Although it is punishable to come to the famine of heaven, it is more likely to gain a lot of benefits. As long as you don't run around and wait until the three-month deadline arrives, there should be no big problem.

But tianxingmo took them everywhere, just to find the whereabouts of Pan Yin, and then regardless of their life and death, they deeply questioned whether it was right or wrong to follow tianxingmo!

Tianxingmo frowned, knowing that if he didn't give a story, they would certainly not give up, but he couldn't tell the truth.

"Pan Yin was punished for our Dan Hall. Do you think she will let us go when she goes back?" Don't make a sneer at the corners of your mouth.

"Ah Although she is a princess, she does not have any real power in her hands, and the pan clan does not exist. Does she still want to kill us? By her? " An elder disdained to hum, and his tone was full of sneer and scorn.

"Yes, she doesn't have that ability! But you don't forget her behind is Emperor Yu dust. He doesn't even want to die for the sake of Pan Yin. Do you think he will stand on the side of Pan yin or on our side? "

Tianxingmo's words let people fall into meditation, yes, they almost forgot Emperor Yu dust!

Needless to say, Emperor Yu dust must be standing on the side of the moon.

It can be seen from this incident that he doesn't care about Dantang at all!

In his eyes, there was only that woman from the beginning to the end!

If emperor Yuchen became a God and pan Yin asked him to kill them and destroy the Dantang hall, they believed that emperor Yuchen would listen to her without hesitation!

"Hum! What a beauty

"If that's the case, I'll leave her! In any case, she will die! "

After several elders thought for a while, their eyes flashed a strong killing opportunity.

"Well, let's look for it again. If we can't find it again, we'll find a place to practice. The last month can't be wasted." Don't try to persuade Tao.

A few elders who were full of anger and dissatisfaction were appeased by him after a few words, which made him determined to kill mu Qianyue. We have to say that tianxingmo's method is really powerful.

"Why? What's so delicious All of a sudden, God's surprise widened his eyes, and his spirit immediately woke up.

Tianxing Mo and others obviously smell the excitement and surprise on their faces.

"There must be some kind of spirit flower and fruit! The fragrance It's refreshing and refreshing. Lingtai is clear and bright. It must be a unique medicinal material! " An elder was excited.

"Ah! Look, my wound is healing slowly... " The injured elder suddenly exclaimed in surprise. Originally, his face was pale and his breath was weak. The wound on his body was left by the ancient fierce beast. Even after taking pills, it was difficult to heal. Now, after smelling the fragrance of these flowers, the wound began to heal slowly. Originally, he felt pain all over, but now the wound is not so painful

This magical scene made tianxingmo and Tianyi and others were stunned.

"Ah! Grandpa, how do you look so young? It seems that you are five years younger at once The will of heaven suddenly pointed to the face of the heavenly line Mo, a face of shock can not think of the righteousness of the cry.

Tianxing Mo's eyes narrowed suspiciously, "is it?"

With a flash of palm, he took out a mirror from the space of Najie and found that he was much younger than before!

He looked at the other six elders and found that they were also much younger. Their brows were wrinkled tightly and their eyes showed a deep look.

Because the will of heaven is young, so there is no change, and tianxingmo's changes are obvious.

So a look at tianxingmo, a few of them, all of a sudden we can see.

After a while, tianxingmo suddenly opened his eyes and exclaimed, "this is reincarnation flower! My God? It's a reincarnated flower

"What?!! Turn around and grow flowers An elder was so excited and overjoyed that he even stuttered.

Oh, my God! Reincarnation flower!

That is the existence of ancient times, the existence of remote legends, but no one has ever seen!

For more than 100000 years, no one has seen it!

But now there may be reincarnated flowers here. Can you not be excited?

"Let's go!" Tianxing Mo's urgent low roar, quickly rushed forward in the past.


At the same time, mu Qianyue and Fubo arrive at a mountain depression. On the green grass, a beautiful flower is blooming. It looks like a snow lotus, but it is very red. Under the golden sun, it emits a dazzling light.

The enchanting safflower is obviously slowly blooming, and the elegant fragrance like orchid is emitted from it, and permeates the whole depression, especially here.

"Fauber, you..." Mu Qianyue turned her head, and her eyes fell on her white hair, which gradually turned black. She couldn't help but stare at her eyes in surprise.

"What's wrong with me? Why are you looking at me like that? Can I have flowers on my face Fauber asked with a puzzled smile."You'd better see for yourself." Mu Xiaoyue puffed at the corners of her mouth, and her palm shook. A mirror was handed to Fubo. Fubo took over the hand and looked at it. She was shocked at the spot.

All over the head of silver, slowly black.

The face that is full of wrinkles is also slowly stretching, becoming gentle and tender, and the bent waist can't help but straighten up a little

In an instant, the whole person seems to be returning from the twilight old man to about fifty years old.

This change made fauber's eyes widen in horror.

"Fubo, I always wonder why my GUSHENG Meiyan pill has no effect on you?" Mu Xiaoyue looks at him doubtfully.

"Ha ha I didn't expect such an opportunity in my life. " Fu Bo returned the mirror to Mu Qianyue with a smile. When he looked at the gorgeous red flower in front of him, his eyes were filled with amazement and exclamation. Then he said slowly, "my deadline is coming, so your holy beauty pill has no effect on me."

"The deadline is coming?" The moon frowns.

"Not bad!" Forbes nodded. "I'm 90000 years old. In a few years' time, it's my day."

He sighed slightly, and continued to say under Mu's puzzled and stunned eyes, "the world will think that when the strength reaches the level of the divine king, he will always keep his young appearance, but in fact, it is not. They just haven't reached the realm of God, true spirit and true God, so they don't know that there is no eternal life for human beings! Not even God

"After strength becomes a true spirit, a true God or a Heavenly God, there is a time limit. 90000 years is a time limit, that is, their life span is only 90000 years. There is a lot of time for 90000 years. Compared with ordinary human beings, I don't know how many years it is It's a time when they can't live forever, so they think they can live forever if they become the king of God , the fastest update of the webnovel!