Chapter 1214

However, as Ariel, she now encountered a more... "Interesting" problem.

The thing is very simple. Now, as the president of mermaid song, she is also an important figure in the whole Pelican city. She should still have a say in the division of booth areas in the central square.

Then the problem comes.

The sales of cigarettes and the sales of flower goblins are actually paid by themselves. In other words, both of them will have a part of the Commission of mermaid song for the sales of products. In this case, do you want to arrange their location in the most lively and crowded place to meet your commission demand, but at the same time, it will also lead to a lot of congestion in the whole central square, and the roads will be blocked, and several places will form a blind corner, so as to reduce the number of shops in the whole central square?

Or is it in order to make the whole Pelican city better, separate the two traffic heads as far as possible, plan the shops in the whole central square and reduce their commission slightly to achieve more efficient development of the whole Pelican city?

HMM... that's really a problem.

The round cheese on one side looked nervously at Ariel here.

The president frowned and looked at the planning map of the central square with a thoughtful look. He couldn't help but breathe out and whispered, "President Ariel, I know that planning is really a difficult thing. We don't have a hurry. We have plenty of time. Then, if there's anything you need to know, just ask me, and I'll tell you everything! "

Unfortunately, Ariel still frowned and made it clear that she had no way to think about it in a short time.

Seeing this, round cheese is really happy for its "wise" action!

You know, even the president of mermaid song is so depressed now, so it should be taken for granted that he can't imagine the planning of the whole central square~~~

Time, minute by minute.

Even before noon, the president still sat here and looked at the plan. Perhaps she also looked at some materials nearby from time to time, frowned, and let her goodness in her heart have a fierce confrontation with her desire.

However, from the current situation, she feels that her desire seems to be winning a little


But just when the guild president decided that it was time to use his power to seek a little self-interest for himself, a voice suddenly burst in through the gate.

Ariel looked up and saw that the cream was coming in nervously. When he saw Ariel, he wanted to speak immediately, but soon he saw the round cheese next to him. When he reached his mouth, he immediately took it back and said in a more gentle voice——

"President, are you free? There are some small problems here that may need you to solve. "

Ariel was stunned, but then nodded and got up.

But before she left the round cheese, a citizen rushed in from the door and shouted immediately after seeing the round cheese here——

"Mayor! The mayor is bad, mayor! There's a fight... They're fighting! "

As soon as the corner of the round cheese's mouth pulled, he immediately shouted nervously, "is it fighting? Did you fight with the blood clan? Now... It's Day! Did you do it? "

"No! Not with blood! Not them! "

The citizen didn't care about Ariel here at all. He hurried to the side of the round cheese and took his hand to run out. He said as he ran——

"Yes... There are others! robber! thief! A bunch of shameless bastards! They... They're blocking the entrance to our village now! They even burned our goods! "

Hearing this sentence, the round cheese was involuntarily relieved.

Maybe it's because he was too nervous about blood clan affairs during this period. Now he even thinks that mere robbers are nothing? What's more, there is a powerful guild of mermaid song behind him.

At that moment, the mayor nodded calmly and said, "robber? Haven't we met robbers in Pelican city for decades? Go, look! President Ariel? "

Since the round cheese had been said, Ariel could only return it with a smile and a slight nod. After the mayor left the guild gate, the cream over there came to Ariel and said seriously, "it's not an ordinary robber. The problem may be a little more troublesome than we thought."

Ariel waved her hand, "go and have a look first. Tesla! "

With Ariel's cry, Tesla, who had been in the research room since the morning, came out from behind the guild. He removed the convex lens on the bridge of his nose and said with a puzzled face: "have you had lunch?"

Ariel shook her head and said, "let's go out now. You and the vice president will stay and watch the guild. If there is an emergency and the cat refuses to help, go upstairs and pull up the sleeping cheese. "

Although Tesla doesn't know what happened now, since the president said so, there's nothing to refuse.

Tell Tesla, Ariel is out of the guild. Cream had already parked the element car on the road at the entrance of the guild. When Ariel got on the bus, she immediately stepped down and the element car moved forward quickly.

"What the hell happened?"

Ariel asked.

Tesla in front said while driving——

"Two days ago, we sent several element cars carrying a lot of clothes to xiehu city for delivery, but we didn't come back for a long time. It's very strange, so when another element car is ready to start this noon, I'll follow it together and want to know what happened. "

"But just after leaving Pelican city for more than ten kilometers, I suddenly saw a roadblock on the road. Hundreds of people gathered on both sides of the barricade and drove me and the workers escorting the car down. "

"Then, while they said we were heretics and servants of the devil, they set fire to our element car and burned all the clothes and cloth on it."

At that moment, Ariel's originally gentle expression immediately became nervous. Her hands could not help clenching. After thinking about it, she said, "then?"

Cream is a little unexpected, because the president of his family can still be so calm now?

At the moment, he continued: "of course, I can't watch those thugs burn our cars and clothes, so I want to stop them. But there are too many of them. Roughly speaking, there were at least 200 people in the past. And it seems that they should not be professionally trained soldiers, but really ordinary robbers. "

"In this case, I can't kill casually. I can only find a way to hit a few. But in this way, the robbers seemed to be angered and began to take pitchfork, axe, sickle, hammer and other things to kill me. Helpless, I had to take the workers back first. "

The element car sped on the road. Listening to the description of cream, Ariel only felt her heart beating faster now!

This situation was a little unexpected. Why did so many robbers suddenly appear? And there are hundreds of people?

More importantly, how did such a large bandit team pass through the defensive port on the other side of xiehu city? Does that bastard Norris really ignore his territory?

Despite her doubts, Ariel kept herself calm. She leaned back in her chair and said slowly, "what's next? The robbers rushed over? "

Cream answered and said, "yes, when I ran away, I saw that the robbers began to move towards the city. The round cheese ran out just now. Those robbers should have arrived. "

Ariel is glad that cream is calm, especially in the face of so many mob attacks, she can adhere to the principle of "don't kill casually" in the mermaid song, and try to deal with things as small as possible.

But after being happy, things have become more troublesome now. Since I don't know anything now, I have to go first and then.

With the speeding of the element car, Ariel soon came to the edge of Pelican city.

Because Pelican city is expanded from a small town, and there has never been any external threat, there is no barrier like any fence here. Now the situation is urgent. I see some wood across the main road in and out of the city. It can be regarded as a roadblock.

Now, almost one or two hundred people have gathered at the entrance of the city, and everyone looks very nervous. And look outside these roadblocks

At a glance, Ariel felt that her good days were coming to an end. Where is the size of one or two hundred people? Even if there are four or five hundred people, it is completely conceivable, okay!

"President! The president is coming! "

Dak's ears were sensitive. After hearing the sound of the element car from behind, he quickly turned back and just saw Ariel coming down from the car.

Hearing the arrival of the president of the mermaid song, the onlookers here immediately separated a road and let the president go to the front.

Ariel nodded to the citizens on both sides and walked forward quickly. I saw that the round cheese beside me was obviously sad, probably because it was far from the scale of a bandit gang, but could reach the enemy scale of a war army.

"Sister president! These people are so annoying! "

Cocoa reached out and pointed to the robbers gathered outside, waved his wand and said——

"They burn our clothes and destroy our cars. They are a group of damn robbers! We should destroy them at once! "

Margo quickly pressed the necromancer with his face shaking his magic wand excitedly and smiled at Ariel. But then, she also put on a embarrassed look and said, "president, I haven't seen such a battle. What should I do?"

Ariel glanced, and Brad was there holding a wood as a roadblock, staring at himself.

Seeing this, Ariel patted the round cheese next to her and said, "Hey, you're the mayor. What do you think we should do now?"

The spirit of round cheese seemed a little nervous. He glanced at the dark crowd outside. He just wanted to speak, but he quickly covered his mouth by himself. He said helplessly: "yes... President! Don't play such a joke! I've never seen so many robbers before! It's terrible, it's terrible! We... Should we immediately ask Viscount Norris to send troops to destroy them? "

Ariel glanced at the weapons in the robbers' hands.

Indeed, many people have knives in their hands. However, these knives do not have any standard, and there are all kinds of specifications. In addition, farm tools such as pitchfork, rake, sickle and hoe seem to have everything.

Most importantly, the eyes of these robbers looking at the city are not ready to come in and rob. Instead, they seem to have some deep hatred.

Ariel thought for a moment and immediately said, "are there any weapons in the city?"

Round cheese was stunned: "Wu... Weapons? What weapon? "

Ariel waved her hand and got a little anxious: "any weapon! Just like what they hold in their hands, pitchfork, kitchen knife, sickle, hammer and so on! Find it and distribute it to everyone. "

But when Ariel said this, the cheese was stunned. It was as if he had just met the girl in front of him today. He looked surprised and said, "weapons?! President, do you mean... Do you mean we should fight them? Want us to fight these robbers? "

Ariel glared at him: "nonsense! Mermaid song, even if the combat effectiveness is strong, there are only a few people here, but there are four or five hundred people there! If you don't help, the mermaid song can't protect the whole Pelican city! "

Seeing that the round cheese was still haunted, Ariel was obviously a little angry. She shouted, "Hello! Round cheese! You're still not the mayor of Pelican city?! Now there are robbers in front of Pelican city. Are you still in a daze here?! Hurry up and prepare your weapons! "

Maybe it's because Ariel didn't get angry with cheese in the past.

The anger made the mayor shiver, and the look in the girl's eyes added a sense of awe.

At that moment, he nodded again and again, immediately turned around with several of his men, and asked everyone to go to their homes and get some weapons and other things.

However, after all, how could the citizens watching the excitement here think that they would suddenly take weapons?

Of course, the citizens here were all frightened one by one, with fear on their faces. They waved their hands when the round cheese asked for weapons, and then quickly left the entrance.

After less than a minute of persuasion, not only did not any citizens come with weapons, but all ran away one by one.

Ariel looked at the suddenly empty city street entrance, looked at the large number of robbers gathered there, and then looked at the open road behind her. She was silly for a moment.

It was also at this time that the robber group over there saw that the crowd at the entrance suddenly decreased and began to be restless. Holding their weapons, they walked slowly towards the entrance of Pelican city.

"Ariel... President Ariel! I... I can't! I really can't! "

Seeing such a terrible scene, the round cheese can't support it. He covered his face, shouted in panic, immediately turned around and ran towards the mayor's residence with several of his companions. In the twinkling of an eye, there was no shadow.

"Damn it!"

Dak's hands were firmly pressed on his double swords at his waist. He bit his teeth and said——

"President, it doesn't matter! These people are just a mob. They don't seem to have received any special training. As long as they kill a group, they will retreat because of fear. "

Cocoa nodded, freed her head from Margo's palm, pinched the dead song and said, "that's right! Sister president, I'm not afraid of these guys. They're just looking for death now, so we'll help them! "

Seeing the bandit group getting closer and closer, Ariel's mouth twitched.

Yes, her guild members are powerful. She has no doubt that they can protect their integrity. What's more, they have a life-saving skill. These robbers can't help themselves.

However, this is not the key to the problem!

The key question is, how should we deal with this situation?

Let the members go up and kill, let the blood flow into a river at the gate of Pelican City, and then the problem will be solved?

The most important thing is, where did these robbers come from? Why do you harbor such strong malice towards Pelican city?

Thinking of this, Ariel clenched her teeth and finally reached out to stop cocoa who was ready to cast magic. She took a step slowly and shouted in the face of the approaching bandits——

"Who the hell are you?! Why burn my car and cloth? "

The sound of Ariel's hard shouting spread, and the approaching bandits seemed to realize that there was a girl who didn't look very tall.

They were stunned, but then the members of the robber group began to look more excited.

"The witch? It's the witch! Yes, that's him! "

"That's the witch! She is the embodiment of poverty! "

"Witch! Greedy and cruel witch! Kill her! Kill her! "

"Yes! Kill her! Kill her --! "

It was not a rational voice that responded to Ariel.

On the contrary, it turned into a lot of more crazy roars!

Ariel just wanted to shout again, but the voice of the bandit group opposite has been boiling. The shouting and killing voice has completely covered up her voice, and even


A stone flew out of the bandit group, and the sharp corner pointed directly at the girl's forehead!