Yao Ning's face suddenly changed, his eyes flashed through a flurry, "I don't have any!"

"Ah If Ziqiu is dead, the number of people supporting Tao'er will be less than half. Will your son then be able to inherit the throne of the patriarch? " There was a scornful sneer on the corner of the medicine master's lips.

"Even if you are the Lord, you can't do me wrong at will! I know, you must have been bought by Mu Xiaoyue, so you will not hesitate to help outsiders deal with me! As a patriarch, you are not worthy to be the leader of the medicine King clan by helping outsiders deal with the same clan! " Yao Ning's face was gloomy, pale and iron green, and his eyes were round and staring. He looked like a ghost, which was very frightening.

The medicine master's lip corner disdains gently to hook up, "I don't deserve, do you deserve? What's more, Mu wench is also the ten elders of yaowangzong. How can she be an outsider? "

Say, cold hum a, no longer look at him.

He would have killed him if he had not been seen as the elder of the supreme emperor and the lineage of the medicine King clan.

"You This must be a trap. You must have deliberately framed me... "

Then Yao Ning was dragged away by the man in black and disappeared into the air.

His unwilling roar resounded through the air

The strange man in black, recognized by mu Qianyue, is the Soul Eater around Jing.

Like to devour people's soul, and gradually swallow, absorb the soul of human body, strengthen the spirit, increase strength!

In the past, the strength of this Soul Eater was just the emperor warrior stage, but now even she can't see the strength.

"Yao Xin, do you blame me?" Mu shallow month turns head to see to from beginning to end standing on one side, look calm medicine Xin, light voice opens a way to ask a way.

There is a trace of sadness in Yao Xin's eyes and shakes her head.

"My father and grandfather made their own mistakes. If they hadn't tried to murder the master's family, he wouldn't have killed them..."

Master Yao's eyes flashed with surprise. This is

Well, now he believes Yao Ning. Yao Xin is so abnormal.

However, he did not make it clear, sometimes it is difficult to get confused.

Mu Xiaoyue nodded, then turned to look at the side of the drug lord, Feng MOU with a rare serious color, "patriarch, this matter has brought loss to the medicine King clan, I am very sorry. This is a golden lotus reincarnation pill. It's my apology. "

A round pill appeared in her hand, sending out an attractive aroma.

After all, the master of the medicine school is still good, and she didn't stop her at the critical moment. Moreover, as the ten elders of yaowangzong and the apprentice of the second master, she can't just pat her buttocks after killing people.

Of course, if she wants to leave, the drug lord has no way.

But the master of medicine must be dissatisfied, and he will also have a grudge against the second master.

Just in this way, it will make it difficult for the second master to do it. What's more, she also took away the Pearl in the realm of medicine and spirit. A golden lotus rejuvenation pill can resolve these hidden contradictions, which is actually very cost-effective.

At this point, we can only say that Mu is good at being a man.

"Jinlian Huisheng pill?" The master of medicine was stunned and puzzled in his eyes. He took the pill with his fingers, looked left and right, as if he thought of something, and suddenly his eyes opened. "Is it made from the legendary nine leaf golden lotus?"

Mu Qianyue nodded, "yes."


Hearing this, the master of medicine could not help but take a breath of cold air, and his face was shocked and incomparable. "This is a pill that can bring the dead back to life!"

Suddenly feel the pills in his hand become heavy and precious, he is not polite, and quickly received the space of Najie.

I didn't expect her to have such a precious pill in her hand!

It seems that there is more than one golden lotus Huisheng pill in her hand. Otherwise, according to the cunning nature of the girl, how can she be willing to take it out?

However, he did not dare to go to Mu shallow moon's hand to rob, this is not looking for death?

he also disdains to do such things.

"Miss mu, what sect is your husband from?" Master Yao's eyes wandered around nalanjing for a while and asked mu Qianyue.

"Well In his body there is the blood of burning yellow Mu Qianyue thought about it, not that he came from Yanhuang.

However, it is not the same in the ears of the drug lord.

A flash of horror flashed in his eyes, "the blood of the yellow?"

Isn't that the mysterious Yanhuang people?

No wonder he is so young and has such terrible strength!

The blood of Yanhuang is really extraordinary!

No wonder he dared to kill Yao Ning and Yao Zihe in front of himself!

The Yanhuang clan is mysterious and powerful. It is much stronger than the king of medicine!

It can be said that Yanhuang family and Biyu hall, Wanhua island are the same name of existence, is the three giants of Xuantian world!

But ghost hall, medicine King clan and so on are only their foil.

After the matter is solved, mu Qianyue, nalanjing and chutiange leave yaowangzong together, and Yao Xin also leaves.Master Yao looked at the disappearance of Mu Qianyue and the body of Yao Zihe at his feet. With a sigh, he ordered someone to take him to the cemetery in the back mountain and bury him

In any case, yaozihe is also the second elder of yaowangzong. It is impossible for him to expose his corpse in the wilderness. No matter what kind of gratitude and resentment he had before, with the death of yaozihe, everything was gone with the wind.


"My husband, thank you for accompanying me to visit my father and empress." Yang QinChun looks at the man beside him with a smile. His eyes are full of soft colors.

Since she ascended to Yaofei, she has not only elevated her status, but also has no need to be driven by others. Most importantly, without the difficulties and torture of Yao Xin, she has been living a comfortable life.

Now her face was round and full, and her body was full of flesh and lustrous.

Although she is only a concubine of Yao Fei, she is the only wife who lives a very good life. She can get any pills she wants.

With her rising status, the whole Yunying kingdom became tough, especially Yang tie and empress Yun. They thought that they were beside the big tree of yaowangzong and were extremely proud.

"You are my wife. It's right to accompany you back." Yao Fei's expression was cold and not too much.

For Yang QinChun, he did not love too much, just out of a sense of responsibility.

All of a sudden, Yang QinChun's eyes narrowed. In the busy market, she saw a familiar figure. The corner of her lips aroused a sneer. She stepped forward and stopped mu Qianyue's way. She said with a cold smile, "what a coincidence!"

"It's a coincidence." Mu Qianyue's hands around her chest, her eyes stained with a cold, she did not go to Yang QinChun's trouble, she can't wait to send to the door.

"Mu Qianyue, I will give back all you bullied me before!" Yang QinChun's face was cold, and his beautiful eyes twinkled with cold.

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