"Even if he is not, his behavior is suspicious and needs investigation. As for the three women beside him, they must be arrested! " Feng Yun heart is not stupid, no matter how Lingfeng is also the spirit of the people, if really caught up, how many will have some trouble.

But these three women are not the same. They are neither the spiritual people nor the xuanzu or Xingyue people. So if you arrest them and torture them, what can they do for her? Even if the three of them were killed, no one would dare to investigate her responsibility!

After tomorrow, she will not only have the xuanzu as the backing, but also have the title of the little lady of the spirit clan. She will be the most noble woman in the whole zhutianjie!

"You will not listen to the orders of the young lady in the future. Do you want to rebel?" Ling Mu Xiao followed the cry, a pair of nostrils to the sky, the appearance of villains.

The patrol team were all disdainful, and they all hated the flattery of lingmu Xiao. However, his words still made them a little afraid, and all of a sudden they showed hesitation and some hesitation. Whether to catch them or not?

"It seems that my identity as a future young lady doesn't matter!" Feng Yun heart saw that they were all standing still. There was a layer of anger on their delicate and beautiful faces. Her eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a dangerous cold light in them.

"Miss Feng, don't be angry. I'll let my uncle change them when I go back later. It's just a group of disobedient servants. It's useless to ask for it. I'll ask my uncle to give you some obedient ones Lingmu Xiao bowed and bowed in front of Feng Yun heart, smiling like a chrysanthemum.

"Lingmu Xiao, you are too much! We are responsible for the security of the city, not slaves! " Lingyu's modest and resolute face was full of anger and humiliation.

Anyway, they are also the disciples of the spirit clan, and their strength is in the kingdom of gods. Although they are not at the top of the mountain, they are also rare experts in the mainland. How could lingmu Xiao insult them and say that they are slaves? Can he do what he wants just because his uncle is the chief manager of the lingfu?

"Ah Does that make a difference? In my eyes, it's just a bunch of slaves. " Lingmu Xiao chi to the nose.

"You Ling Yu was so angry that he looked very pale and ugly. He bit his lower lip. "Ling Mu Xiao, your uncle is the chief manager of the great house, but he can't hide everything. The house of God is not your home, but the patriarch and the elder of the Supreme Court has the final say. What is your uncle? How dare you call us slaves? Even if we are slaves, we are also the servants of lingfu, not your lingmuxiao's slaves! We will only be loyal to lingfu! "

"Good! You've been deceiving people too much

"Lingmu Xiao, if the owner knows your words and deeds, he will drive you out of the spirit clan! Even your uncle will be implicated. It's better not to be too arrogant With those guards behind the body of lingmu Xiao, the same expression of dissatisfaction and anger said.

"Then you have to see the owner." Lingmu Xiao's mouth was disdainful, and his eyes were deeply disdained and disdained. The householder was busy in business and had high position and power. Could he see what he wanted to see? Moreover, these words will never be heard by the Lord.

When Lingfeng saw that lingmuxiao was so arrogant and rampant, he was really angry. He was slightly calm and curious about who the chief manager of lingfu was. His power was almost equal to that of the young master of the spirit clan! It seems that the lingzu should be well renovated.

Mu Xiaoyue did not speak from the beginning to the end. He stood by to watch the excitement. The more rampant and proud lingmu Xiao was, the more ugly he would die.

Xiao xuan'er and sheng'er are also in a good posture to watch the opera.

But the silence and silence of the three of them made lingmuxiao and fengyunxin think that they were timid and afraid, which made fengyunxin and lingmuxiao even more arrogant and proud.

"Those who do not comply with the order will be expelled from the law enforcement team and the spirit house from tomorrow." Feng Yun heart cold voice.

"Miss Feng, although you are the future young lady of the spirit clan, you are not yet! Besides, you haven't married to the spirit clan, so it's not appropriate to decide whether we should stay or not? It seems that the householder and the young master have not given you these rights yet! " Lingyu modestly raised his chin, and his resolute face showed a proud and unyielding color.

"It seems that you are determined to fight against me?" Feng Yun heart squints.

"I'm sorry, our duty is to guard the spirit city. We only obey the orders of the master, the law enforcement elder and the little Lord. For you, Miss Feng, we don't have to follow your orders and instructions." Lingyuqian sneered.

"Good, good! I will remember you, I hope you don't regret it Feng Yun heart hate hate teeth, face a piece of iron green.

"Lingmu Xiao, what should I do now?" Feng Yun heart turned to look at lingmu Xiao, and her voice was very dissatisfied. Just now he promised to catch them all, but no one obeyed his orders. She was so angry.

"Miss Feng, don't be angry. I'll go to find other law enforcement officers and give you a satisfactory reply." Lingmuxiao said with a smile.

Feng Yun heart impatiently ordered the head way.

"You wait for me!" Lingmuxiao glared at Lingfeng, lingyuqian and others, and left in a hurry."Little brother, I'm sorry. It's a dereliction of duty in my lingfu. Please forgive me." Lingyuqian apologized to Lingfeng.

"Yes." The spirit breeze light points a way, the vision is actually in the dark to look at Ling Yu Qian, is oneself really before appear too few, so here does not have a person to recognize oneself? Well, it seems that in the future, I really need to throw my head out a little more, or I will be mistaken for a spy when I come to my home?

However, this is also good, at least let him see such a despicable little man as lingmuxiao, can catch such pests!

"Little brother, are you also a member of my spirit house? Have not seen you before Lingyuqian asked, his eyes fell on the four Lingfeng and muqianyue, scanning back and forth.

"There are millions of lingzu people. Are you sure you've met everyone?" Lingfeng turned his eyes in silence.

Lingyuqian's face was a little embarrassed. It was true. Then his eyes fell on mu Qianyue, Xiao xuan'er and sheng'er, "three girls, since you don't have the jade card of my lingfu, please go with me to make a record. You can rest assured that it is just a record. If there is no problem, it will not be difficult for you to make a record After that, you will be free to go in and out of the spirit city. "

"Good." Mu Xiaoyue nodded, because lingyuqian's words did not have any problems, he was just carrying out his own responsibility.

Just like visitors entering the community or company, they need to register, so mu didn't refuse.

Lingyu Qian saw Mu Xiaoyue so cooperative, and his face showed a warm and friendly smile, "thank you very much, three girls, please follow me."

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