Boom, boom, boom, boom

With the energy concussion that erupted from time to time, the light of the blood colored crescent moon, which was unknown, sometimes came out of the gap between the rolling magic clouds, revealing a strange light, which fell on the battlefield of a corner of the continent of the deep space celestial body in the universe.

Such a big battlefield, sky and earth.

Tens of millions of creatures are crowded and fighting with each other.

From time to time, there are one or two legendary creatures with unprecedented volume, invincible across the battlefield, and easily kill hundreds of low-level creatures along the way. Magic power!

However, the battlefield with the participation of gods here is still in fear and sometimes falling crisis.

War is like a huge vortex, sucking and crushing all nearby creatures one by one.

Whew, whew.

A twisted light dark vortex, a blurred figure shielded by translucent space.

Leiluo and Windsor, dispatched by the war, crossed tens of kilometers in a short time and caught up with the central battlefield as quickly as possible.

The central battlefield of higher organisms is full of dangers.

Even the two academicians are facing a crisis of life and death at any time.


"There are so many ancient creatures under the ground. Since they have chosen underground life, why do they come up? Damn, it's hard to imagine that our beautiful principality of Gran was once ruled by these ugly creatures!"

An extraordinary scholar who opened the true body of the upanishadism turned into a huge demon and roared angrily.

The lion's body is about five meters long. The six tentacles on its head twist frequently and emit different colors. It can vaguely see the human figure hidden in the head of the real body of UPI.

After continuous and fierce fighting, there have been many injuries to the real body of UPI. Although they are all small-scale damages that do not hinder the main body, if they accumulate for a long time, the losses will be incalculable. He must find some magic guide materials to repair as soon as possible.

Fortunately, during the war, the Gran military department supplied sufficient advanced materials, and could use the military industry to enjoy a lot of concessions.

"The smell of law seems stronger over there."

The other was a military general.

With white hair, eyebrows and sharp eyes, he actually cast the solid level of spiritual cultivation around his body like a real body, protecting the body and expanding the strength of the body several times.

As a combat group, they help each other and hunt demons at the edge of the central battlefield.


Evaporate the green blood on the blade in an instant, and let the body of this huge demon fall into the dark earth and be dragged into the soil and eaten by those low demons wandering in the war ruins.

The old general didn't take another look.

This demon was killed by two people together. He didn't have the habit of collecting specimens, but looked at the magnificent magic fog rolling in the center of the battlefield.

The rolling magic fog is like a category 12 hurricane. The terrible vortex influence spans the whole station and stirs the energy of the battlefield, which is frightening.


In the magic fog, accompanied by bursts of oppression, there were not a few soul stirring roars.


After the scholar answered, he suddenly noticed something, and the real tentacles vibrated at a high frequency.

However, with his sideways glance, he suddenly exclaimed.

"Damn it, another group of bone flying scorpions!"

The old general stared at the sound.

More than a thousand meters away, there are dozens of dark shadows in the fuzzy magic fog, just like the God of death wandering in the dark. He is flying through the battlefield at an amazing speed. If the old man hadn't had amazing perception, he found these dangerous creatures in advance and was suddenly attacked and approached by so many bone deep flying scorpions, their combat power would be near death.

Groups of bone flying scorpions are the most dangerous underground creatures in this battlefield except the demon king!

Even if the quantity is enough, they are more dangerous than those demon kings!

"Quickly, inform the airship platform to prepare the magic guide dispersion gun... Huh!?"

After a brief dignified look, the old general and the scholar looked to the other side at the same time.

A dark and twisted shadow was flying from far to near, but it was Windsor's Summoner that really made them notice the breath.

Compared with all kinds of demons summoned by the contract and the [altar Communicator] with amazing wealth, Windsor prefers this head. She personally trained this media partner.

This is a lower creature she cultivated when she was young, but because she swallowed an ancient fossil with spatial properties in the laboratory, there was an extraordinary variation that could not be copied, which gave her the initial enlightenment in space-time science.

Invisible, like a twisted and illusory space, leading to a forgotten node.

By mastering it, Windsor mastered the taboo areas that mortals could not touch!

"Bone deep flying scorpions?"

Ralo's voice came from the twisted vortex of light and darkness.

"Fortunately, the number is not too much."

If there are only dozens, with the strength of two Royal Academicians and sufficient preparation, it will only take a little time.

"Well, it's just that I want to ask those two little guys about the situation. Before the war, many little guys begged me for protection. It's time for you, the famous academician of the power of the sun, to use deterrence and appease people's hearts, otherwise these little guys will be terrified."


Leiluo smiled and said nothing more.

From the mouth of the painted skin devil in his real body, he already knew the mission of swallowing the demon God.

The first is to establish the temple through the real body invasion, establish the temple belief normally, and summon the corrupt demon God to come. As a median God, the difficulty of his invading the surface through the channel is at least ten times lower than that of the corrupt God!


If the devouring demon God falls, the power of devouring the simulated rotten demon God in its body will become the origin coordinate of the rotten demon God on the earth's surface.

After each creature mastering the power of law falls, it will form a law vortex pollution area, which is what people call the eye of the wind.

It is worth mentioning that.

Only creatures on the surface need wind eyes!

Living in the underground world for a long time, these demons have opened up all kinds of new abilities by using the power of law, the most important of which is sacrifice.

Compared with the cruel demons in the underground world, the application of human sacrifice is only children.

The rotten demon God wants to use this law source as a sacrifice, let himself replace it and reach the surface!

"In other words, as long as the devouring demon God falls, the decadent demon God will come and usher in a real catastrophe! As a high demon God, at that time... The only means to stop it on this battlefield is radiation weapons."

With an unfathomable, fanatical and cruel smile, Leiluo seemed to see the evolutionary rebirth after the doomsday catastrophe.

The opening of a new era!

In the distortion of light and darkness, he stretched out his right hand, and the powerful gravitational ripple was surging rapidly, gathering the energy and material particles in all directions quickly, forming a distorted black ball at the tip of his index finger.

"Level 4 singularity."


The twisted black sphere breaks through the distance of hundreds of meters in an instant, distorts and pulls everything along the ballistic range with strong gravity, and collapses to the structure of black singularity.

Hiss, hiss, hiss

About a quarter of the Guyuan flying scorpions did not have time to escape and were involved.

The gravity of the black sphere is too strong.

So that when matter and energy are close to its influence range, the basic particle structure will be destroyed instantly, lose its magnetic properties for a short time, and become the most basic proton.

In this way, the combat effect of singularity is like an invisible hand, which instantly vaporizes everything along the way and erases it out of thin air.

Then there was a second explosion.


The majestic energy shock completely submerged a huge area of more than 30 meters, and the surging energy shock wave spread to a further distance, forming a second destructive blow to a further range.

A strong wind swept through.

This is because the gravity mastered by Leiluo at this stage, after layers of absorption, can no longer bind the energy materials in the singularity, so that the particles that have temporarily lost their magnetic force restore the infrastructure again, and the volume has expanded hundreds of thousands of times, so that this singularity technology, which is only the size of a fist, releases powerful energy of more than 1100 degrees at the core node.

The total amount of matter and energy has not changed, and there is no physical reflection of fission, fusion, etc.

But the result is that more than a dozen bone flying scorpions and the material and energy along the way have completely disappeared from the world and turned into the most basic dust particles.


The old general and extraordinary scholar who was being questioned by Windsor saw the destruction attack of singularity, immediately took a breath, and the dark nightmare eyelids jumped wildly.

I couldn't help but look at the dark and twisted horror figure.

"Who is this?"

After suffering such terror, the group of Guyuan flying scorpions hundreds of meters away immediately dispersed like a frightened bird, hid with the help of demons, and no longer swam and gathered together as before.