"My strength, my Dantian Ah, ah, ah... " The eyes of the great elder of xuanzu are full of panic, panic and fear. It seems that they can't accept the fact that they suddenly become waste, and they suddenly become crazy.

This scene makes Feng Tianhua and others dumbfounded. In addition to being shocked, they are more flustered. Laozu is really here!


Feng Laozu's voice continues, cold without a trace of temperature.

Xing you and other people sigh deeply. Who could have thought that the great elder of the Xuan clan would become a waste one day? This is the real God of the strong!

But it was also abolished by Feng Laozu!

The king is a terrible place!

Invincible in the world!

"We are willing to obey the arrangement of our ancestors!" The two elders of xuanzu and others were hesitant. When they saw the end of the elder, they could not help but look pale. They all walked towards the elder Feng and stood behind him.

With their surrender and submission, more and more people went to Feng Laozu.

Feng Tianhua was so angry that her face was livid, but she couldn't help it. She cried out in an angry voice, "stop for me! I order you all to stop! You are not allowed to go there

However, his words did not play a role, but let us quickly choose the side of Feng Laozu.

"Tianhua, I urge you to surrender quickly and follow the arrangement of the ancestors. Although mu Qianyue is hateful, she still leaves the affairs of xuanzu in the charge of her ancestors, so the Xuan people are still ours." Xuanzu two elders advised.

"Yes, in fact, we have seen these days that mu Qianyue has never asked about xuanzu's big and small affairs. She never wastes resources. She just takes what she needs, which is similar to fengyunxin's The three elders also advised.

Feng Tianhua was so angry that she trembled all over her body and turned blue. She was so angry that she couldn't say a word.

Feng Yun had a black face in her heart, and her eyes were filled with anger: "this is mu Qianyue's strategy! You stupid pigs, are you easy to be fooled? I'm afraid that you will become obedient to her just like your ancestors

"Seven." Feng Laozu's voice continued to ring like a talisman.

The faces of the two elders of the Xuan people have become extremely complicated. In fact, they have not thought about this, but they dare not think about it. Moreover, compared with being disabled people, they prefer to surrender first. We can only talk about it later.

"Eight." The sound of ice cold sounds in the sky and the earth, with a trace of cold air.

"You You... " Feng Yun's heart qi and blood churn, but was angry to spit out a big mouthful of blood.

"Fengyun heart, I suggest you should be obedient." The two elders said in a bad tone, with a trace of contempt and displeasure in his eyes. If she hadn't provoked mu Qianyue first, how could the xuanzu have been so difficult?

First, when she went out to experience, she provoked mu Qianyue, a pervert. Later, she had a dispute with mu Qianyue in the Xingyue clan. She even sent people to kill her. Now she has arrested Mu's good friend, trying to steal other people's blood essence so as to improve her blood. All these are caused by her Fengyun heart!

Originally, mu Qianyue just came to the xuanzu to borrow Xuanshi. If they agreed to lend the Xuanshi, and mu Qianyue cured their ancestors, the xuanzu vowed that they would become the first clan in the whole heaven killing world and become the existence of the peak. However, they took advantage of Mu Qianyue to cure their ancestors, which angered mu Qianyue and had the present end!

Although the second elder thinks clearly now, it is too late. Everything can't be changed. What he has done will always bear the consequences!

If there is a cause, there must be a result.

"Feng Yun Xin, if you were not too arrogant and arrogant, how could the Xuan people come to such an end?" Three elders are also angry, looking at Feng Yun heart, voice also with a trace of anger.

"If we had lent out the basalt, nothing would have happened." Four elders also complained.

"What do you mean? The original decision was discussed by all of us. Now you blame me and my daughter? " Feng Tianhua's face was so ugly that he roared.

Mu Xiaoyue impatiently took out her ears. She didn't come here to watch them quarrel. It was too tiring to watch such a play. So she raised her eyes and gently swept to the ancestor of Phoenix: "Xiaofeng, you are not efficient."

The face of Feng Laozu showed fear, "master, it's my fault. Please forgive me. I will certainly satisfy you."

After that, he looked coldly at Feng Tianhua and Feng Yun Xin, "it seems that the last two rest time does not need to be counted."

A strong killing opportunity emanated from his body, shrouded in this piece of heaven and earth, frightening.

"Lao Zu, we are willing to follow your arrangement..." Feng Yun heart quickly cried out, leaving green hills, not afraid of no firewood burning, if the ancestors abolished the strength, it is really no chance.

As long as her strength is still there, one day, she will have a chance to revenge! Now it's just pretending to give in first.

It's a pity that she was so careful that Feng Laozu saw through it at a glance.Feng Laozu shook his head, his face indifferent, "you have no chance."

Hearing this, Feng Yun heart's face showed a look of infinite panic, and her body was constantly shaking: "no! Laozu, I'm willing to surrender. Don't kill me or abolish my elixir field. I don't want to be a waste man... "

Now she finally knew what fear was.

Feng Laozu didn't give Feng Yunxin a chance to ask for mercy again. Instead, he clapped it out of his palm and hit the elixir field of fengyunxin. He only heard a slight "click" sound. Her elixir field was completely broken, and her spiritual power was rapidly losing

"Ah, ah I don't want to be a waste man, I don't want to be a waste man Feng Yun heart's delicate face was full of panic. She kept wailing, trying to keep all her spiritual power, but it didn't help. Soon, all her spiritual power dissipated, and she became an ordinary person completely.

"Mu Qianyue, I will kill you!" Feng Yun's face was twisted and ferocious. Her eyes were red and terrible. She was like a mad beast with mad hair. She rushed to muqianyue with a roar and was kicked away by sheng'er.

Sheng'er's foot does not bring any spiritual power. It is just a very ordinary one. Otherwise, this foot will kill Feng Yun's heart.

"Dad, kill mu Qianyue for me and avenge me!" The heart of Phoenix rhyme shouts to Feng Tianhua.

Feng Tianhua raised his eyes to look at the indifferent and frightful father Feng. In his heart, he could not help but take two steps backward: "my heart, it seems that we can't get revenge in this life!"

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