For the compatriots who come out to work in China, they don't have high requirements, don't be afraid to make less money, and don't be cheated. So when they came in for the interview, they found that two of the three interviewers were compatriots who spoke Chinese like them, they immediately felt a lot of peace of mind.

This kind of interview is very simple. It is to ask these people what they used to do in China, tell them that No. 2 fishing ground is lonely and has no entertainment activities, and ask them if they can stand loneliness.

The production machines required for fish feed are highly intelligent and easy to use, but workers also need to have a minimum operating ability, so we also need to look at their education. Qin Shiou's standard is high school, aged from 25 to 35. People at this age can not only accept new things, but also have a strong sense of responsibility.

During the whole process, Qin Shiou didn't ask much, mainly because Geng Junjie was complaining there. He took out the style of being a monitor in those years, first deterred the interviewer with a serious expression and severe eyes, and then began to talk step by step. Unexpectedly, he could talk a lot of useful things.

Taking advantage of a vacancy, Qin Shiou changed Geng Junjie to the position of the main interviewer in the middle and praised him: "unexpectedly, old Geng, you still have this ability. OK, this time you went to No. 2 fishing ground. You are the political commissar. You have to do a good job in the ideological work of workers."

Geng Junjie said with a smile, "don't worry, boss of that line. I'll certainly lead the team for you."

Ninety six people were interviewed, including 84 domestic labor export workers, and only 12 of them were native Canadians. Of course, they were all new immigrants.

In this way, the three people discussed and did a simple screening, and finally left 70 people. The fishing ground can't use so much. However, Geng Junjie suggested a knockout competition and a three-month probation period. In fact, Qin Shiou wanted to hand over the recruitment to the fishery alliance at the beginning. Later, considering that this was a little too much, he didn't do so. He just asked Tiya to take someone to go through the necessary procedures for opening a factory.

Now, he has recruited all the people himself, pulled up the gun and occupied the top of the mountain. The preparation work is finished. The rest is to produce products and accept the review of the Ministry of agriculture and the health department. Once there is no problem, they can be put into the market.

Qin Shiou went to No. 2 fishing ground that day. Now No. 2 fishing ground is completely different from the rags he bought. First, the sea is clean, and secondly, there are many houses on the shore, all of which are new houses.

In addition to the workshop, he also built two fisherman's apartments in the south of the fishing ground. The small building is reserved for him and his confidants, and the feed workers live in the fisherman's apartment.

In contrast, in the north, a large series of tall warehouses have been built, and they are still under construction. The warehouse is the one with the largest demand for fish feed plants. Dried seaweed, transported starch bone meal raw materials and produced fish feed need to be sent to the warehouse.

On the sea, two seaweed fishing boats he hired were working with a roar. Different areas are defined on the beach. Giant algae crawl on it like winding snakes, dense and impressive.

The two seaweed fishing boats are of different models. Instead of buying them, he hired them first to see which one is better to use and which one to buy later.

Seaweed fishing boats, in fact, should become kelp fishing boats. Kelp culture is the most developed industry in Canada's seaweed culture industry. Hundreds of thousands of tons of kelp flow into the world market every year.

One of the two ships is a flat bottomed ship and the other is a conventional water drop bottom. The propeller of the former is located at four corners of the bottom, and the latter is located at the stern like an ordinary ship.

The common point is that both ships have two sharp and super long underwater cutting machines on both sides of the ship's side. A slide like thing can be put down at the stern of the ship. In this way, the cutting machine cuts off the algae from the water. The algae float under the action of the blade airbag, and then drag it onto the ship through the slide. The work is over.

After arriving at the fishing ground, Qin gull released the Sea God consciousness and saw that the two ships worked in two directions. The underwater cutter kept rotating and would cut off the large leaves and stems of giant algae.

The air bag in the blade provides buoyancy, and the giant algae floats. Grab the huge long blades to the slide mouth through the grabber and pull them up along the slide.

This has the advantage that the stems and leaves of giant algae will always be collected, which will not hurt its roots, protect its life from being affected, grow continuously, and provide giant algae for use.

Qin Shiou looked and nodded. The flat bottom salvage boat came over. The crane lifted the mountain like giant algae to the beach and spread it to meet the sun.

Seeing his arrival, the sea monster who led the work jumped down and said, "everything is going well, boss. The growth of giant algae here is quite good and has attracted a lot of catches. Guess what we found when we caught giant algae?"

Qin Shiou said with a smile, "are there some cod schools?"

The sea monster shook his head, squeezed his eyes mysteriously and said, "you'll be surprised. It's really a school of fish, but not cod, but American black grouper!"

After hearing this, Qin Shiou was really surprised and said strangely, "American black grouper, are you sure? Does God like my fishing ground so much? "