Chapter 448

"Once we humans have a first impression of strangers, we will make corresponding behavior according to the first impression. For example, if we think this person will be a kind person, we will communicate with him very easily. If we think this person is probably not a good person, then we humans will take the initiative to stay away. Sometimes it's really strange that we humans really judge whether this person is a good person or not because we see whether the other person's face is smiling at the first sight when we first meet. As a night clan, do you think our Terran's mood is very strange? "

The cheese thought for a moment, hesitated for a moment, and then nodded gently: "indeed. But if so, shouldn't I make a good appearance to see the mayor? Keep a good first impression. "

The figure in front raised his hand and shook it slightly. Under the light of the element lamp, his back is now very long——

"No, you're wrong. Your first impression is not the moment when you met the mayor just now. But earlier. "

Cheese: "earlier yesterday? I went to bed when I came back yesterday. I didn't join you when I watched the battle at night, so I couldn't meet him earlier... "

Arrow: "no, no, no, I said earlier. It means when our mayor was a child, in his childhood, in the stories he had seen and heard, in the gathering room between those friends. As early as a long time ago, the terrible race of 'vampires' has been deeply branded in our Terran mind. "

"The impression of a strong monster with sharp fangs who will rush to unsuspecting humans because of their hunger for blood in the dark night, suck their blood, and cast all kinds of terrible magic is the first impression of you as a terrible vampire in our mayor's mind. So, no matter how gentle and kind you are today, you can never change our mayor's idea of you just through this meeting. On the contrary, he will feel that you are very dangerous. He will feel that your seemingly gentle attitude must be a disguise to kill him secretly and suck his blood. "

The cheese frowned. When the president in front walked a little farther, he remembered again and followed up: "so, no matter how good I did this time, it's meaningless? So you just let me pretend to be a little gangster? "

The president with his hands on his back walked leisurely, and his walking posture was very relaxed. Cheese looked at his hands on his back. The fingernails of his hands revealed a gentle pink. Although his hands were slightly rough, they were still very beautiful.

"Even if I asked you to pretend to be a gentle gentleman, even if the townspeople accepted you as such a gentle gentleman in a short time. So with your arrogant and conceited attitude of the night family, can you guarantee to maintain this gentle temper and character in the next month, year, or even ten years? Hehe, you can't do it. "

Cheese had no way to refute, but nodded.

The president in front seemed to have expected it long ago. He even continued without looking back——

"Once you can't do it, once you show the fierce side one day, all the gentle looks you have made before will be broken in an instant. Everyone will think that your previous tenderness is a disguise. Gentle, since you can show the ferocious side, you must have a more ferocious side not shown! You will become worse and more terrible! At that time, people's memory of vampire rumors will be irresistibly awakened, and their attitude towards you will never regard you as a gentle person, but as a terrible monster. Although this situation of "ten years of gentleness and one day of ferocity" will still be regarded by our Terrans as a ferocious person, it seems quite unreasonable, it is a pity that we humans are such a race that likes to use "contingency" instead of "normality."

Cheese frowned slightly: "chance? Usual? What do you mean? "

The president in front suddenly stopped. He turned back and looked a little embarrassed. After a little hesitation, he breathed out, walked forward and said, "simply put... If there is a lottery box in front of us, we don't know how many lottery tickets there are in it, or how many awards will be issued in it. I began to touch the lottery box all the time. I touched 99 lottery tickets. When they came out, they showed that they didn't win the prize. But when I found out the 100th lottery ticket, I suddenly found that this lottery ticket won a gold coin. "

"At this time, what is in front of me is a 99% chance of no prize and a 1% chance of winning the prize. But at this time, we humans do not think that the remaining 99% of the prize box is no prize, but that there must be greater prizes in it! Maybe you can find a lottery ticket of 100 gold coins in one breath! "

"But from a rational point of view, the probability of winning is much lower than that of not winning. Therefore, for this lottery box, not winning is a very common thing, and winning is a very accidental thing. We can't always stick to something with little chance in our daily life. It's like I can't be determined not to go to the street because I have a 1% chance of stepping on dog shit on the road. "

"When doing things, it is the optimal solution to try to operate in the situation where there is a high probability of things happening. The accidental situation less than 5% should be basically negligible. This is the mathematical application method."

"However, we humans often subjectively ignore the generality, attach great importance to the contingency with a very small probability, and mistakenly regard the contingency as a common event. It's like mistakenly thinking that the lottery box is actually full of lottery tickets that can be exchanged for one gold coin. "

"Therefore, once the gentle person you try to maintain is broken one day, based on the principle that most humans will misinterpret the occasional (harmonious) events as ordinary (harmonious) events, maintaining the gentle person must be a thankless performance."

Cheese looked at arrow in front of him with a slightly confused expression.

No, it should be said that he is not looking at a simple guild president, but looking at the human race.

After looking at the human in front of him in detail, cheese couldn't help laughing and said, "you humans are really prone to inexplicable emotions sometimes."

The president in front turned back, smiled and nodded, "thank you for your praise."

The cheese tossed the cheese in his hand slightly and then caught it. He said slowly, "then what? Since I can't show tenderness, the result is the same as before, isn't it? I look so fierce that you humans can't get close to me. "

"So that's why I told you not to improve your character." The short president continued to walk forward and said, "since we humans like labeling others very much and also like to use the theory of the prize box, don't we just reverse the operation?"

The pace of cheese stopped involuntarily again: "reverse... Operation?"

The president walked lightly and said with a smile, "that's right. That's what I want you to look like an arrogant ruffian. Next, you need to show that very bad character in the eyes of the residents of the whole town, so that everyone thinks you are a very annoying and impolite guy. And there are at least three benefits in shaping you as such an external performance. "

He raised a finger and said as he walked, "first of all, your ruffian character will not make people feel that life is dangerous anytime and anywhere. Fear of a ruffian and fear of a murderer are two completely different fears. "

Cheese looked at arrow in front of him with a slightly confused expression.

No, it should be said that he is not looking at a simple guild president, but looking at the human race.

After looking at the human in front of him in detail, cheese couldn't help laughing and said, "you humans are really prone to inexplicable emotions sometimes."

The president in front turned back, smiled and nodded, "thank you for your praise."

The cheese tossed the cheese in his hand slightly and then caught it. He said slowly, "then what? Since I can't show tenderness, the result is the same as before, isn't it? I look so fierce that you humans can't get close to me. "

"So that's why I told you not to improve your character." The short president continued to walk forward and said, "since we humans like labeling others very much and also like to use the theory of the prize box, don't we just reverse the operation?"

The pace of cheese stopped involuntarily again: "reverse... Operation?"

The president walked lightly and said with a smile, "that's right. That's what I want you to look like an arrogant ruffian. Next, you need to show that very bad character in the eyes of the residents of the whole town, so that everyone thinks you are a very annoying and impolite guy. And there are at least three benefits in shaping you as such an external performance. "