Feeling those extra fonts in my mind, one by one exudes a mysterious and profound breath. The star left's face was very happy, and he quickly knelt down again, "thank you for your kindness!"

Seeing mu Qianyue, Xing Tianxiang was so generous without saying a word. He passed the secret method of cultivating the power of stars to xingzuo. He couldn't help but widen his eyes and gradually covered with a trace of essence.

"Master, are you calling us here to distribute pills?" Star left to stand up, look to the top of the temple Mu shallow moon, extremely respectful asked.

Mu Qianyue's generosity also makes Xingyou and xingtulin stunned. Few people in this world are willing to pass on their own secret methods to others, let alone this unique secret method of cultivating the power of stars?

From star Tianxiang and mu Qianyue, we can see how powerful the power of the stars is. If it is easily passed on to others, if others betray you, they will use your means to deal with you and become your deadly enemy. It will be much more painful and heartbreaking!

However, xingzuo has made an oath to the sky, and will not betray mu Qianyue regardless of his own life. Therefore, mu Qianyue will confidently teach this secret method to xingzuo. With such a thought, the envy in everyone's heart also dissipated.

It is impossible for them to hand over their own lives to Mu Qianyue like the star left.

Even Xing you can't do this. He can do everything for his friends. However, once this oath is made, it will be an unequal relationship between master and servant!

No one in the world is willing to be the servant of others, not to mention strong men like them standing on the top of the land?

"I plan to go to the Xuan people and borrow the stars and moonstones from the Xuans." Mu shallow moon light as water eyes, light from the face of star Tianxiang swept, seems to be saying a very common thing.

Her voice fell down, and everyone in the hall changed their faces, with different expressions on their faces.

"Master, do you want to borrow the Xuan stone?" Star left's face showed a surprised color, thought, as if to think of something, can't help but stare big eyes, "master, you want to open the legend of reincarnation road?"

In this way, after the master borrows the stone, he will go to the spirit family and borrow the spirit stone from the spirit family.

"What? Moon girl, do you want to open the road of reincarnation? " Xingyou exclaimed in disbelief. After such a big circle, the moon girl wanted to come to Xingyue clan in order to borrow Xingyue stone, and then went to xuanzu and lingzu to borrow Xuanshi and Lingshi respectively.

It's not so easy to open the road of reincarnation!

Otherwise, the three ancient wizard clans have existed in the world for more than 100000 years, and there are not a few talents who have passed away in the past 100000 years. If the road of reincarnation is so easy to open, then the talents of the three great wizard families will not know that they have been reborn hundreds of times!

Star Tianxiang is also very depressed. If she had known her destination was to borrow the star moon stone, why not borrow her once? Still can let such a perverse genius bear a favor of their star family, this is how many things can't be exchanged!

But now

Star Tianxiang shook his head and did not want to think about the things in his mind, the bottom of his eyes contains a deep and quiet essence.

"Moon girl, the road of reincarnation is not so easy to open. It is said that to open the road of reincarnation, not only the patriarchs of the three sorcerers are needed, but also the blood of living people is needed to wake up the sleeping array, and those who sacrifice with blood will surely die." The face of star you is full of doubt heavy color, persuades a way painstakingly.

"What's more, it is said that once the road of reincarnation is opened, the whole zhutianjie will be broken and a new continent will be opened up, and there will be countless casualties and a river of blood. It is because the price paid is too high, so the three wizard clans have not opened the road of reincarnation

His brows were wrinkled tightly, and his eyes showed a worried color. The girl was very paranoid. He was really afraid that she would not be able to pass through and had to open up the road of reincarnation.

Before he thought that the moon girl was only interested in the star moon stone and wanted to use it. He never thought it was the idea of reincarnation.

Smell speech, Mu shallow moon's eyebrow frowns, eyes diffuse with the color of horror, this is the first time she heard the consequences of the road of reincarnation so terrible!

I thought that opening the road of reincarnation would lose the interests of the three wizard clans and hurt the strong ones of the three sorcerers seriously. However, I never thought that it would lead to the turbulence of the whole Zhutian world and put millions of creatures in crisis!

But if you don't open the way of reincarnation, the elder sister pan Yin will die out forever in the world. In the last life, she has already sorry for her sister. In this life, she just wants to keep her!

"Is it so terrible?" Sheng'er's eyebrows were also wrinkled tightly. On her beautiful face, she was shocked and suspicious. After thinking about it, she asked, "what will happen to the collapse of zhutianjie? Will it affect the Archean world, the unreal land and the tianwu continent? Will there be no living people in the world

"I don't know about that." Xing you shakes his head, he knows only these, because he is only an inner door elder, so for deeper things, he does not know very well.

"Master, I know something." Xingzuo just got the trust of Mu Qianyue and the cultivation of the power of the stars. At this time, he wanted to perform well. He said, "in fact, the road of reincarnation is equivalent to a gate of the boundary. Once the road of reincarnation is opened, it is equivalent to opening the door of the world to the ancient Honghuang devil kingdom! It is said that those ancient demons in the ancient Honghuang era did not die, but were left in the realm of shanghonghuang by the way of heaven. Therefore, once the path of reincarnation is opened, zhutianjie will no longer exist, and the gods of ancient times will immediately invade this place, stirring up a storm of wind and rain in zhutianjie, and even the Archaean, Huanzhou and tianwu continents! There will be chaosNot only mu Qianyue, but also the elders of the inner gate were all shocked. I didn't expect that behind the road of reincarnation, there was a vast land of demons!

And those ancient demons are not dead?

Was trapped by the way of heaven in the realm of flood and famine!!

The astonishing news made everyone calm.

Once the road of reincarnation is gone, the consequences are unimaginable!

Those ancient demons have not rushed out to eat everyone?

Ancient demons of the Honghuang era, that is the real big man, a group of people who drink blood and drink, the real master! What three sorcerers are they!

"Moon girl, although I don't know why you want to open the road of reincarnation, this is absolutely impossible!" Star you hastily open mouth to stop, once the reincarnation road is not in, this but wants the world chaos! I'm afraid everyone will die at that time!

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