointment. However, he suffered from the consideration for the reputation of Feibao tower, which he could not say.

People have already been in the clouds. They don't know whether Liu Ruyan's words are true, but her words are full of flaws! But as the first lady of Feibao tower, she really doesn't need to do this

"Elder Luo, who do you think stole the pill?"

Mu Qianyue looks up at the opposite elder Luo. Her beautiful mouth is full of light smile. Her face is radiant. Her eyes are deep and hot. She is as beautiful as a fairy who doesn't eat human fireworks.

Hearing Mu's voice, elder Luo sighed heavily. First, he took a look at nalanye. Then he said in a slow voice, "I also believe this childe's words. Anyone here can steal pills, but this mu girl can't!"

his words fell as like as two peas, and suddenly caused an uproar. The eyes of each one were surprised. How did the elders say what he said was exactly the same.

Isn't she really doing it?

If nalanye's words are not convincing, but as the manager of Feibao tower, elder Luo still has a great right to speak!

"Elder Luo, even you believe in her?" Liu Ruyan's eyes narrowed slightly, and a trace of displeasure flashed in her eyes.

"Elder Luo, you really disappoint me. It seems that I have come to the Feibao tower by mistake." Mu shallow moon god feeling light, the smile on the face gradually closed up.

Elder Luo was startled and went to Mu Qianyue in front of him. He bowed his hands and bowed respectfully. "Miss mu, please don't be angry. I'll find out this matter as soon as possible."

All of them were shocked, and their eyes were surprised to see Xiangmu Qianyue. What identity is this woman? Can you attract the reverence of elder Luo to her eyes? What a miracle!

Even Liu Ruyan changed his face. Although she was the only eldest lady in Feibao tower, elder Luo didn't mean to be respectful or disrespectful to her. In short, she was very insipid.

Besides her adoptive father, this is the first time that she has seen elder Luo treat a person like this! And a person she doesn't like very much!

Cang Yuwei looks surprised at mu Qianyue. She was worried about her just now. It seems that she doesn't need it now. It seems that her identity is not simple! Is she a disciple of which big family?

It's strange that elder Luo's actions don't shock people!

"I believe Miss Ruyan." Just at this time, Xiao Jing came out. His face was a little gloomy, and there was a trace of sinister in his eyes. "Because this girl helped situ family and stole medicine from Mohist family when she was in Huazhou county. She didn't do it once or twice."One wave is not smooth, another is rising again.

People see Xiao mirror come out, in the eye of shock doubt a bit deeper.

One by one, the gaze of Mu Qianyue falls on her body. Did she steal other people's medicinal materials in Huazhou County before?

"Brother mirror, how can you frame me so shallow?" Cang Yuwei smell speech some angry said.

Xiao mirror eyebrow light frown, "Wei Wei, you just know her for a few days? You don't even know where her family is. Why do you believe her so much? Nowadays, people are very bad. On the surface, they are kind and simple, but in fact they are evil. You'd better stay away from her in the future, or I'll be angry

"Anyway, I don't believe shallow she will do it!" Cang Yuwei's face is difficult to color, and finally she bit her teeth and says firmly on her face.

Although I don't know why she believed her so much, and I didn't know her for a long time, her eyes were clear and bright, and she didn't seem to be the kind of evil person with deep thinking. One's eyes were the most real.

"If you make friends with her, don't come to me!" Xiao Jing said angrily.

"Brother mirror..." Cang Yuwei hears the words and widens her eyes in disbelief.

When things got to this point, people were completely confused and didn't know who to trust!

"Elder Luo, isn't it a body search? Everyone here has to be interrogated, so start with her! " Liu Ruyan's eyes lifted slightly, and she looked at mu Qianyue with a hint of threat in her tone. "If you admit it now, there is still room for turning around." , the fastest update of the webnovel!