"Even God, who controls all living beings, lives only 90000 years. After the age of 90000, there will be a very terrible catastrophe. If you can cross it, you will continue to live for 90000 years. If you don't, it will be gone God has passed through one disaster and is now 180000 years old. He is preparing for the second one

Hearing the words, mu Qianyue's eyes flashed with surprise. It turns out that God has no eternal life!

The life span of 90000 years can be said to be very long, which is a very long time for human beings, but for the Tian people, it is just a blink of an eye, just like passing by in a flash.

"Do you mean God is ready for the second scourge?" Mu Qianyue's eyes fall on the reincarnation flower that is slowly blooming in front of her.

"Yes." Fauber nodded.

"Fuber, take this reincarnation flower." Anyway, there is no one else here. She would rather have fobo get this reincarnation flower.

Fu Bo's eyes flashed with surprise. He looked at mu Qianyue with some surprise. Just now he heard mu Qianyue ask, he thought she would give this reincarnated flower to God! After all, if you give the reincarnation flower to God, she will get great reuse and countless benefits!

But she let herself hold

The next moment, the reincarnation flowers are in full bloom. Mu Qianyue immediately picks the reincarnation flowers, quickly installs them in a jade box, and falls back in front of Fubo and hands his jade box to Fubo.

Looking at the jade box in front of him, a warm current flowed slowly in Fubo's heart. For a long time, no one cared so much about himself

The master has a good eye.

In the face of absolute interests, the mother never greedy, she thinks of her own people!

"Dial tone? Fulin? " Suddenly, tianxingmo's voice of anger and doubt rang out. It was tianxingmo and Tianyi that just arrived. Tianxingmo's eyes fell on the jade box in Mu Qianyue's hand. His eyes changed, and his eyes quickly wandered around in the depression. Finally, he looked at mu Qianyue again. His voice was cold and merciless, "hand in the reincarnation flowers!"

Mu Xiaoyue's palm shook, and directly put the jade box into the space of the sky. She disdained to hook her lips and said, "what kind of reincarnation flower? I don't know what you're talking about

"Don't pretend to be garlic!" Tianxing Mo angrily glared, "hand in the things just now!"

As his words fell, the will of heaven and the other six elders of the party surrounded mu Qianyue and Fubo, all of whom showed a fierce look and a face of evil intention.

"Pan Yin, I advise you to stop pretending. The smell and effect of the flower fragrance just now are rare reincarnation flowers that are rare in more than 100000 years. If you hand it in, we can still let you live. If you don't, there will be only one, that is, death!" God does not have any camouflage, the expression is cold and ferocious threat way, in the wilderness of this day, she has no need to disguise at all, directly tear her face, revealing the most ferocious and cruel side.

"I have been ordered by God to pick this reincarnation flower. Do you dare to rob God's things?" Mu shallow month Mou son tiny pick, the eye coldly looks at opposite several people.

Sure enough, tianxingmo and his party's faces changed, some ugly, but the next moment tianxingmo sneered, "you say it's the order of God, will I believe it? You should be clear about how to choose

Well, if God had known that there were reincarnated flowers in the wilderness of heaven, he would have sent them to guard them, instead of having no news and omen before, so it can be seen that God does not know that there are reincarnated flowers in the wilderness of heaven.

In the wilderness of heaven, for the sake of chaos, God cannot detect it, so God never knows.

"Tianxing Mo, how dare you! How dare you even rob God's things? You are so good! Even God doesn't pay attention to it Forbes cried out coldly.

But Tianxing Mo was not afraid at all. He raised his lips and scorned to sneer, "do you think I will be afraid if I move out of God? Here is the wilderness of heaven, and the chaotic atmosphere here is that the time mirror can't even arrive. Besides, I got the reincarnation flower for the sake of God! God asked us to refine the elixir just to live longer? It's a pity that Xusheng pill failed because of the destruction of Pan Yin. Now that we have found the reincarnation flower, God will be more happy! And I am the God of Dan. Only when the reincarnation flower reaches the hands of my Dan Hall can it play a greater role! "

Mu Qianyue knows that they are going to rob and kill people. It is useless for them to waste their words.

"Heaven, you are so shameless! Are you not afraid that God will kill you when he knows about it? And the prince will not let you go! " Fauber's face began to sink.

"Ha ha It's a wilderness here! There will be any accidents. It's not strange that you were eaten by ancient fierce animals. " Heaven does not disdain a sneer, look gloomy and ferocious.

Fubo's body trembled with anger. Why didn't you find Tianxing Mo so shameless before?

Or is his magnanimity and kindness disguised before, because there is no interest involved?

"Uncle, don't talk to them. Even if there is no reincarnation, they will not let me go." Mu Qianyue saw this from the beginning.Fubo was calm in his eyes. Although he had already guessed this, he was still puzzled in his heart. According to the reason, the refining of the continued life pill failed, but he had nothing to do with the master mother. Why did the Dantang rely on the master mother to find a ghost to replace the dead? However, this matter has passed, and God has only punished us for three months in the wilderness of heaven.

Then why does Tianxing have to risk this big risk to kill the mistress? What's good for him? The key is that fauber didn't want to understand!

"Ha ha You can see through it Don't sneer.

Standing beside tianxingmo, Tianyi looks proud and arrogant. She holds up her long white neck and gently lifts her chin. "I have to admire your talent and intelligence, but you still can't compare with me!"

She took two steps forward with the back of her hand behind her, like a proud princess. "It's said that your achievement was Dan God more than 60000 years ago. Unfortunately, at that time, you were 40000 years old, and you only became Dan God at 40000 years old. This talent is not low! Now I'm only over 30000 years old, and I'm already Dan Zun. I believe that in a few hundred years or a thousand years, I can become the God of Dan! My achievement will far surpass you! And I am the holy daughter of Tian family, I am more worthy of Yu Chen brother than you! Your existence, is redundant, will only drag Yu dust elder brother just

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