God's words fell, which immediately made Fubo understand the key.

It's no wonder that he said why tianxingmo attacked his mistress for the sake of Providence? Is it for her to replace the mother?

Ha ha This Providence really can stick gold on her face. She said that if she was worthy of the master, she would be worthy of it?

It doesn't depend on whether the master likes it or not!

For God's thick skin, Mu shallow moon is also speechless, but like this self righteous love her husband's woman, she saw more, also calm.

Just a light glance at her, even did not pay much attention to her, in the eyes of Mu Qianyue, the will of heaven is just a clown.

Mu Qianyue's contempt completely angered the will of heaven. Her face was ferocious and cruel. "Grandfather, kill her, we will get reincarnation flowers and offer them to God. Then God will reward us heavily! Even if you give me to brother Yuchen, it's not impossible to be a crown princess! "

Now it is the time for God to need reincarnation flowers. When they offer reincarnation flowers and ask God for marriage, God will surely agree. At that time, pan Yin died in the wilderness, and no one knows

Oh, how perfect the plan is!

God's heart is full of joy and excitement, she suddenly some worship themselves, found that they are really too smart!

This plan can be said to be infallible. In the wilderness of this day, mu Qianyue is just a third-class God. Even if he has fortune around him, is he his opponent?

Therefore, this time mu Qianyue will surely die!

"Mistress, you go first, I'll stop them!" Fubo knew that they were murderous. He lifted his step and blocked mu Qianyue's body without trace. He said in a low voice.

It is impossible for mu Qianyue to leave Fubo alone, which is not something she can do. Besides, Fubo has always regarded her and Jing as younger generation and take care of her, both in the past life and in this life.

This love is how she can not repay, so at this time, she is more unlikely to leave fauber alone to escape.

"Live together, die together!" The cold voice fell, with cold and frigid, as well as the determination of death.

Fubo is silent. He knows the character of Mu Qianyue. He will do it when he says it. She will not run away. He knows something about her temperament. This is her, isn't it?

"Good!" Fubo nodded, and the light in his eyes became colder and colder. "My old bone has been silent for tens of thousands of years. It's time to exercise my muscles and bones!"

A powerful momentum emanated from Fubo's body, overwhelming the whole audience, shocking.

Mu Qianyue stood beside him, feeling the strongest. This absolute heaven is the strength of high-level Tianzun! I don't know what level it is!

I didn't expect that Fubo was the strength of Tianzun! What a surprise!

"Fulin, your strength hasn't changed at all. After tens of thousands of years, you are still the eighth level of Tianzun. I'm the Ninth level of Tianzun's strength. You won't be my opponent!" Tianxingmo's face showed a cold smile, and a more powerful momentum than Fubo radiated from tianxingmo's body.

Looking at Fubo some rickets, but straight figure, Mu Xiaoyue's heart filled with a burst of pain, she knew that Fubo's strength had not improved for tens of thousands of years, because she and Jing! Over the years, he has been looking for both of them, as well as Jing's mother, Yan Xin.

So he had no time to practice.

Otherwise, with the talent of fauber, he would have been the strength of God!

No matter how bad it is, there will be the peak of the nine levels of heaven!

However, Fubo thought that mu Qianyue's sadness and loss was due to being trapped in death. Facing death, he also laughed and comforted her and said, "although his strength is better than me, it is no problem for me to protect you from leaving safely."

"No!" Mu Xiaoyue shook her head, her eyes are clear and firm, "I said I won't go, let's fight together!"

With a flash of palm, the sword of miesheng was already in her hand, and a fierce and arrogant momentum came out from her. She was the fourth rank of heaven!

The purple dress is windless and automatic, and her long hair is flying, which makes her white and beautiful face more chilly, like a plum in winter, not afraid of wind, frost, snow and rain.

"Well? The fourth heaven Tianxing Mo suddenly narrowed his eyes, the bottom of his eyes was cold and cold, "I didn't expect that you came to the wilderness of heaven in a short period of one month, and actually upgraded to a higher level!"

His words like a burst of thunder fell on the ears of the people, especially God's incredible round eyes, full of unbelievable face, "no! impossible! How could she have been promoted to a higher level in just a month? "

When they came to the wilderness of heaven, they just made great progress in their strength, but they were far from reaching the level of breakthrough! How could mu Qianyue be promoted one level in a month? This is absolutely impossible!

But there is nothing wrong with my grandfather's words!

My grandfather is a nine step Heavenly Master. Naturally, you can see the strength of Mu Qianyue at a glance!God's will to bite the mouth, look at mu Qianyue's eyes full of jealousy and anger, just now she said that her talent is higher than mu Qianyue, but now she is beaten by red fruit!

After more than 30000 years of practice, she was only a real God, and mu Qianyue was only 25 years old, and she was already the fourth rank of heaven!

This talent

It's not a little bit short!

But a thought of their own Dan is Dan Zun realm, and Mu shallow moon is just Dan Huang, then relieved, in Dan Shu, she is not compared to their own!

At last she found a little comfort.

"I'll give you some pan Yin. I'll deal with Fulin." Tianxing Mo yinci's eyes swept to the six elders. Five of them showed their own momentum. They were all about the middle level God. As for another elder, because he was seriously injured, he temporarily lost his fighting power, so he stayed away from the theater like the will of heaven.

There are five of them. It's enough to kill a fourth level Heavenly Master mu Qianyue. You should know that two of those five people are level three, one fourth, one fifth and one seventh.

It's enough to deal with a fourth level Heavenly Master!

Even if the two third-order tianzuns can't kill mu Qianyue, they can absolutely hold her back. With a fourth level Tianzun or something, it's a matter of minutes to kill her temporarily. Even the two fifth and seventh level don't need to move.

You should know that even if Mu Qianyue has reached the strength of the fourth level Tianzun, his breath is unstable, and he can't be the opponent of the fourth level Tianzun elder.

He has been a fourth level God for thousands of years, and his breath is as solid as a rock. Is it comparable to Mu Qianyue?

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