Chapter 1213

"Another simple example - work."

Ariel leaned on the sofa and tried to lie down in a very comfortable position. Behind her, the sun shone through the glass. Although there was a slight halo on the outline of her body, her face looked a little dark because she couldn't bathe in the sun——

"The mermaid song now has eight factories, and the workers in these factories are all hired by me."

"Now, they are working hard for me, making money for me, and exchanging their time for the gold coins I gave them. Then their time will become my goods and go out to exchange more gold coins. "

"But I have to admit that there is a limit to the labor ability of workers. They can work for me now, but when they get old? When they are not sharp enough? "

"When they were young, they could do it for ten hours, but after a few years, they could only do it for eight hours a day. In this way, don't I have two hours to waste? "

"In this case, I can fire those workers, let those who can't keep up with my speed of making money leave, and then recruit younger, more energetic workers who can even work twelve or fourteen hours a day to work for me."

"When I was the president of mermaid song, there was no pressure on me to fire those workers. Because I'm following the rules, and the contract I signed with those workers doesn't say I'll hire them all my life, right? Now I sign the contract with them every year. When they can keep up with the pace next year, they will renew the contract. If their working ability decreases, they will not sign the contract. At that time, the judge of Pelican city is mine anyway. What am I afraid of? Even if the workers I fired want to make trouble, they have no reason to make trouble. "

"But then again, what would it be like if I became mayor?"

"As the mayor of Pelican City, I need to solve the work problem of the population in the city. I can't let too many people wander around all day without work or food. "

"Wandering around without work means they have a lot of time and energy to vent. Without food, it means that they may commit crimes anytime and anywhere, causing problems in the city. "

"Those factory owners like me, for example, have a strong guild as a bodyguard. Those unemployed wanderers can't find trouble with those factory owners, so they will naturally find trouble with me, the mayor. They will start to fight, smash and rob, and start to cause all kinds of social problems. If my mayor can't solve it, do you think I should continue to do it? Or just give up? "

Obviously, the little white cat still didn't understand the problem. He straightened up his upper body with a puzzled face and asked, "isn't it right? This is totally out of line with the fact that you humans like power? Of course, I understand that there may be more responsibilities after becoming mayor, but who in your human history fantasizes about power has never thought that there must be responsibilities in it? To put it more thoroughly, even if you refuse power in order to avoid responsibility, what can you do if power comes to your trouble one day? Hey, don't tell me now that you don't have so much desire for power because you are a girl. "

Ariel really wanted to laugh more and more. She simply stretched out her hand, gently rubbed the little white cat's head, smiled and said, "who said I gave up power? Do you think the whole Pelican city is essentially listening to that round cheese? Or listen to our Lord Viscount Ritchie, who is only responsible for collecting rent but doesn't take care of it? Or listen to my mermaid song? "

Napa was stunned and seemed to be shocked.

Ariel continued to tear off a small piece of bread in her hand, put it into her mouth, chewed it slowly, and said leisurely: "power is just realized in another way. On the bright side, round cheese is still the mayor of the whole Pelican city. All orders and decisions about Pelican city need him to make a final decision, seal and sign. But the question is, who else can let him make a decision and sign and seal on what kind of decision, except my mermaid song? "

"Now, our mermaid song accounts for nearly half of the income source of the whole Pelican city. Our economic strength is the strongest. The overall proportion of people who rely on our mermaid song for a living is the highest. This means that once round cheese makes any decision, it must come and ask me for my opinion. In this way, I hope he will build Pelican city into what kind of city, then he will build it into what kind of city. And in this case, I don't have to bear those piecemeal responsibilities. Don't you think it's also good? "

Napa's head was tilted and she still seemed unable to understand Ariel's words. After hesitating for a moment, he said, "well... If one day, round cheese, that human doesn't want to make the decision you want? He is the mayor and has the power to decide what to do in the end. "

Ariel shrugged and said indifferently, "then he is against the 'public opinion'. At least, it is against the public opinion of the four or five hundred people under my mermaid song. "

"The making of a policy is not just a matter of 'creating a better world for everyone'. As a mayor, the most important thing he needs to do is how to allocate the resources obtained by Pelican city. Once he decides to tilt some resources to one side, it is doomed that the other side will lack the infusion of resources. At that time, it will be enough to directly publicize the other direction and what serious consequences will result from the lack of resources. "

Napa was stunned again: "preach? That's all? "

Ariel smiled and said, "it's the same as advertising. When you can only hear one advertisement all day, even if you don't want to, you can't help keeping that advertised product in mind. At that time, regardless of whether the consequences caused by the lack of resources are rare, as long as we increase publicity, it will be effective. Finally, I can oust the pelican mayor who is against me on the grounds of "public opinion". In this way, he can't face me? "

Seeing that Napa was stunned now, Ariel ate the last piece of bread in her hand and simply said it in one breath——

"In addition to targeting Pelican city leaders who don't listen to me, even those Pelican city leaders who listen to me can do so. In case of any problems in the policies and measures of Pelican city in the future... Ha ha, I mean, what problems occur under my instructions. After all, understand ~ ~ ~ I'm just a girl from an ordinary family ~ ~ ~ I'm sure I won't make mistakes ~ ~ "

Napa shrunk her neck, and Ariel smiled with her mouth covered, and continued——

"If you make any mistake and cause any problems in Pelican City, you can directly blame the mayor of Pelican city for all the problems at that time. The mayor made all these wrong, unpopular and disastrous policies in Pelican city. We strongly demand that the mayor resign and we re elect a mayor to continue to lead us! "

"For the mayor who we used as a shield, I will also seal a big red envelope enough to make him happy to shut up, make him regret on the surface, leave secretly and happily, and leave Pelican city with his family and friends. In this way, the anger against our mermaid song will disappear with the mayor's resignation, and our mermaid song can become very safe, won't it? "

Hearing this, Napa suddenly said, "the method seems to be a good method... But if the cheese leaves, doesn't it mean you still want the position of mayor? There seems to be no one more prestigious than you in the whole Pelican city? "

Ariel covered her mouth, chuckled, shook her head gently, and said, "how could I go on my own? You listened in vain to what I said just now? "

Napa: "well..."

Ariel: "the method is very simple. Let's re elect a mayor, isn't it? HMM... I can ask everyone to come out and see who they like to be mayor. Of course, because I have enough prestige in Pelican City, I will also recommend someone I can see as mayor, and then continue to act as a shield for our mermaid song. I think the little liquor owner of Unicorn bar is good. He is usually silent and helps when he gets along. If round cheese really doesn't work, let him come to the next mayor. I think it's no problem. "

Facing Ariel's so many introductions, as a cat... No, as a Warcraft, Napa can only sit on the table silently and look at the human girl in front of her with stunned eyes.

Looking at her now with such a sweet smile, looking at the sunshine behind her against her long blond hair, just like some kind of divine existence, it is enough to make people yearn.

For a long time, the cat Warcraft finally shook his head gently and said with admiration——

"Once, I thought I had begun to understand human beings enough. But Ariel, you can always make me feel that I still know too little about you humans after all. Is this what your teacher taught you? How many things can your human teacher use to shock me? "

In response, Ariel pouted, shook her head and said, "ah, my teacher didn't teach me this. I figured it out myself. Well ~ ~ ~ I think if an ordinary person like me who has no power and no magic wants to live well, he must use his brain more ~ ~ ~ I'm too ordinary. Ordinary people like me can see a lot everywhere ~ ~ ~ hee hee, I don't know whether this theory is feasible or not. If it's really just a theory, Can't it be implemented in practice? Then I just had a whimsical daydream ~ ~ "

Napa's head tilted again.

It looked at her with a very strange look, as if it had never seen the little human girl in front of her.

Naturally, Ariel caught this look. She smiled and said with a half joking expression, "why? It's like you've never seen me before. "

"Yes, I think I've never seen you before."

Napa shook her head gently and continued to look at Ariel with that surprised look——

"I still remember when you and I first met three years ago. You let me out of the cellar. At that time, although you were smiling, you always showed that everything was under your control. But at that time, you always had a little anxiety and uneasiness. "

"But now..."

After a short pause, Napa's voice gradually softened with a little hesitation——

"But now, you have brought me a sense of uneasiness. It always feels like you have changed. The girl who once wanted to be on an equal footing with men all day and thought that if men can do it, you must be able to do it now seems to be gone. Ouch! "

Before Napa finished, Ariel stretched out her finger and flicked on the forehead of the cat Warcraft. While she was covering her head, Ariel laughed again, leaned very relaxed on the sofa and said, "well, well, don't be so nervous. It's like I've changed. I haven't changed. I'm still me. I just changed from arrow to Ariel, but it's the same in essence. Besides, I just said that. I didn't mean to do that. It's just a feasibility. "

Perhaps it was because Ariel showed that very refreshing smile again, which finally made Napa's face a little indifferent. It floated up and landed on Ariel's head again. When it can press its Ass firmly on the blond hair of the human girl, it seems that it can feel the sense of firmness and steadiness.

"Well, indeed, you are still the former president of arrow. But Ariel, although you say this is just what you imagine and won't really practice it, it sounds really feasible? What if someone did? "

"What should I do? How do I know what to do? "

Ariel shrugged, finished her porridge and bread, clapped her hands and smiled——

"This is what I have come up with. If someone does, how do I know how to crack it? My mind is not free enough to think about this completely political struggle all day. okay! Now that we have finished our meal, it is estimated that our mayor should be arriving soon. "

After breakfast, after tidying up the tableware, Ariel just walked out of the kitchen. Sure enough, she saw that the mayor of round cheese had appeared at the gate of the guild with a lot of documents in his hand and was looking inside.

After seeing Ariel, the mayor looked relieved. He came in from the outside and stacked all the documents on the table.

Looking at this pile of documents, Ariel felt that she was about to roll her eyes.

To tell the truth, even if she really wants to be a shadow mayor, according to the ability of round cheese, it's not easy for her to be a shadow mayor, is it?

"Is this the information of all the booth fees?"

Ariel poured herself a cup of tea, sat down and began to look through one of the documents.

Round cheese took out a handkerchief, wiped the sweat on his forehead, nodded, and said in a relieved tone, "yes, that's right! President Ariel, here are the stalls in the central square in the past three years. Because President Ariel didn't come three years ago, we didn't organize any sales activities in essence, and you didn't ask us to record, so we didn't have any. "

While Ariel was watching, round cheese began to explain to Ariel the business situation of the central square in the past three years.

At first, because there were no businessmen, it was just the harvest festival market in autumn, which was a little lively. For the sake of excitement, Pelican town doesn't charge any booth fees at all.

Later, as business became more and more prosperous, people in the town began to pay attention to which places were better and easier to bring business, so they began to compete for the best territory. For these things, mermaid song also went out to coordinate several times. Later, it was changed to rent collection. Whoever bid high will give the best booth to who.

Later, the business of Pelican town is getting better and better. It has developed to Pelican city. Even many foreign businessmen will come here to set up stalls, which leads to the increase of stalls. It is impossible to work very hard before setting up stalls according to the requirements of the higher price, so we began to rent them for one week. After that, it was rented once a month. Now it is rented once every three months.

The whole central square has now been divided into several pieces, and some of the most popular areas should be high rent plots. But there are also some variables.

For example, no matter where the flower goblin stall is located, the stalls on both sides of their stall are always the most valuable. This has little to do with the region.

Therefore, the flower demon spirits will not rent any good places in the traditional sense at all. Where the rent is low, they will come according to which place, which will lead to the crowded site near their booth.

Recently, blood clan stalls will also start to settle in. Their cigarette sales look good. They can deliver a lot of goods every time, so the flow of people next to their stalls will also be very high.

How to balance the key nodes in these places, and then think about the best shop pricing method. Now, it's really a troublesome thing.