There is a primitive chaos between the heaven and the earth, and the surrounding white one can only see the scene about 100 meters around.

Mu Xiaoyue squints, is this the wilderness of heaven?

It's no different from ordinary mountains!

The only difference is that there is a chaotic atmosphere here. The aura here is very rich, which is even stronger than that of all the places she has been to. Even the aura in the space connecting the sky is not as strong as here!

It was quiet all around, and occasionally there were a few bird calls.

The trees are lush and tall, luxuriant and incomparable, and block out the sun.

"Mistress, this is the wilderness of heaven. Tianxingmo should be here. We'd better not meet them." Fubo said in a soft voice beside mu Qianyue, showing a wary color in his muddy and small eyes.

Mu shallow moon nods, she is natural understand.

Tianxingmo, they all look at their own bad eye, after arriving here, point out how to adjust themselves! Naturally, she would not be stupid to hit people's guns!

"Although the wilderness of heaven is extremely dangerous, it is a good place for cultivation. There is a lot of aura and opportunities here. The mother can use the three months to cultivate here. For your old law. " Fauber looked around and said with a smile.

"Thank you, fauber." Mu Qianyue slightly curved her lips.

She can't be wrong about such a good opportunity.

After that, mu Qianyue and Fubo wandered around. The wilderness of heaven was very large. It could be said that it was an independent space, equivalent to the area of the previous 100 dream cities.

There is also a chaotic gas to block, tianxingmo they want to find themselves is not so easy.

In a flash of time, a month has passed. During this month, mu Qianyue's strength has risen by one star. At this time, it is the strength of the fourth level Tianzun.

"Mistress, it's time for you to go out and find some fierce beasts to practice. Your breath is a little empty." When mu Qianyue opened his eyes, the voice of Fubo sounded on his head.

This month, fuber has been standing by her side.

"Yes." Mu Qianyue nods. Now her breath is really a little flimsy. This is mainly the sequela left by swallowing the spirit of Tianhui. At that time, the promotion strength was too fast, and it was not so stable that she came to Tianzu.

Now it's time to take this opportunity to consolidate.

There are many fierce beasts in the wilderness of heaven, and they are still some fierce beasts left from ancient times. Their combat effectiveness and defense are very strong. Rao is extremely hard to deal with with with the strength of her present fourth level Heavenly Master.

When she was fighting, fauber did not help, but watched from beginning to end, with a happy smile on his lips.

The strength of the mistress has really progressed very fast. I still remember that when I first met my mistress in tianwu continent, she was still a waste material that could not be cultivated. At that time, she was coaxed to the netherworld hall by the master. When she saw those soul eaters, her eyes were wide and her eyes were wide and she looked very lovely

In the blink of an eye, ten years later, the mistress has changed from a small waste material to a fourth-order God

It only took ten years!

Such talent is absolutely evil, abnormal! Like the master, they are all abnormal and evil!

Such a master and his mother really match! Have a tenacious and indomitable heart!

In the next ten days, mu Qianyue has been looking for fierce animals, fighting madly, making her breath more and more solid and stable!

The delicate body contains a terrible explosive force. Standing in the forest quietly and leisurely, it is like a unique sword out of its sheath, which makes the surrounding fierce animals fear and dare not approach.

"Well? What's the taste? It's delicious... " Mu Qianyue's nose moved, not from narrowing his eyes, smelling the fragrance of the wind in the air.

Fresh and elegant, such as blue musk deer, very good smell.

Fauber obviously smelled it and thought, "what seems to be blooming and ripening?"

"Go, go and have a look!" Mu shallow moon immediately no longer stay, body movement, then toward the place where the fragrance of flowers floated.

In the wilderness of heaven, the fragrance of flowers can float so far, which proves that it is absolutely a good thing!

Fubo was also full of excitement and joy, followed up.


In another part of the wilderness of heaven, a group of eight people appeared to be in a bit of a mess, their hair was messy, they were panting and their faces were pale.

"Damn it! It's the punk. If it wasn't for her, we wouldn't have come here to be punished! " God hate stomping feet, beautiful face full of anger, almost gnashing teeth said.

"Good! Pan Yin is really a disaster spirit, no matter where you go, it is a disaster to people! " An elder also said indignantly, a face of discontent.

Tianxingmo's face is not good-looking, slightly cold face.

During this one and a half months, they almost lived a life of fleeing from place to place. They hardly had a moment of peace. Even when they went to bed at night, they all took turns to rest and did not dare to fall asleep at all.Because there are fierce beasts all around here. In this month and a half, they didn't know how many fierce beasts they had killed, and they escaped from death several times.

This time, there were eight elders in their line, and ten of them were tianxingmo and Tianyi. Now, two elders have died in the hands of fierce beasts. One of the remaining six elders has been seriously injured and has no combat power. They need a special person to protect him!

There are only six who can fight now. No, five to be exact, because the will of heaven is only the true God. In the wilderness of this day, the strength of these fierce beasts is very strong. Almost all of them are in the middle and high level of the true God, and they are not able to compete with God's will.

"Grandfather, it's been nearly a month and a half now. I don't know where the disco is hiding! What a nuisance Think of that beautiful face, God will have some resentment.

"The wilderness of heaven is too big, and there is the barrier of chaos. It is very difficult to find the disc sound. There's no way to search here. " Morton stopped walking and frowned.

"Ah, ah, what a bargain for her!" God was so angry that she thought she could solve the problem here. Unexpectedly, she couldn't even touch the other person's figure. "She must be hiding, coward! Don't let me find her, or I will skin her

"Master, why do we have to kill pan yin? In the past month and a half, in order to find her, we have encountered countless dangers and almost died several times. Two of our people have died Is it worth killing a disc An elder some discontented look to the heaven, Mo Zhi asked.

The remaining five elders walk toward the sky one after another. Don't cast doubts and doubts.

Originally, they could find a place to practice in seclusion, which would not only avoid danger, but also improve their strength , the fastest update of the webnovel!