After watching, ello got some bread for the bug. After a few circles around the bread, the bloody bug finally climbed up and ate the bread slowly.

While he was eating bread, arrow went to the underground warehouse to find a wine bucket and threw the bloody bug in. Make sure it can't bite through the barrel, then close the lid and ask Brad to put the barrel in the back warehouse.

It was late at night after finishing all this. Ello yawned and asked everyone to go back to rest and keep up their spirits.

After everyone went back to their room to rest, ello finally confirmed the guild's doors and windows, rubbed his shoulders upstairs and went back to his room.

Just before closing the door, the cat floated in slowly.

Closing the door, ello took off his hat, relaxed his hair, rubbed his slightly stiff neck, walked to the table, lit the light and began to tidy up the adventure log of the past two days.

Napa fell unsteadily in front of arrow, stared at arrow with big eyes, but didn't speak.

"How are the children doing in class these two days? They didn't do anything to you. "

While writing, arrow asked.

The cat raised its paw and slapped it on the paper: "although those children are annoying, don't forget that it's easy for me to deal with those bear children. By comparison, you are the one who deserves the most concern. "

Arrow smiled and picked up her pen to continue writing, but Napa still pressed the paper and obviously didn't intend to give up——

"I hope you can firmly remember that you are an ordinary person without any martial arts and magic. You are not a young man named arrow, but a little girl named Ariel. I wanted you to form the adventurers guild, just thinking I could take risks with you. With me, many things would not be so troublesome. But why didn't you let me go on a mission with you? You're lucky to be back this time, but what about next time? I don't want the guild president I hope to die at the hands of some goblin. "

Arrow raised his head and made eye contact with Napa.

From the cat's eyes, arrow didn't see any cunning and deception, only deep worry.

Seriously, after seeing such a look in his eyes, arrow felt a little warm in his heart. Since the establishment of the guild, members can only see self-confidence in the eyes of their own president, so this is the first time that arrow can see the other party's concerns about himself from others

Although the man is a cat.


Arrow held his head in one hand and smiled——

"Will you tell me your story? Why do you want me to form an adventurer guild? How many secrets are you hiding? "

Napa thought, but she didn't answer.

Arrow smiled and said, "we all have secrets. It's not because I don't trust you that I don't let you participate in the guild mission, but because I really want to develop and expand our guild."

Napa looked up. "What do you mean?"

Arrow: "I knew you were strong from the first day I met you. Your magic may be very deep. You have a lot of knowledge I don't know. "

"If it's just me, I'll come to you immediately to deal with any problems I encounter. But if we both deal with all the tasks of our guild, what will our guild members do? How do they grow? "

In an instant, Napa's ear raised.

"Mermaid song is not only our guild, but also the guild of Brad, Buffy and coco. Even if I fail three years later and the guild disappears, I hope the three of them can master enough skills to support themselves. Instead of wanting me or you to help after something. Is that all right? "

"Wait, if you fail in three years, will this guild disappear?"

Napa seemed to notice a point that arrow didn't think of. The cat flew up and came to the level of arrow's sight: "what's the matter with the disappearance of the guild? What will happen if you fail to collect 1000 gold coins in three years? "

Arrow hesitated a little, but soon the signature smile rose again on his face. He nodded gently and said with a smile, "don't worry about those distant things first. In fact, this expedition made me think I might have gone the wrong way. After all, there are too many side roads. "

With that, ello took out a stack of paper from his backpack and spread it out on the table.

Some papers have maps on them, others have topographical descriptions, and then they are marked with serial numbers to correspond one by one.

"When I got the news about the gold mine in the capital, I didn't mention the demon of this bloody bug. Moreover, the information provider is not a very powerful adventurer. I don't think those people have experienced the same risks as us, and then they retreat. They don't even want to mention the bloody bug. "

"So it is more likely that we have taken the wrong road, which does not lead to the gold mine. Find another way next time you go. "

Napa seemed to want to say something, but arrow didn't intend to talk to the cat in detail.

He picked up Napa, opened the door and put it on the outside floor. Facing Napa's worried eyes, arrow shrugged and said with a smile: "don't worry, what an economic man can do most is to calculate his gains and losses. I know when it is my limit, and I will take care of my safety. Don't worry. "

Looking at the door closed in front of her, Napa's tail shook slightly and her ears seemed to droop.

After hesitating for a moment, the Warcraft floated downstairs slowly and came to his cushion to lie down. Before falling asleep, he looked up again and looked at the president's room on the second floor.

From the crack of the door, you can still see that the light is still on

——September 5, 1301. Adventure (two days): - 8 copper. Balance: 81 gold, 2 silver and 7 copper——

The work of the guild begins with entrustment.

However, the end of a commission is far from the end after risking to return to the guild.

Like many of the most boring jobs, the most exciting part often occupies only the smallest part of a job. And then the number of parts that need to be improved is enough to surprise people.

Arrow knows he's not an adventurer.

Not only is he not an adventurer, he is not even a slightly stronger human.

The physiological characteristics of women make it impossible for arrow to stand at the front of the team with a huge hammer like Brad, and the lack of magic affinity can not make the president show magical power like cocoa.

However, he did not position himself as an adventurer.

He is the president.

Since you are the president, you should do a good job in all kinds of follow-up auxiliary work.

Arrow knew that Brad, Buffy and coco had finished their work since the end of the Commission.

But I have a lot of copywriting work to do in front of me.

The first and most important thing is the topographic survey of the mine.

After entering the mine, arrow was recording his steps. Each time he reached the bifurcation point, he used cream to mark the time, and recorded the length and height difference of the mine on paper. If you need to move forward carefully, you will also focus on marking.

It was only after a short half day's adventure in the mine that arrow found that he had recorded almost 30 pieces of paper, most of which were descriptions of maps.

So the next thing to do is to rearrange a map that looks easy to understand according to your own exploration.

The mine has been abandoned for hundreds of years. Arrow can't guarantee that there will be previous maps on the market now.

This job is very time-consuming. He has been doing it all night on the night he came back.

At this time, he also began to rejoice that his grades in the school were good. The students of the Department of economics had to learn to sort out and guide the data, which also surprised him that he didn't sleep all night when the first ray of sunshine in the morning shone into the window.

"Hoo... The map is ready."

With two dark circles under his eyes and huge bags under his eyes, arrow looked at the simple hand-painted map on his desk. On a paper half the size of a table, he had recorded in detail the mine road he had walked through, in which the height difference was marked. Some roads have not been visited, so only a dotted line is left. When encountering a dead road, it is real.

"There are still few books to read... I remember there were some books about drawing in the College... Alas, I didn't read them because I didn't think it was necessary at that time. Otherwise, we can make it cleaner and tidy now. "

With the pen in hand, arrow looked at the light coming in from the window and turned his eyes back to the map again.

With the terrain, the next step is to mark the places that need attention.

Do you want to write down the ancient characters engraved?

It may be meaningless to write it... But if you don't write it, it will lead to the lack of professionalism of your own map. Besides, if you really write it, someone can't answer what these words mean.

Arrow put the pen on his lips, hesitated for a long time, and finally decided to mark it all.

Even if you can't answer it for the time being, it's more or less to make your guild's products appear dutiful.

"Well, then... It will start to heat up here. You need to bring enough drinking water in advance or prepare for the high temperature. The continuous high temperature and depressive environment may cause people's mental imbalance. Please try to adjust your state of mind... OK, the remarks are complete. "

Then, at the end of the map, write the words "bloody insect gathering place".

In this way, the first version of the map is completed.

But it's not over yet.

Arrow put the map aside, picked up a piece of paper again, and pasted the hand-painted bloody bug on the big paper. After thinking about everything about the bloody bug in my heart, I began to write.


Monster: bloody bug

Size: slightly larger than adult palm

Feeding habits: at present, it is possible to observe omnivory. There is no evidence of similar predation, and it is possible to feed on microorganisms such as moss or lichen in the cave (speculated)

Environment: humid, dark, less ventilated area

Appearance: the body surface is soft and smooth, and the texture is red or crimson. No obvious mouth organs can be seen on the surface, but there is a small disc-shaped opening in the front of the body, which is speculated to be a feeding mouth.

Habit: like to cling to the rock wall in groups. They don't move much in the dark, but they will start violent actions in the light. But when they leave the group, they will become very docile and their desire to attack will be minimized. It may not be aggressive to be held in one's arms (this is speculation). It has the instinct to chase objects with strong fragrance, but not all bloody insects will be so rigid and follow their instinctive actions.

Intensity: not afraid of flame. When facing the burning torch discarded on the ground, you can jump on the torch directly. But it can not be confirmed that the flame temperature is too low, or born not afraid of flame. If the flame temperature is too low, the use of high heat flame magic should be able to repel it. However, if you are naturally immune to fire, it is not recommended to use any fire attack.

Weakness: it can be physically killed with various weapons, and it appears extremely fragile. It's not so much a weakness as a weakness that can be trampled to death with one foot. But it has made up for its weak strength by relying on its huge number.

Response: at the moment of death, the bloody bug will explode its body fluid around, which is a strong stench mixed with the toilet that has not been washed for ten years. Whether killed in any way, body fluids will explode, which seems to be a way of behavior.

However, if the body fluid of the bloody bug is covered all over the body, even after every hair, the demon seems to regard it as its own kind and no longer attack. You can leave the bloody bug area at this time. The foul liquid on the body can be removed by "purification" magic.

Therefore, it is a simple way to carefully kill some in an area slightly away from the bloody insects and apply them to yourself. However, since there may be demons hunting bloody insects after observing the area where the bloody insects are located (this is speculation), this method is best used when preparing to leave.

At present, there is no method that can successfully pass through the bloody insect area without using the above method.

Demon strength evaluation: monomer, no threat. Group, there is a certain threat.


After writing this, ello was still thinking about what to add. But there was a knock outside the door.

"Brother president, are you up? It's time for breakfast. "

Arrow was stunned. He picked up his hat in a panic, put it on and opened the door.

As soon as he opened the door, the cocoa outside was startled. The little girl nervously took arrow's hand: "brother president! Are you okay? Why do you look so bad? "

Arrow yawned and said lazily, "it's all right. I slept too late last night. Well, I'll just sleep later. "

"Really? But... "

"Come on, come on, let's go to breakfast now. Yawn ~ ~ "

Going downstairs with cocoa, ello felt the pain of mental malaise after all.

Once you leave work, your whole mind becomes confused and unclear.

But there's no way. If you don't write it down quickly while your memory is still clear, it's hard to do once you forget something.

Downstairs, Brad had already put a large basin of bread on the table. Seeing that ello went downstairs, the soldier immediately opened his chair to serve ello and sat down. On the side, Buffy poured a glass of milk for ello with a milk pot.

After a bite of bread and a drink of milk, arrow shook his slightly drowsy head and asked, "what time is it now?"

Cocoa looked at the time: "it's seven thirty in the morning. In another hour and a half, the children will come to class. "

Damn it, forget it

Arrow turned his head and looked at Napa over there with a little expectation. But the cat seemed to see nothing. It continued to add hair and comb its head. It looked like it had nothing to do with itself.

ok When you can't take money, you are quick, and when you pay, you stink.

He took another sip of milk: "do you have any entrustment in the morning?"

The guild members sat down on both sides of the table and had breakfast together. Brad tore off a small piece of bread and put it in buffy's hand. The flower demon licked the bread and said, "morning, No. Round, round, come -- "

This is why ello encourages her to speak more at ordinary times, so that she can learn human language as soon as possible. I have to say that this flower goblin is a little smarter than Brad and coco. Although it can't organize sentences well, it has begun to make a bold attempt.

Brad: the mayor of round cheese has come to deliver today's pie

Unfortunately, Brad seemed too concerned about his partner's bad words and hurriedly finished the sentence.

Buffy, who had nothing to say, looked at Brad angrily. It looks like I'm going to throw the bread in my hand the next minute.

Arrow nodded and narrowed his eyes to think.

Despite all the tuition fees collected at that time, the pie fee of 4 copper for 40 students every day is not a small amount.

Well, after all, it's not time to harvest the fruits. In the early stage of entrepreneurship, you don't have to work hard. Where will there be any relaxed moments in the future?

"If there's no commission today, Brad, you'll let me buy more paper later."

"Yes, president. Writing advertisements again? "

Arrow drank the milk in his cup again: "write any advertisement. I'll go to Napa and get two copper coins later. First, I'll buy a hundred pieces of paper. Today I want you and cocoa to copy something, which can be regarded as practicing calligraphy. "

Cocoa finished eating, took her twig and sat on the seat. She turned her head and looked at the listless arrow next to her. She asked, "brother president, what do you write?"

"I sorted out some maps and materials of xiakuang cave. When you get back from buying paper, you go and transcribe ten copies each. It can be sold later. "

Three or two mouthfuls, after eating bread and milk, arrow stretched himself, pointed to his room, yawned and said, "I'll go back to sleep for another hour and come back to me when the students come. You can't be late for class, you know? "

With that, ello continued to stumble upstairs and closed the door in the attention of everyone.

Brad below began to pack up the food. When he picked up arrow's milk cup, he hesitated and said, "you say, is it because we are too useless? That's why the president is so tired? "

Cocoa pursed her mouth, thought about it and turned to NAPA over there: "vice president, when can I start learning alchemy?"

Napa had been lying comfortably on the cushion. After a long time, she raised her head, glanced lazily at Cocoa from the corners of her eyes and yawned——

"Wait until you can recognize all the words you want to copy today."