"Dad! She has done so much harm to our Xuan people and me. She must die Feng Yun heart is almost gnashing teeth and shouting hysterically.

"Heart son, it's dad who is useless. His strength is too weak to be her opponent! But don't worry, I will take revenge for you in the future Feng Tianhua walks to Feng Yun heart in front of her, squats down, hands on her shoulders, soft voice comfort.

He raised his eyes and glared maliciously at Mu Xiaoyue. Suddenly, Feng Yunxin pushed Feng Tianhua away. His pale and weak face showed a cruel sneer: "Dad, I'd better leave this opportunity of revenge to myself. I prefer to kill enemies myself!"

Feng Tianhua's face changed, and then he saw that Feng Yunxin had a bronze mirror engraved with the eight trigrams of yin and Yang, heaven and earth. He quickly touched his arms, but found that the bronze mirror in his arms was missing!

"Heart, give me the mirror of Honghuang quickly!" Feng Tianhua's face finally showed the color of panic, raised his hand and grasped the heart of Feng Yun.

"Dad, you wanted to run away alone, didn't you?" Feng Yun heart sneered, at the same time, her body burst out a burst of bright and dazzling light, will Feng Tianhua's attack in the outside.

It is also useless for the Phoenix ancestor to use the strength of the king's situation.

Feng Tianhua panicked and yelled, beating the light around Feng Yun's heart: "heart son, you have been abandoned, your elixir field has been broken, you have been abandoned in this life, even if you run away, you can't revenge yourself, you quickly give me the Honghuang mirror! As long as I live, I will surely avenge you! "

Feng Yun heart's mouth pulled out a disdainful arc and said coldly, "Dad, if you take out the Honghuang mirror earlier, I won't waste it at all! Dad, I hate you

"Mu Qianyue, as long as I am still alive, as long as I have one breath in my life, I will definitely kill you!"

Feng Yunxin's figure was wrapped up in the light and went straight to the sky, and soon disappeared in front of everyone. The only voice of Feng Yunxin full of hatred was echoing above the palace


Feng Tianhua looked up in disbelief at the vast sky. His eyes were full of consternation and horror. He never thought that his beloved daughter would take advantage of her unprepared to take away the Honghuang mirror and take away his only life!

Mu Xiaoyue looks at Feng Tianhua and Fengyun heart coldly. In order to seize the vitality, the father and daughter even ignore their family relationship. They can't help but sigh and shake their heads. It turns out that what kind of father there is, what kind of daughter!

Feng Yun heart so temperament, I am afraid and Feng Tianhua can not get rid of the relationship.

"It's really a family." Sheng'er sneered.

Xingyou and xingzihao also sighed and shook their heads. The temperament of fengtianhua father and daughter is really shameless! They are biological father and daughter, in order to live, they do not hesitate to leave each other!

As the patriarch of their Xingyue clan, mu Qianyue did not escape in the face of the attack of fenghuatian and others, but chose to stay with them to live and die together, advance and retreat together with them! Fight against the Xuan people with your own strength! This heart nature, this righteousness, is far from Feng Tianhua father two people can compare!

They did not follow the wrong person!

All the elders and disciples of Xingyue clan have a deeper and more loyal feeling to Mu Qianyue.


Feng Tianhua in Feng Laozu's eyes to see that moment, in the sense of his body silk undisguised murder, directly plops a kneeling on the ground, his face full of panic and fear, his face is full of cold sweat, his eyes are deeply sunken, full of despair, and a trace of hidden in the bottom of his eyes is not willing and hate.

"Laozu, I am willing to submit to Mu Qianyue, and I am willing to give her priority. Please don't waste my strength!" Ask for mercy.

Feng Laozu didn't speak, but looked at him coldly, with no emotion in his eyes.

"Laozu, this time I'm sincere. I will never betray or be indifferent! If there is any violation, I will be struck by thunder and lightning! " Feng Tianhua saw that Feng Laozu's murderous spirit was coagulated but not scattered, and his fear and panic deepened a little bit. He quickly put his two fingers together and swore to the heaven.


As soon as the sound of his words fell, there was a thundering thunder in the sky.

In the vast and high sky, dark clouds, lightning and thunder, crisscross, silver lightning in the dark clouds dense, momentum is amazing, between heaven and earth is a dark, like the end of the world.

Feng Tianhua's frightened eyes widened, and involuntarily looked up at the sky, his face showed a color of uneasiness.

This strange scene makes Xingyou, fenglingyu and others all stare with surprise.

"This is Should it be robbed? " Feng Ling rain said weakly, although her voice is clear and small, but at the moment, there is a silence around, and everyone hears it clearly.

For a time, including the eyes of xuanzu people, it became very complicated.

"Ha ha It seems that you can't even see the sky! " Sheng'er couldn't help laughing, and his proud face showed a slight disdain, and coldly glanced at Feng Tianhua opposite his eyes."No, it's impossible! There are natural disasters in this world, but there will be no such punishment! Absolutely not! " Feng Tianhua stood up from the ground, his eyes full of unwilling roar.

"If there is natural calamity, there will be punishment. This is the way of heaven." Mu light eyes such as water, beautiful face a calm and indifferent.

"No! There is no way of heaven in this world, there is no way of heaven! There can be no way of heaven Feng Tianhua shakes her head, her eyes are red, and she feels more and more powerful pressure on the nine days, and her fear is infinitely enlarged.

"If there is no way of heaven, how can there be a disaster?" Mu Qianyue's lips are light. I'm afraid that Feng Tianhua's status and power have made Feng Tianhua think that there is no way of heaven in the world, he is the way of heaven, and he can control his own destiny. So he just swore casually, but he didn't think it would come true in an instant!

"As the head of Xuan family, you have practiced for tens of thousands of years. Why don't you know that there is reincarnation in the world? It seems that you are inflated. You have done a lot of evil over the years. It seems that even heaven will take you. " Feng Laozu sighed and shook his head. He wanted to spare his life, but he wanted to die himself.

"I don't believe it. It's not a punishment! It's just Feng Tianhua murmurmured to herself, her eyes full of fear and unwillingness.

"But what? Do you want to say that the weather is suddenly bad and it is going to rain? " Sheng'er's lips raised a touch of ridicule and couldn't help laughing.

"Miss sheng'er, don't tell me the big truth, but stick your heart." Star you kindly remind way.

"We don't need to do it." Sheng'er looks at the moon road.

Mu shallow moon nods, do not agree.

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