Cream pinched his chin again and walked back and forth for several times. It seemed that he was really confirming that there was no pit in it.

Seriously, in terms of persuasion, cream is too cautious than cocoa. If this guy is not so annoying, he may be a good adventurer.

After a long hesitation, the guy finally nodded and said, "it sounds like there's no pit. Well, we have a deal. "

Arrow breathed a sigh of relief. After all, the guy thought for too long, which made him a little nervous: "now we are dirty and can't write a contract. Come back to the guild with us later. I'll write it for you. "

"Hehe, contract? Come on, I don't believe in contracts or anything. Keep those pieces of paper for your own teaching. "

Cream rubbed his hands and pointed to arrow: "for your sake of persuading me, I believe you once. In the future, as long as the amount is right when I come to get the money. Don't you want to know my secret? I'll tell you now. Not much, just three. I summarize them into three laws of retreat. Once any law takes effect, the adventure must end immediately. If you want me to help you take risks together, you must also abide by my three rules. "

"First, once you encounter an unseen Warcraft and your life is in danger during the battle, you must retreat immediately."

Arrow thought for a moment and nodded: "I see. Since you can meet a Warcraft you haven't seen once, you will meet a second time. Since life is in danger for the first time, it is natural that we should not risk the second time. "

Cream smiled: "smart, just a little. Second, once you feel that you are not prepared enough in battle, you must withdraw immediately. "

Arrow clapped his hand: "today is the second situation. Our guild is obviously not well prepared. It has become a short board of combat effectiveness. "

Cream: "third, when you encounter an event, a problem or a decision, if you can only get through it by taking risks, you must retreat."

Hearing the third point, Brad in the back couldn't help it: "you're talking nonsense! We are adventurers. When we encounter difficulties that we can't get through without taking risks, we have to retreat immediately? I don't think you understand anything! "

Compared with Brad's unhappiness, arrow lit his head and thought for a while. Soon, he had a feeling of sudden openness and nodded heavily: "I see. Adventurers never take risks. Of the three laws, this one is the most valuable experience. "

Cream smiled, waved and said, "these are the three withdrawal experiences I summarized. I don't care whether you agree or not. Anyway, I've told you. If there's no problem, you should prepare more for me next time I come to get the money. I'm very careful and will count iron coins one by one! Ha ha! "

With that, the guy took his backpack and turned around and walked happily. It seems that he doesn't intend to act with arrow and his party at all.

Since the entrustment was completed, ello also took his guild members to clean up in the camp, picked up pots and pans, carried the tent and stuffed it into his backpack.

"Brother president, what is this?"

Cocoa, who was packing, asked curiously when he saw that arrow was carrying a big sack.

Arrow smiled and said, "I'll tell you when I get back. Don't worry."

Cocoa said "Oh" and continued to clean up.

They left the mine before the sun went down, went down the mountain and left the Changmian mountains.

The speed of the return trip is much faster than that of the previous trip. Around seven o'clock, a group of people arrived outside the town. However, in order to prevent the smell from attracting the attention of the villagers and damaging the reputation of the mermaid song guild, ello decided to wait a little longer. Until eleven o'clock in the evening, after the whole town almost fell asleep, ELO quietly entered the town and slipped to the gate of the guild.

"We're back!"

Carrying a lot of things in large bags and small bags, ello didn't have time to open the door with the key, so he had to kick the door.

After a while, the gate opened.

"Oh! Let's come back -- "

Touch -!

The door slammed shut again, and Napa's almost hoarse voice came from inside——

"Good - smelly - ah -! Did you go swimming in the cesspit? "

Arrow knew it was his fault, and now he could only knock on the door with a bitter smile: "open the door! Napa, vice president, we don't want this. It will be like this after the task is completed. Let's go in and take a bath. Don't hang us out. "

The door opened again, and Napa's small claws covered her nose, and her whole face was full of disgust.

"What's the matter with you?! Why is it so smelly! I can accept a lady to go out and do her own business, but is it a job for a lady to come back like this? "

Arrow was a little nervous. Cocoa didn't know anything, but he was trembling with fear. She hid behind arrow quietly, not knowing what to say.

Seeing Coco's expression, Napa knew she had said the wrong thing. He shook his head, let the people in and closed the door.

"Let's take a bath..."

"Don't, let you take a bath like this, then the whole guild won't open."

Napa continued to cover her nose and turned around the crowd. Then she shook her body and sent out magic again.


For a moment, ello felt a gentle feeling all over him. Just a few seconds later, he was surprised to find that all the blood stains on his body had disappeared? Similarly, the taste is clean.

"Wow... What a powerful magic..."

Cocoa looked at his clean robe and almost twinkled stars in his eyes.

Brad and buffy took arrow's backpack, put it on the table and went to the kitchen to get water.

Arrow rubbed his shoulders, sat happily on the bar chair, smiled and said, "can you purify magic? That's great. The price of a bottle of purification medicine is very expensive! It will be much more convenient with you! "

Napa landed on the cushion again and snorted coldly, "later? Who said he didn't want me to participate in this guild activity? And there's no future. Next time, if you still come back so dirty and smelly, please wash it in the pond outside and come back. Even if you have to bathe naked in the fountain in the square, I won't allow the guild to get the smell of shit and urine! "

Arrow sniffed his clothes again and confirmed that not only the smell was gone, but also his clothes seemed to have just been washed. He couldn't help laughing and said, "well, well, this time the preparation is not enough, and next time it's absolutely no problem!"

Brad took out some bread, Buffy came out with a kettle, and cocoa carried himself and ello's backpack upstairs and came down.

After eating a little, arrow began to tell Napa about his adventure.

At first Napa seemed very indifferent, but when she heard the paw prints, she began to look more serious. It didn't nod until it came out after encountering the bloody bug.

"Your luck is really good. If you do it again, you may not have such good luck to come back."

Ello said with a smile, "the result is pretty good. It will be less troublesome next time. By the way, I brought something back. "

With that, ello took out the sack in the corner, put it on the floor and opened it carefully.

"Well, be careful, everyone. Control your emotions. Don't be nervous, but don't relax."

When the order was over, ello grabbed the hem of the sack and shook it. With a click, a bloody bug poured out of the sack and stuck to the ground.

"Wow! This... This thing! "

At the sight of the bloody bug, Brad immediately became nervous and quickly raised his shield to protect himself. Cocoa's reaction was almost the same. Skeleton Xiaobai had stood firmly in front of her and sincerely protected the Lord.

Seeing the bloody bug, Napa's face wrinkled: "why did you bring this thing back easily? It seems that you are not an economics graduate, but a recycle bin graduate? "

Arrow waved his hand and looked at the bloody bug with great interest.

The bloody insects who came to the strange environment did not show strong aggression as in the mine, but slowly climbed around. The speed is not fast, just like a snail. Obviously, it is very uncomfortable with this strange environment.

"There is no record of this kind of demon in the museum illustrated book. Of course, the museum Atlas of our school is not very detailed, and there are not many things. "

Arrow rubbed his hands, carefully observed around the bloody bug, took out his paper and pen, and began to draw the general shape of the bloody bug.

"But don't you smell the stench like in the cave? It can be seen that this demon will not emit this stench without being killed and smashed. "

"However, we can clearly smell this stench in the cave, and it is very strong, which can only prove two things."

"First, the insects attack each other, resulting in the exposure of this stench."

"Second, in addition to this bloody bug, there should be something in the depths of the cave, which is likely to attack this bloody bug. Whether it's for food or for other reasons, at least that kind of thing is much more terrible than this little bug. "

After observing for a long time, Buffy was not too afraid. She leaned over Brad's head and looked at the slowly crawling bug: "(goblin language) president, you really can analyze it. What are we going to do next? If you don't kill the bug, it's disgusting. If you kill it, it's too smelly. "

ELO translated Buffy's language and explained in bilingual: "members, we have one thing for sure, that is, we are likely to continue to explore the mine in the future. Therefore, every time we explore, we need to make some progress to pave the way for the next exploration. "

"Do you remember that as long as we are covered with the smell of these bloody insects, they will no longer attack us? Therefore, I hope we can extract those foul smelling substances through this bloody bug and control these substances so that we can overcome the difficulty of bloody bug safely. "

Napa groaned, "you have so many ideas. It's really a talent to let you be the president of the guild. You should be a demon appraiser. "

Arrow took a look at the bloody bug he painted, frowned and said, "if I can, I really want to hire a painter. My painting is really not very good... Alas, forget it. Vice president, you see we have a bloody bug here. Can we extract the malodorous substances in its body without killing it? "

The cat circled to the bloody worm and looked around. The little meat ball came out, tentatively, and quickly withdrew after touching. "Yes, yes, but it is necessary to ensure that the essence of the magic is extracted, and that the magic is alive, and that the knowledge and operational accuracy required are relatively high."

Arrow came up: "so... You can't do it?"

Napa gave him a white look: "I have enough magic and knowledge. But this precise operability is not what I am good at. Well, yes, there is a category in death magic that can capture the essence of life and turn it into one's own use. Enough understanding of necromancer magic can extract some essence without hurting the other's life. If our little mage continues to grow, he may be able to use it in the future. "

They turned their heads and looked at Cocoa. From the little girl's eyes, ello could feel the great pressure on her.

Sure enough, we need to cultivate an excellent magician! come on. Coco, you can do it!

"Before that, we can use some methods in alchemy to extract, but I'm afraid we can't do repeatability."

Arrow said he was sorry that he still brought less