He looked at nalanjing's eyes full of fear. What's his strength, middle level God Emperor?

Otherwise, even if he is a primary God, he can't kick himself so easily and hurt himself badly!

But he didn't know that nalanjing deliberately left him a life to torture him.

Otherwise, he could go underground to find Yao Zihe and report to the palace of hell.

The drug lord's eyes are no longer calm, but full of fright, seriously injured a nine level emperor! This means that his strength at least also has medium rank God Emperor!

Such a young middle class God Emperor!

Which big school is this genius?

The husband who admires a girl is so strong!

Funny. He wanted his grandson to hook up with the girl Such a comparison, only to find that their grandson can be regarded as genius, in front of nalanjing, even onion is not counted!

"This Miss mu, we have something to say. " After a short period of shock, master Yao suddenly came back to his senses. He turned his head and looked at xiangmuqianyue. The meaning was very obvious. He wanted to plead for yaoning.

Anyway, yaoning is also the elder of Yaowang sect!

He is also a Dan king. Yaoning is also a native of yaowangzong. If he is killed by nalanjing in front of him, he will be cold to the hearts of all his disciples and elders!

For various reasons, the master of medicine had to plead for yaoning.

"Lord, he wants to kill my parents and my children, so I can't let him go! My husband can't let him go Mu shallow moon light says.


Before he finished his words, he was interrupted by mu Qianyue.

"If someone wants to kill your parents, your children, will you let go of them?"

The girl's cold and heartless voice asked, let the medicine Lord look a Leng, yes! If someone wants to kill his parents and children, he will never let them go!

In a daze of the master of medicine, nalanjing stepped out again, completely trampling on the elixir field of yaoning!

"Bang!" A muffled sound exploded from the elixir field of yaoning.

"Ah!!! I will kill you

Yao Ning's eyes are red, roaring, his face twisted and ferocious.

"Now what are you going to kill me with?" Nalanjing looked at him coldly from a high position. His feet stepped on Yao Ning's abdomen, and his purple eyes were filled with disdain for cold light.

Drug Ning canthus to crack, looking at nalanjing eyes filled with a layer of fear, the strength of this man is so strong! In front of the other side, he has no strength to fight back!

He was abandoned

He's a complete wreck

His son was killed by this man too!

Until now he knew how terrible this seemingly harmless man was!

"Take him down. I want him to die."

Nalanjing takes back his feet and hands behind him, humming softly.

As his voice fell, a black figure appeared slowly in the air. The man was covered in the black robe, and his face could not be distinguished. However, his whole body smelled of cold death, which was not cold and millet.

The shadow appeared beside Yao Ning and walked slowly towards him.

Seeing this, Yao Ning's face showed an extremely frightened look, and his body kept moving back, "don't come over Don't come here... "

He reached out and grasped the pants legs of the drug lord beside him. He seemed to see a ray of light and hope in his eyes full of fear.

"Lord, help me Lord Help me

The master of medicine looks hesitant, and seems to be in a dilemma. One is mu Qianyue, the genius he placed his hope on, and he is also the close disciple of yaoziqiu. The other is the supreme elder of yaowangzong, who has a high prestige in yaowangzong

"Patriarch, this is my personal enmity with him. I don't want to involve the whole medicine king." Mu shallow moon eyebrow light pick, light look at him, the meaning is very obvious.

As long as the master of medicine does not intervene in this matter, she will remain the ten elders of the medicine King clan after mu Qianyue.

Otherwise, even if she is against the whole medicine King clan, she will kill them!

In this way, she and yaowangzong became enemies. Not only that, but also Yao Ziqiu would certainly support mu Qianyue in this matter. After all, he was very clear about how protective that guy was!

The most important thing is mu Qianyue's husband. The man in white doesn't look good at stubble!

The whole body breath is calm and introverted, without any fluctuation. However, when he raises his feet, a nine level divine emperor is abolished. It can be imagined how terrible his strength is!

Even himself is not his opponent!

What's more, the subordinate he summoned is full of weird black gas, which is incomparable in terror and can't see through its strength

I'm afraid that only if you ask your ancestors to come out, you will be able to subdue each other! In this way, not only offended a strong person, but also offended the girl mu. That situation is not under control now

The other party is so young and has such deep and terrible strength that there must be a huge family behind him!If this kind of involvement goes on, it will become a duel between the two major sects, and the situation will be even more chaotic.

But yaoning has been abandoned

After pondering over the pros and cons, the Drug Lord made the most favorable choice.

The medicine Ning that stretches a foot kicks off the body to shake if sieve, cold voice hums a way, "medicine Ning, you do evil by oneself, I also can't help you."

Smell speech, medicine Ning eyes incredible stare big, the light in the eyes gradually dissipate, the body is powerless paralytic on the ground.


Even the patriarch doesn't help him!

Then this time he is dead!

"Patriarch, I am the elder of yaowangzong. You can't be saved if you pay so much for yaowangzong!" Yao Ning didn't give up.

The drug lord was calm and did not speak.

And the strange man in black has grabbed Yao Ning's foot

Yao Ning roared in horror, struggling, trying to kick off the dead hand that held his ankle

But his strength is too weak, kicking on that dry hand is like tickling.

When he saw the withered hand, his eyes suddenly changed and his breath became dignified.

Yao Ning is full of fear, constantly struggling, scolding, "Lord, you are a greedy and ungrateful villain You must die! Mu shallow moon, you also cannot die easily! I curse you... "

The master's face was cold, "how much do you pay for the medicine king?"? It seems that you have a lot of things to take! "

Yao Ning is indeed the supreme elder of yaowangzong and also the king of Dan. However, he has taken advantage of this identity in recent years, and many people have died in his hands. Even xiner has been given bad food by them, and even the medicine man has been kept in captivity without authorization

"I deserve it! What's wrong with me? " Yao Ning roared.

"What do you mean to assassinate Ziqiu The voice of the drug lord suddenly cooled down.

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