"Wait!" Feng Yun heart immediately cried out, her eyes showed dissatisfaction and anger, "their identity is very suspicious, is it a record so simple can be uncovered?"

Joke! Lingmu Xiao has gone to find people. How can they let them go so easily? Now that they are released, I don't know when I will have a chance to catch them next time, so Feng Yunxin naturally won't waste a good opportunity so easily!

"Miss Feng, please don't interfere with our official duties." Lingyuqian was not happy. Anyway, he was also a vice captain and had the right to decide such a thing.

"Lingyuqian, are you determined to do the right thing with me?" Feng Yun heart eyes light squint, eyes flashing dangerous light.

, "Miss Feng, I'm sorry, it's my duty, and whether they are spies, not has the final say, after I check the situation later, I will report this to the elders, and these things will not bother you." Lingyu said in a cold voice. He was not a fool. He had already seen that fengyunxin was trying to find fault. It must be that they offended fengyunxin when they were outside. When they met in the spirit City, fengyunxin wanted to take the opportunity to revenge.

Therefore, after seeing this point, lingyuqian chose to stand on the side of justice and gauge, rather than favor Fengyun heart.

Lingyuqian's practice made Lingfeng's eyes feel a little more gratified. At last, he didn't let him down. Not all the people were like lingmuxiao and bullied others. It's a pity that lingmuxiao's mouse excrement broke a pot of soup.

"Don't you bother me? Oh I am the future young lady of the spirit clan. If there are spies here, it will certainly threaten the safety of the whole spirit clan. Can you afford it? When the time comes, my husband and brother Jun will have to worry about these things Feng Yun heart Mou son light lift, black pupil in surging disdainful light, as if high on the queen.

Ling Yu Qian's face was slightly heavy, "at least now you are not, Miss Feng or don't forget your identity."

"You Feng Yun heart's face suddenly became cold and ugly. The damned bastard didn't give her face! She talked about this, but the other party didn't buy it at all. She was so angry!

"Ha ha Some people are really shameless. Before they get married, they want to control the whole spiritual family. If such a person becomes the master mother of the spiritual family, wouldn't it make the whole spiritual family upside down? " Xiao xuan'er's eyes are full of sarcasm.

"Ah, I really don't know what kind of vision the young master of the spirit clan has. This kind of woman who has no character, no virtue, and has a beautiful appearance can all look up to him. Is his eyes not easy to use?" Sheng'er said with a smile.

"Beauty? Look at her, too. She is not as beautiful as her master. " Xiao xuan'er disdains to chuckle, and her contemptuous eyes stab Feng Yun's heart in an instant. Her envious eyes fall on mu Qianyue, Xiao xuan'er and sheng'er, and her facial expression is somewhat ferocious.

"You..." Feng Yun's face turned blue and her delicate body trembled. Her eyes fell on mu Qianyue's beautiful face. She wanted to tear it up. She almost gnashed her teeth and said, "I'll let you know what's the end of fighting against me!"

At this time, the voice of lingmu Xiao came from the distance, "little Lord, this is the way. Miss Feng has caught several suspected spies, one of whom has the jade card of our lingfu. It is very suspicious. Miss Feng wanted to check them out, but they didn't listen to the arrangement, and even insulted us... "

As he walked along, he did not forget to add fuel to his nonsense.

"Ling Jun eyebrow shallow frown," unexpectedly have such a thing? Why don't you arrest them first? "

"Well, one of them has a blue jade card, which is the jade card that the supreme elder is entitled to wear. But the man is extremely young and suspicious. The other three women don't even have jade cards on them, and they haven't even applied for ordinary passes." "Lingmuxiao said," they still refuse to cooperate, but also speak insulting, rampant and arrogant, do not put our spiritual family in the eye, really hateful! Little master, you must make decisions for Miss Feng! "

Ling Jun did not speak, but still locked his eyebrows and walked forward quickly.

Lingmuxiao followed him closely, and his face showed a proud look. The little Lord came, and Miss Feng was there. Didn't he believe Miss Feng's words?

"Brother Jun..." Feng Yun heart looked up and saw the figures walking in the crowd. Her delicate and pretty face could not help but reveal the shame and joy of her daughter's family. She quickly walked towards Lingjun and put her hand on Lingjun's arm. "Brother Jun, how did you come?"

"I heard that something happened here. I came here to see what happened?" Lingjun took out his hand without trace, frowned slightly, and his eyes swept to the front, and a deep surprise appeared unconsciously in the fundus of his eyes.

Sheng'er, wearing a light green dress, stood there quietly, just like a touch of green in the noisy world. The green silk like a waterfall danced gently with the breeze, brushing her white face as delicate as snow. Her eyes were even brighter than the stars in the sky, misty, as if she could speak. As long as you took a look at it, you would not be willing to move one more minute.

Especially the smile on the corner of her lips, a thousand kinds of amorous feelings around her eyebrows, her fragrant cheeks, her slender waist, like a cloud in the sky, and her pure voice like a dream.Caught off guard, there seems to be something split in the bottom of my heart, and then something quietly broke in

Ling Jun suddenly felt his heart beat faster.

"Brother Jun, these three women act suspiciously. They may be spies sent by the demon clan." Feng Yun heart didn't notice the difference between Ling Jun and Feng Yun Xin. Instead, he was facing mu Qianyue, Xiao xuan'er and sheng'er.

"Little Lord, although they don't have the pass of the spiritual City, they have blue jade cards on them, which can take people in. Their subordinates are going to take them to register for investigation." Lingyuqian explained in a hurry, then pointed to the Lingfeng beside him and the jade plate he wore around his waist.

Lingfeng hands around the chest, the corners of his mouth provoked a trace of fun, his eyes are wild and cunning, well, he has been standing here for so long, the elder brother didn't even see himself! Ah, it's really sad. Does he have no sense of being? Well, how do you think elder brother has been staring at sister sheng'er?

"Lingyuqian, you are the Deputy patrol captain, but you protect these spies. You are not worthy to be the vice captain!" Lingmu Xiao denounced with righteousness and solemnity. His face was high, as if he was just, "now the little Lord is coming, how can you protect them and say, are they secretly giving you any benefits?"

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