Chapter 447

"Hey, old man! You taste good. I think you have a lot. Give me one! In the future, I can come to your house for free and be your bodyguard for 30 minutes. "

Arrow and round cheese looked back and saw that the cheese was now leaning against the door, holding a round cheese, which was usually used to make cheese bread. The expression on his face is a little bit "kind", "warm" and "friendly". Just being stared at by him, the round cheese felt that his heart would stop.

Seeing that the current situation is not so "gentle", ello can only dry smile, come forward and hold the cheese hand, pull it slightly, and then say to the frightened round cheese over there: "well, since we all know each other, that's it! Boss, we just came to say hello today. Should there be a party in the town soon? Then I'll bring the cheese to everyone to meet you. That's it! Cheese, give the cheese back to the boss! This is what he needs to do business. "

The cheese looked contemptuous, weighed the heavy cheese in his hand and said, "why? He has a lot! I think his warehouse is stacked as high as a hill. What's the matter with one? Hey! Don't you want to give me a piece, old man? "

It was not easy until arrow said he would take the vampire away. How could the mayor have any objection? Then he quickly waved and said, "no! Here you are! Definitely for you! If it's not enough, you can take it again! Take it yourself! Whatever! Please! "

"Ha! I knew you were a good old man. Let me be your bodyguard for another ten minutes! "

"Thank you! no need! Really not! Not at all! "

Ello now can't see it anymore. He hurriedly pushed the cheese and dragged the night family out of the round cheese home.

As soon as he stepped out of the gate of the mayor's residence, arrow could hear a heavy closing sound behind him.

He stayed at the door for less than a minute, and soon he could see that the windows on the second floor and the skylight on the third floor of the house were quickly closed, and all kinds of candle lights began to be lit in the whole room, which looked very transparent and bright.

Seeing this, he was also a little helpless and took the cheese to the direction of the guild.

Along the way, cheese weighed the whole piece of cheese in his hand and looked at ello with strange eyes. After walking for a moment, he suddenly flashed in front of arrow and handed the big cheese in his hand.

Arrow looked at the large piece of cheese, smiled and said, "you brought it. What are you giving me now?"

The face of cheese is no longer the wild and unreasonable expression just now, but a little more dignified. He handed the cheese forward again and said, "I don't eat it. Besides, you asked me to be as rude as possible. I feel a little ashamed and pretentious for the performance just like a street gangster. I don't want to take this thing anymore. "

Hearing the word "shame" from the mouth of the night people surprised arrow. He didn't look at the gunman and said happily, "I didn't expect you to feel ashamed because of your arrogance and conceit? I thought you night people didn't care about such things at all. "

Then he stretched out his hands to hold the large piece of cheese in cheese's hand. But when he just hugged the cheese, he loosened his hand. The heavy cheese made arrow's body sink, and the whole person crashed to the ground.

"How... Heavy! I think you take it so easily... I thought that kind of lightweight! Hey! You'd better take it! I can't carry it! "

Arrow, who got up from the ground, knocked on his almost flashing waist with a painful expression on his face. The cheese on one side glanced at him. Then he reached out and picked up the heavy cheese again and went on.

"Arrogance and conceit are totally different from those street gangsters!"

Arrow continued to rub his waist and walked forward, saying, "is there any difference? Look down on others and think they are great. If you feel unhappy, you can use your own strength to suppress each other. Tell me, what's the difference between the arrogance of your night people and the street gangsters? "

Cheese stopped and frowned. After thinking about it, he suddenly put one hand behind his back, holding cheese in one hand, showing a very unique etiquette posture: "of course... Of course there is a difference! Our night people also have their own noble place! We don't... Just use violence when we're upset! Even if you humans think I despise you, I won't be so obvious! "

With his arms in his arms, he looked at the slightly stiff face of the blood clan with the element lamp on one side, and said with a smile: "really? But I really make no difference. Don't you want to use violence when you have tusks at night? And along the way, you showed contempt for our guild and contempt for most humans? Hehe, maybe you are introverted, but I still think this so-called nobility and conceit is no different from the street gangsters. "

"Hum! You have too many human theories. I don't want to argue with you. "

Don't overdo your cheese. With arrow's laughter, you can move on. But without taking a few steps, he turned back again and said——

"President arrow, I don't care what your so-called arrogant and conceited title means, but there may be something wrong with your brain."

Arrow smiled and seemed to have expected it: "don't worry, you're not the first guild member to say I have a brain problem. You and the other members are surprisingly consistent on this point. Come on, what do you think is wrong with me this time? "

Cheese lowered his head and slightly afterthought ELO's words. After a moment, he said, "you should remember that you said you wanted the ordinary people in Pelican town not to exclude me and like me. But what did you just let me do? "

Arrow continued with a naive and lovely smile and said, "what did I ask you to do?"

Cheese's face was slightly gloomy: "you let me pretend to be a very bastard, make trouble in the family that may have the most voice in this town, and then put the relationship between me and him into the worst situation. In this case, do you think the mayor will give me a good face? Will you tell the rest of this town that I won't hurt them? In my opinion, there's no need for the next meeting. It's estimated that my terrible 'vampire' will spread all over the town tomorrow. Once it's my turn, the people in the whole town will panic, and then... "

Arrow's pace did not accelerate, but the pace of cheese on one side slowed down slightly. Soon, arrow came in front of the cheese. When he noticed that there was no sound behind him, the President stopped and turned around. He continued to keep that smiling expression on his face: "then, what will happen?"

"Then... Then..."

The cheese stopped again. After a brief silence, he finally spoke slowly——

"It's like when we were in the tusk of the night... Once people heard that there was a vampire like me living in our guild, they would not dare to come to the door for entrustment because of fear and fear. That was really the most difficult time for lanwen and me... We couldn't receive any entrustment, no work, and no income... Even if he usually walked on the street, he would be deliberately avoided and feared by the citizens... Even his sister and family asked his brother not to approach them at that time... "

Arrow nodded and walked forward with a relaxed face: "Oh, I see. But didn't you succeed later? And at night, fangs even became one of the top ten guild members in the capital. "

When ello walked forward easily, the voice of cheese came back again: "that's because there have been many things later! We spent a lot of effort... Especially after completing several tasks that no one else dared or refused to take, it was not easy for us to open the reputation of fangs at night! Even later, when my reputation gradually grew, I tried my best to keep a secret state in the guild. I didn't meet people or communicate with people, but only completed tasks that could be completed at night. It took several years to recover. But now... "

"Cheese, do you know what we humans think of others?"

When cheese was obviously a little flustered, ELO in front suddenly spoke, interrupting his imagination of the next bad things.

Cheese raised his head slightly, looked at the back of the short president in front, thought a little, and said, "what do you mean... How do you treat others?"

The president walked on with his hands on his back. As he walked, his voice gradually came back from the front——

"Although we humans have a rational side, we are also a kind of creatures that are easily controlled by sensibility."

"When we humans see a stranger, from the first sight, we will make a judgment on the stranger in front of us. We observe the stranger's appearance, clothes and even the expression on his face to judge whether he is a good man or a bad man, whether he is a rich man or a poor man, whether he is easy to approach or difficult to communicate. Although such judgment is not so reliable in many cases, there is no way. We humans are easy to judge others according to our first impression. "