"Is there really no way?" Mu's eyebrows were wrinkled and her beautiful face was full of thinking and dignified.

In order to revive her sister, she has made so many efforts. Now it is a big blow to give up.

But if in order to resurrect her sister and ignore the whole world, she can't do it.

No matter what the master will do, no matter what the master will do.

What's the matter with her?

Her task is to protect the master.

"Master, it's not as dangerous as xingzuo said." The one who opened his mouth was Xing Tianxiang, whose tiny eyes were deep and shining with wisps of essence.

"What do you say?" Mu shallow month opens an inquiry to ask a way.

Xing Tianxiang put a smile on his mouth, and his face was calm and relaxed, even with a trace of disapproval: "although the road of reincarnation is the boundary between the heaven and the devil's land, it will be safe as long as the boundary is not destroyed. What xingzuo said just now is what happened when the border of reincarnation was destroyed. The border of reincarnation is not so fragile, otherwise the ancient gods and demons in the flood land would have rushed out

Smell speech, Mu shallow moon Mou son light squint, the face appears to think, have to say star Tianxiang said also very reasonable.

Before, she thought that once she opened the path of reincarnation, it was equivalent to opening the realm of Honghuang demon. Now it doesn't look like that. Besides, the boundary of reincarnation road is not made of bean curd dregs. Otherwise, as Xing Tianxiang said, those ancient gods and demons in Honghuang devil kingdom would have rushed out long ago. How could the whole world be safe for more than 100000 years?

"Star left, is that so?" Mu Qianyue looks at the star left and asks.

Xing left nodded, "Xing Tianxiang is right, but I'm not sure that there will be no trouble when starting the road of reincarnation. I'm afraid that those ancient demons in the Honghuang devil kingdom will feel the movement and then take the opportunity to attack the border."

He frowned and thought, "if you are careful, you can do it. If you find something abnormal, you will stop immediately and close the border. There should be no problem

"Well, I see." Mu Qianyue nods.

"Master, are you sure you want to open the path of reincarnation?" Star left see Mu light moon look firm, no hesitation color, then asked.

"Try it, just as you say. If you find something abnormal, stop closing the border immediately." Such a method is a bit conservative, at least there is a glimmer of hope.

"Master, when are you going to go to xuanzu or lingzu?" Star left asked.

"I plan to go to the xuanzu first, and then I will go later." Mu Qianyue looks light. If you want to go to xuanzu, you should first understand the situation of xuanzu, so as to grasp it better.

"Master, I heard that you had some conflicts with the Xuan people before. If you go to the xuanzu to borrow the Xuanshi, the Xuans will not borrow them. I'm afraid they will take the opportunity to deal with the master." Star left thought about it and said.

These days, they also secretly learned about Mu Qianyue's affairs. After all, there was so much trouble in the Ling clan that Lingjun withdrew in public. Feng Yun's face was greatly damaged. The Xuan clan leader was furious and wanted to deal with mu Qianyue, but Ling Jun stopped him for several times. Such a big event has long been known to all.

But it's just that. They can't find out anything about Mu Qianyue before. They only know that she seems to come from Archean world.

Mu Qianyue's face changed slightly. Her eyebrows wrinkled again, and a trace of coldness appeared on her face. It is certain that the xuanzu would never lend the Xuanshi to themselves. Would they want to kill directly and rob the Xuanshi like the Xingyue clan?

The strength of xuanzu seems to be slightly stronger than that of Xingyue.

"Master, it's just xuanzu. If they don't borrow it, we'll kill them directly. Anyway, the hatred between us and xuanzu can't be resolved!" Sheng'er road.

"It's just a bad idea." Mu Xiaoyue shakes her head. She won't do it unless she has to.

"Master, if you can trust me, I can negotiate with xuanzu, exchange things with them, borrow Xuanshi, and then return them." Star left.

"Well, so good." Mu Qianyue nods. Now xuanzu still doesn't know about the changes in Xingyue clan. All these news are blocked by Xingyou. So if you go to xuanzu from xingzuo, maybe you can borrow Xuanshi.

Then mu Qianyue let everyone disperse.

The next morning, xingzuo and xingtianxiang set out to xuanzu with some elite disciples of Xingyue clan.

"Master, do you think they can borrow basaltic stone?" In the courtyard, sheng'er looks suspiciously at Mu shallow moon.

Mu shallow moon shakes his head, "do not know, let them have a try first, if not, we think of other ways."

"Master, I don't think that star Tianxiang is really submissive to you at all. He is forced to dream about it. This time you ask him to go with xingzuo, he will certainly have bad intentions." Sheng'er's delicate face contains a trace of displeasure. According to her meaning, she killed the star Tianxiang directly, saving trouble.It can be seen from the hall yesterday that Xing Tianxiang doesn't care about religion at all. Although Xing you is in charge of the affairs of Xingyue clan, most people of Xingyue clan still listen to the order of Xing Tianxiang. It can be seen from the return of pills by those people.

"What are you doing when you're angry? When they return the pills, it is their loss. When they know the effect of those pills, they will regret it. " Mu shallow month corners of the mouth light bend, hook up a light smile, did not put this matter in the eye.

In fact, as mu Qianyue said, those who took the pills such as breaking magic pill and Tianzun pill last night have achieved remarkable results.

As for xingzuo, she also took pills last night. From the seventh level to the eighth level, xingtianxiang's eyes were red and he regretted returning the pills. As for the expression on xingtianxiang's face, he did not show much.

Those inner elders who had returned the pills were all green with regret. Their hearts were dripping with blood. They also knew that yesterday was actually mu Qianyue's trial and was trying to win people's hearts. Yesterday, their performance clearly told mu Qianyue that they chose to stand on the side of xingtianxiang. Now, how could mu Qianyue give them pills? What's more, they can't pull down that face. They're afraid that if they pull that face to beg her, she won't give them any more pills!

At the same time, it also made them recognize a little bit better than Yang Dan division and Yu Dan division!

With such a genius with unparalleled alchemy, they will all have the chance to become the strong ones in the kingdom of God!

But yesterday, Mu gave them a chance, and they didn't grasp it.

When I think about it, I feel regret.

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