Chapter 1215


The stone was crushed in dak's palm. The crazy soldier turned his head and looked at the robbers throwing stones at the president. His eyes gradually began to lose their anger.

The next second, his hands quickly pulled out the double swords around his waist and made a face-to-face posture towards these people.

"You, look for -- die!"

Seeing that dak's mood began to rise gradually, the robbers put on a more aggressive posture. At the same time, a large number of stones began to fly over. It seems that they intend to use stones to hit these guys of mermaid song seriously before the battle.

"President, these people are really robbers! Let's do it! "

At the sound of, Brad's huge body had come to Ariel. The huge shield in his hand was erected to form an insurmountable barrier to protect his comrades in arms behind him. Only the stones kept making a sound on his shield. The front row soldier also pulled out a hammer from his back, pinched it in the palm of his hand and shouted loudly.

With Brad out, of course, Buffy on his body is now sticking out his head and raising his hands. Some emerald green light began to spread to Brad along the palm of her hand, and then began to spread to the cream, cocoa and dak next to him.

After feeling the smell of fragrance, these members put on a fighting posture one after another, and even put on a sneer at the corners of their mouths, ready to fight against the robbers in front of them.

"Kill the witch!"

"Go! They are so few people that we are not afraid! "

"Kill her! Hang her up! Burn her! "

"For the gift of God! Kill --! "

Seeing that these robbers have begun to rush into the attack range of mermaid song, their footsteps are shaking. It seems that they really don't have any combat experience at all. They just do the actions that appear in the with the anger in their chest.

But... Has no one ever told them never to casually attack an adventurer guild that is ready to go?

"President! Give orders! "

Cream drew his dagger, raised his sleeve arrow in his left hand, aimed at the robber who was only about 20 meters in front, and drank.

Looking at these crazy sprinting robbers, Ariel pondered for a moment. After all, she shook her head and raised her hand reluctantly——

"Move sh..."

Touch -!

But just before Ariel's words were fully spoken, a loud noise suddenly broke out in the middle of the songs of robbers and mermaids!

It was the sound of something falling suddenly, and the surging dust covered the scene in an instant. It also made those crazy charging robbers stop and raise their pitchfork knives and other things on guard.

Soon, the source of the loud noise was revealed under the rolling smoke.

The first thing to appear is a huge tower shield!

In the afternoon sun, a glittering cross on the tower shield is emitting the most solemn and gorgeous light!

Then, a Paladin with black clothes and black hair appeared behind the Nata shield. As soon as she shook her hand, a hammer appeared as if it had grown out of her hand. She raised the hammer and knocked the tower shield in front of her. Then, a loud noise like the roar of gongs and drums broke out at this moment.

Buzzing, buzzing!

The roar of tears echoed. When the robbers covered their ears one after another, the black Paladin quickly lifted the tower shield in his hand and returned to Ariel in a backward attitude. When Brad saw her coming back, he immediately got out of the way and put down his shield in front of Ariel's left. And she is also very homeopathic to put down the tower shield in front of Ariel's right, forming the most perfect protection circle for her president.

"President, I'm sorry I'm late."

Su TA's face showed a touch of apology, but then her eyes covered by bangs crossed the tower shield and stared coldly at the robbers who had gradually slowed down in front——

"But I brought reinforcements."

Ariel was stunned, but before she thought about what was going on, a voice that suddenly moved her came out from behind her.

"Protect our factory!"

"Come on, come on! All open the formation! Don't crowd! "

"Let the robbers see our strength!"

"Protect the factory! Protect our work! "

"Bastards, come on! Try it! "

Ariel, look back silently.

But I saw the employees who worked in their own factories on weekdays, and their faces were filled with the same color of anger.

It's different from those robbers with pitchfork, hoe, rake and so on. These workers are holding hammers, drivers, wrenches and other tools as weapons. There was really nothing to take. Even the pipes that should be installed on the car in the element car assembly factory were pulled out and rushed here as a stick.

Unlike ordinary citizens, these workers have no color of fear on their faces. They are like groups of soldiers, standing beside Ariel without hesitation, facing the robbers who have calmed down and still keep a vicious look in front with the song of mermaid.

"You... What are you doing here?!"

Ariel looked at the workers in surprise, and even the thinking circuit began to be a little dull.

At this moment, standing next to Ariel was a female worker. She held a wrench in her hand and said to Ariel, "boss! We came as soon as judge souta said this! These robbers destroyed our clothes and burned our cars. Now they still want to attack our city. Of course, we should come out together and teach them a lesson! "

Ariel was stunned, then shook her head and shouted, "where can I help you? You're not soldiers! Go back! The mermaid song is useful at this time! "

However, just as Ariel's voice fell, another male employee nearby quickly said, "boss, don't be polite to us! With so many enemies, how can we hide behind you all the time? "

"Yes, yes, yes!" Another female worker then said, "boss, you usually take care of us, give us food and accommodation, work for us, treat us so well, and come to chat with us on rest days. And even if the fighting power of mermaid song is strong, boss, you won't fight, will you? Then of course we have to protect you! "

To tell the truth, Ariel couldn't help being moved by these people's efforts to protect themselves.

Now that things have become like this, Ariel doesn't feel it necessary to disobey these workers.

With a smile on her mouth, she turned her head and looked at the robbers who obviously stopped because of the increase in the number here.

"President, what do you say? Do you want to do it? "

The corners of cream's mouth also contain a little smile, which is obviously full of self-confidence.

Ariel pondered for a moment, looked at the bandit gang over there again, thought about it and said, "wait a minute first. This is really strange. I need to find out what happened first. Please. Dak, lift me up. "

Holding double swords in both hands, dak, who was already eager to try, was stunned. It can be seen that the crazy soldier is dissatisfied because he can't go out to fight now.

But even if he was dissatisfied, he obediently squatted down, let Ariel sit on his shoulder and raised his president.

"Over there! You! "

Standing high, Ariel was finally able to look down at these dark bandits. Looking at the disorderly mob of about four or five hundred people, she counted a little in her heart and shouted——

"Fight or talk! Send someone out( (softly) Brad, yell. "

Brad: ah? Oh, howl --! "

The shield soldier raised his big shield, took a step forward and pressed heavily on the ground again. His roar, combined with the nearly hundreds of workers behind him, highlights a different sense of oppression.

Those bandits who had just appeared aggressive saw the mermaid song, and now such a battle obviously began to hesitate.

However, hesitation is hesitation, and some members of these robbers are still angry. At this time, a haggard robber wearing a broken magic cloak came out of the crowd, met Ariel and raised his hands directly——

"The arrow of flood and rain!"

A small magic array was formed in the robber's hands, and then a water arrow weaker than a bow and arrow shot at Ariel.

Unfortunately, the power of such a water arrow is so weak that it doesn't even need to be stopped by the nearby crisp tower. The magic dissipates in mid air, turns into water droplets and falls on the road.

"Witch! Don't think you can control so many people to serve you, you can do whatever you want! Even if you can control a small number of people, you can never control everyone! "

This water magician... Maybe he shouldn't be called a magician. Because the magic cloak on his body was so ragged that he kept patching it. It was no different from a rag. While talking, the man took out a sickle from his arms, raised it, and yelled at the crowd again——

"And you! You've all been cheated by this witch! She can some terrible magic. She has bewitched all of you! This woman is a pest! Her existence will only bring destruction and disaster! You must wake up immediately and never associate with this witch again! "

Although Ariel felt that she was broad-minded.

But the robber was a witch, and the feeling of scolding herself still made her a little unhappy. At that moment, the president winked at the cocoa nearby.

Cocoa understood that as soon as the death song in his hand was raised, in an instant, a zombie dog took shape from the ground, barked wildly and rushed towards the magician and robber.

"Wow, wow --! Monster... Monster! go away! Go away! "

The robber was obviously frightened. He kept waving his sickle to drive away the zombie dog. Such a gesture now looks really funny, which also makes Ariel's morale stronger.

After a few teasing, Ariel motioned cocoa to stop. Ariel continued to shout after the zombie dog was called back——

"Hello! What's your name? "

After driving away the zombie dog, the robber's face looked angry. He raised his sickle at Ariel again and shouted, "what do you call me?! Don't think you'll always be so strong! One day, the power of justice will punish you! Even if that day is not today, it must be one day in the future! "

"Our president is asking you! What's your name! "

Suddenly, the smile on Ariel's face disappeared. In front of her, Brad gave a very "timely" roar, which made the robber's footsteps look unstable.

After hearing this roar, the other robbers in the back were a little frightened. Now the 500 people unexpectedly took a few steps backward.

Such a scene also made Ariel confirm that these robbers were really a mob.

"You... You! I won't tell you! We... Our name is victim! It's the victim of your witch... Sucking blood! "

Ariel snorted coldly. Since he can speak now, it means that things can go on. Then she continued, "I suck your blood? What's going on? Tell me. I'm Ariel Garcia, President of mermaid song. What's wrong with you? If you can make sense, and this truth can convince me, what harm I have caused to you, I will compensate you! Say! "

In the eyes of the robber magician, there seemed to be a very strong breath on the woman who seemed to be less than 20 years old! It seems that this breath comes not only from the helpers beside her, but from herself?!

The robber bit his teeth slightly and shook his hand. The surface of the sickle was filled with a layer of water mist again. He raised it and looked like he was ready to work hard at any time and shouted——

"Compensate us? What do you take to compensate us?! My home is gone... Everything I have is gone! My wife ran away with my children! You did all this! You killed my broken family. You killed everything I had! I ask you, what do you take to compensate me? "

At this moment, Ariel was a little surprised.

She was surprised at the robber's desperate eyes. It was obvious that they were not pretended, but really bitter and resentful in her heart.

Looking at such eyes, Ariel pondered a little for a moment, but her face was uncompromising. She continued to shout at the robber with a very high-pressure attitude: "did I hurt your family? Grievance has its head and debt has its owner. What's my business if your wife runs away? I don't even know you! "

"Of course you don't know me! Of course you don't know everyone here! But everyone here has lost everything because of you! You witch! You devil! "

The robber magician held up the sickle with water magic in his hand and continued to shout——

"My family is an ordinary civilian! My wife is responsible for raising children at home, and I am responsible for driving carriages for a living! I thought this kind of life could last forever. My life is so ordinary. I catch up with several carriages every day and can go home after making a little money! "

"When I catch the bus, I can even show my passengers my unique skills. Some rich guests even give me more iron coins! It's so simple! This is my life! "

"But you... But you! You devil! "

"What terrible monster did you find in the abyss and hell? That terrible monster took all my work! It's been three months... I haven't been able to catch up with the car once in three months! Even the shops that let me rent carriages on weekdays were closed, leaving me without a job! "

"You took my job and my livelihood! You make my wife and my children can't eat, you... You! You ruined everything! So today... I'm going to ruin your life today! Die!!! "

With anger, the robber magician rushed towards the mermaid song with a sickle held high.

Brad and Britta, who stood in front of Ariel, were not careless because the other party seemed to have no training at all. The two front rows looked at each other. Brad quickly moved to the side. Crisp tower raised the tower shield and moved to the front. When facing the sickle of the robber magician, crisp tower took a slight breath and resisted his tower shield.

"Magic reflex"

Touch -!

As soon as the sickle attached with water magic hit the tower shield, it was like hitting a spring and bounced out in the opposite direction. The robber magician was unprepared and did not hold his hand firmly. The sickle directly scraped over his shoulder, pulled out a wound and flew out from a distance.

"Wow --- ---!"

The pain made the robber magician cover his shoulder and lay on the ground and began to struggle. Ariel glanced back. Margo came forward, threw a healing technique and landed on each other's shoulder to stop the blood.

"You all stop! Don't move any! I'll beat whoever comes up! "

While the robber magician screamed in pain, the other robbers clenched their teeth again, raised their weapons and wanted to come up, but Brad immediately drank them back.

Soon, the robber magician covered his shoulder, flashing a color of fear in his eyes, slowly straightened up and took two steps back.

Seeing this, Ariel continued, "I ruined your life? Who told you I ruined your life? "