"Yes! Don't forget that 60 thousand years ago, the prince even wanted to die for Pan Yin. Even if a person like this became a prince, he would not attach importance to the Tian family. "

God heard people's words, frown tightly, very dissatisfied, why do these people say bad things about brother Yu Chen?

Yu Chen elder brother is clearly so excellent, still so special!

God is about to open his mouth to refute, received the warning eyes of Tianxing Mo, and angrily closed his mouth.

"As soon as emperor Yuchen came back, God made him crown prince. Can you see how much God attaches to him? Emperor Yu Qing again how to day family as heavy, also just common out, can compare with Emperor Yu dust this legitimate son? If it is time for the Emperor Yu to establish himself as the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, how can he be the emperor of the Qing Dynasty? Ha ha You still don't beat the hope on emperor Yuqing. It's impossible. " Tianxing Mo lenglengleng said.

There was a sudden silence.

Yeah, how did they forget that?

Almost forget that God can not make emperor Yuqing the crown prince!

At the beginning, God didn't like emperor Yuqing. It was only in the past thirty or forty thousand years that he began to put emperor Yuqing into use. However, after emperor Yuchen returned, he immediately took back most of the important power in his hands and gave it to Emperor Yuchen to take care of it. This shows who God likes!

"Well, you go and get ready." Tianxing Mo lightly waved.

The eight elders looked at each other, but sighed and retreated.

"Grandfather..." God weak call a, and then legs a soft plop a kneel down, low head, "I am wrong!"

"Yi'er, you are so brave that you dare to destroy the refining of Xusheng pill. Do you know what the crime is?" Tianxing Mo looked at the head under his feet which was almost low to the ground, full of disappointment and anger.

"Grandfather, I know I'm wrong! Yier I didn't expect that you would fail in alchemy. " God bit his lips, a face of injustice, "grandfather, you are not Dan God? You've never made any mistakes in alchemy. I thought it would be a success this time, but I didn't expect that... "

"Well, you really want to piss me off! Do you think Susheng pill is so easy to refine? Otherwise, I need to refine it together with eight other elders? Fortunately, God doesn't know about it, or you'll wait to be killed in Sendai! " Tianxing Mo angrily shook his sleeve.

He had guessed what Yier had done in the early morning, but Yier was his only granddaughter. How could he confess Yier?

So he forbeared until now when there was no one.

"Grandfather..." Thinking of killing Xiantai, God shrinks his neck and looks scared.

"Well, you get up. You can't do this again, or I can't keep you. Do you understand?" Don't murmur in anger.

"I see, grandfather." God stood up from the ground, the face of fear and panic disappeared, changed into a bright smile, she knew that her grandfather was the best for her.

"Yi'er, do you really like the prince?" After a while, Mo frowned at her.

"Grandfather, I really like brother Yuchen very much. I grew up listening to brother Yuchen's story since I was a child! I can't hold anyone else in my heart except him God raised his head, and her beautiful face was full of seriousness, especially when she thought of her amazing face, she was stained with a touch of crimson.

That pair of clear purple eyes as clear as glass, sometimes deep magic, sometimes clear and clean, sometimes evil charm frightening people, deeply imprinted in her mind, how can also be lingering!

"Ah..." "I'm afraid the prince doesn't like you..."

Otherwise, his highness would not be so targeted at her and the whole Dantang.

"I know." God's voice is low, low, with a mist in the bottom of her eyes.

"You know you still..." Tianxing doesn't hate that iron is not made of steel. He is angry and angry. "The person he likes is Pan Yin, and he loves the most. Otherwise, he won't even want his life and chase her for three generations! Yi'er, you and he will not have the result, you still don't like him! "

"No!" God's stubborn face up, "what I like is Yu Chen's infatuation! I don't like him if he's a man of all sorts

After a pause, he continued, "hum, pan Yin doesn't deserve the love of brother Yuchen! She hurt Yu Chen brother lost the crown prince, but also into the third reincarnation, such a woman is really damned! Now Yu Chen elder brother finally returns to the Tian clan, can't be harmed by her again. Moreover, I believe that if there is no pan Yin, brother Yuchen will fall in love with me! "

"Are you so confident?" Tianxing don't squint suspiciously.

God raised a smile, "grandfather, do you have no confidence in me? Anyway, I am also the saint of the new generation of Tian nationality. I am not only the strength of the true God realm, but also the Dan Zun realm! Brother Yuchen loves pan Yin so much, because he has not met a better and more beautiful woman than pan Yin! "

Tianxing Mo Wen Yan's eyes glared, and his face burst out with excitement and surprise, "has your Danshu reached the realm of danzun? When did you become Dan Zun? How can I not know? ""Just last month, at that time, you and the elders were still outside collecting medicinal materials. As soon as you came back, you would study Susheng pill. I had no time to tell you the good news." She is only thirty thousand years old now. Dan Shu has reached the realm of Dan Zun, which is incomparable to anyone in the whole Tian family!

On Danshu, her talent is the strongest in the whole Tian family, and she is even better than her grandfather. There is no one before her and no one after her!

She believed that before long, her alchemy would reach the realm of Dan God!

"Good, good!" Tianxing Mo was so excited that he said three good words in succession. Yi'er is Dan Zun now, and will certainly become more powerful in the future. When God knows the news, he will be more happy. He seems to think of something. His face slowly sank. "But there is a voice beside the prince. He won't like you..."

"What if there is no dial?" In the eyes of heaven, there is a touch of cold, with a trace of bloodthirsty cold.

Tianxing Mo's face changed, and there was a touch of evil in the bottom of his eyes. "You mean to kill her..."

"She lives this is a burden, will only drag Yu Chen elder brother." God sneered.

"Well, since you like the prince so much, being a grandfather will help you. The famine of the sky is a very good next mobile phone meeting, I will arrange it now. " Tianxingmo's face is cold and grim.

"Thank you, Grandpa." God was overjoyed. My grandfather and she thought the same!

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