"Ha ha, I'm afraid she has taken the pills for a long time, and I can't find them if I want to. When have thieves like her seen such precious pills? Miss Ruyan, I think you'd better arrest her and torture her! People like her will never tell the truth if they do not extort confessions with severe punishment! " Xiao Jing looks at mu Qianyue, but if she didn't intervene in the affairs of his Xiao family and situ family, how could his Xiao family's plan fail?

did not think she was on the theft of such a big event, she had stolen, not stolen, anyway, once the detention, things are not yet has the final say?

Liu Ruyan thought so in his heart, pretending to look cold, "since you are willing to cooperate, you can only be arrested and said again! Somebody, take this thief down for me

As her voice fell, dozens of high-level Emperor Wu people came from around the city and surrounded mu Qianyue. The onlookers quickly backed away for fear of getting into trouble.

At this time, there are only three people standing beside mu Qianyue, one is nalanye, one is situ Mingrui, and the other is cangyuwei.

"Wei Wei, come here quickly. Don't be associated with those thieves. It will stain your identity!" Xiao Jing shouts.

Cang yuweidun looks tangled and hesitant.

"Yuwei, you go over, I'm fine, the Qing self Qing." Mu Qianyue's lips slightly raised a radian. Even though she was surrounded by people, her face was still calm and leisurely in the face of people's judging or disdaining eyes.

See her so, Cang Yuwei bit her teeth, and did not leave, "shallow, since we are good friends, then I believe you! I believe you won't lie to me! I also believe you won't do things like stealing! "

Mu Xiaoyue's eyes are soft, looking at her eyes with a trace of brilliance, "Yuwei, I'm very happy to have a friend like you."

I didn't expect to meet such a good friend in wolf city!

They have only known each other for only a few days, but she is willing to believe in herself! This is not only a trust, but also the friendship between them.

Liu Ruyan's eyes are filled with a trace of jealousy.

"Six princesses, such a thing spread out is not glorious, I advise you, had better not intervene in it, otherwise make a body fishy bad!"

"Hum! Didn't you just say you wanted to search yourself? Why are we going to arrest people without even searching? Are you trying to make a move? I didn't expect that the hall of Feibao building was so dark! I don't believe it. You can make a move in the territory of wolf city I'm not proud of the cold rain.

Liu Ruyan's face suddenly looks ugly. If the sixth Princess insists on protecting mu Qianyue, I'm afraid things are not so easy to deal with. She turned her head to look at the side of the Xiao Jing, Xiao Jing received her eyes immediately will come over, eyes gloomy look at Cang Yuwei, eyes with thin anger color, "Weiwei, I now count three, you hurry to my side, otherwise we look like strangers in the future!"

"Brother mirror!" Cang Yuwei's face is white and her eyes show a trace of pain and sadness.



"I..." Cang Yuwei was so anxious that she almost cried.

Xiao Jing sees her not to go, the facial expression iron blue goes to Cang Yu Wei's front, regardless of her objection, directly pulls her out.

"Enough!" Luo elder calm face, he looked at Liu Ruyan disappointedly, "Miss Ruyan, you really let me down!"

"Elder Luo, the one who really disappoints me is you. How dare you defend a thief?" Liu Ruyan said angrily.

"I know who the thief is. The thief is the one who guards the treasure room. No one else has a chance but this one!" Elder Luo's voice just fell, and a man beside him opened his eyes in an incredible way. His eyes showed a look of horror, "elder Luo, I didn't..."

But before he finished his words, he received elder Luo's eyes and secret message, "this is very important. You should cooperate with me first, and then I will double compensate you."

The man was silent when he heard the speech.

Liu Ruyan has a surprised look in her eyes. It seems that elder Luo will say that the keeper. Does Luo Chang always really want to protect that woman? What is the origin of that woman, even let elder Luo have some fear?

"Why do you do such a thing?" Elder Luo looked at him painfully.

The man squeaked and said, "I see the medicinal fruit of the pill is amazing, so Elder Luo, I was confused for a moment... "

"What about the pill?" Elder Luo asked in a deep voice.

"By I ate it... " The man felt guilty and depressed and lowered his head. He was full of doubts. It seemed that he didn't understand why elder Luo wanted to carry this matter by himself?

"Now that the thief has been found, let it go. As for the poor and strange blood pill, I Feibao building is willing to pay 50 million xuanjing coins as compensation, and other compensation. Everything can be discussed." Luo elder says, this word is to say to Mu shallow month to listen undoubtedly.

Liu Ruyan saw that elder Luo wanted to cover up the matter, and he stopped pestering him. Undoubtedly, this is the best outcome. It's not a loss to buy this pill with 50 million xuanjing coins, isn't it? If you really want to auction, you may not be able to buy this price!The most important thing is that no one will doubt themselves again

Everyone was shocked and depressed. It turned out that this pill was stolen by the people of Feibao building!

Such precious pills are gone!

What a pity

But elder Luo wants to uncover this matter easily, have to ask Mu shallow moon willing.

"I don't want money. Now I have only one request. I strongly urge you to return my poor Qi blood pill from Feibao Tower! A dishonest auction like you is not worthy of my pills Mu Qianyue's black eyes are filled with anger of the two ethnic groups, and her beautiful face is also stained with a cold frost at this moment.

Her voice fell down, suddenly from an uproar, one by one surprised surprised to stare at big eyes, what?!

What did she just say?

Her strange blood? What's the meaning of this?

Even Liu Ruyan and Xiao Jing are also surprised and open their eyes in amazement. It seems that some of them have not responded.

Seeing the different expressions of the people, situ Mingrui breathed a long sigh of relief, only to feel that the evil breath in his heart was gone.

"What? Shallow, you say that pill is yours? " Cang Yuwei gets rid of Xiao Jing's hand and walks to Mu Qianyue. She looks at her with an incredible face.

"Good! That pill was made by my master himself. My master is a ten grade pill pharmacist! We trusted feibaolou and entrusted them with the auction of pills. Unexpectedly, they were self stealing! Do you think 50 million xuanjing coins can cover this matter? I don't want money now. You Feibao building must return Qianqi Xuemai Dan immediately and apologize to my master. Otherwise, don't blame us for being rude! " Sima Mingrui's face was like frost, and he said coldly.

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