"Well, any news?"

When the twisted vortex of light and dark is in the distance, due to its unique huge gravitational nature, it not only distorts the surrounding energy, but even its own pressure is firmly bound, so it is difficult for others to detect the thrilling energy pressure.

However, as the distorted light and shadow gradually approached, they came to the extraordinary scholar and the old man of the military headquarters, more than ten meters away, standing in the sky with magic clouds, and they were immediately moved.

Visible to the naked eye!

The essence of the transcendent scholar, the edge energy layer driven by the devil guiding material is twisted, and with the surrounding energy, the strands are sucked into the twisted vortex.

On the other hand, the old man with huge spirit and real body blushed. Unexpectedly, the blood of his body also flowed back and gathered in the direction close to the figure, so that his spirit was distorted and might collapse at any time.

This is the repression of the life level.


Both of them are unavoidably shocked, their eyelids jump wildly, and they are eager to perceive the true face of this figure.

But the terrible thing is that no matter how they perceive it, they are like sinking into the abyss of the sea and torn apart by the terrible attraction of the twisted vortex center. It seems to swallow everything, as if a nightmare that can never wake up fell.

Not to mention the shock of raylo's law of gravity to both.

[altar Communicator] Windsor shook her head.

She looked around the battlefield. The ground was crisscrossed with gullies, and there were thick smoke after explosion everywhere. Several shadows were interspersed in the dark shadow from time to time. The sky was crisscrossed by rolling magic clouds and fleeting energy guides, like lightning, illuminating the sky from time to time.

"There's no news. There's a lot of interference here."

Windsor said, and Ralo suddenly noticed something.

He took out the crystal ball. With a "buzz", the crystal ball floated in the air, reflecting a light curtain and showing Antonio's anxious figure.

"If you find unknown biological dynamics, go to point G of the third defense line to defend immediately!"


The light curtain message lasted less than two seconds.

The coordinates were very close to this side, so Windsor couldn't help looking at the task coordinates for the first time, but she didn't find anything because of the rolling magic fog.

"Good! Although it's dangerous to go there to perform a sudden task, it's better to face the devil directly."

She looked at the scholars and old generals on standby and said, "you two have been called up. Follow me to the G-point to defend."


They were equally relieved.

It's better to be with these two strong men than to do such a separate task. There was a touch of excitement on his face. It's obvious that he didn't resist Windsor's call.

"Let's go."

Windsor looked at rillo and said.


Leiluo answered and turned the direction slightly.

Along the way, warfighters were constantly recruited by Windsor. In just a few minutes, the team was expanded to more than 20 people. They were all strong above level 3. With such strength, they could calmly deal with hundreds of Guyuan flying scorpions.

Boom, boom!

The energy fluctuation in the magic cloud is very strong.

The party seemed to be walking on the edge of a category 12 hurricane. From time to time, several unlucky bodies roared across the sky. The speed of the strong wind was even comparable to the death storm outside the eye of the wind.

"It's almost to the task coordinate point. What's the matter with you?"

Windsor sensed rillo's silence.

"On the crystal light curtain just now, Antonio's snake skin seems to be missing another layer."


Windsor was stunned, so she hesitated and said slowly, "you mean... Elder, he is at the end of his power?"


The cry of surprise and anger interrupted the short communication between the two people.

Looking around, it was a magic object, and suddenly a scarlet blood tongue pierced the mysterious body of a conscription scholar.

The scholar's mysterious real body is a four or five meter demonized giant. With a bloody long tongue, she penetrated the real body and stabbed the scholar's cheek from the real body. If she wasn't lucky enough, the blow would make her head different.

"Be careful!"

"It's a group of demons!"

With the tumbling magic cloud and the strong wind surging, more than a hundred magic objects with different shapes rushed out, and an encounter started in an instant.

"The number is almost more than 100. It should have escaped from the central battlefield!"

Windsor sent two powerful summoning creatures to join the battle at the first time.


Leiluo couldn't help saying that he summoned a three-level collapse bubble technique. With the violent explosion of "roaring" not far away and the terrorist attack of more than 500 degrees, a nearby white bone scale variant demon was blown to pieces in an instant.

From above.

These huge monsters, which opened their real bodies for more than 20 years, roared one after another and fought with all kinds of strange monsters pouring out of the dark magic cloud.

Two distinct groups of creatures fought fiercely with each other.

Fortunately, these demons were not ruled by the demon king. More than ten minutes later, some of the corpses were left by the demons, and the rest were defeated and fled by everyone.

Wheezing, wheezing, wheezing

Panting, accompanied by a painful wail, several scholars looked at the female scholar being treated by Windsor, who was the first to be attacked.

The sweat has soaked the clothes thoroughly.

Female scholars even roll their eyes because of pain and instinctive spasm, and are on the verge of fainting and collapse.


In Windsor's deep angry drink, "poof" took out a strange parasite from the female scholar's body, like a sea urchin with long whiskers. It looked really ferocious and terrible. After being taken out of the body, it still tried to return to the female scholar's body.

"Later, it will begin to erode the nervous system."

With the words, "poof", the dangerous parasite was swallowed by Windsor's calling creature's tongue.

Scholars gathered nearby could not help jumping their eyelids when they saw this scene.

The other side.


After sighing, Leiluo shook his head and put away the scalpel in the disappointment of several onlookers.

"His vitality has been lost, and I can't save it."

With Leiluo's death sentence, people saw that it was a military general who was beheaded on the spot. Leiluo had an emergency operation, tried to sew his upper body to a Warcraft specimen, and tried to prolong his life, but ended in failure.

After this encounter and conflict, some time was delayed. They didn't care to sort it out and continued to rush to the task coordinates.

In a few minutes.

Whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew.

When the crowd arrived at the coordinates, they stood in the air looking for the balloon airship group stationed here.

According to the task arrangement, as the key of defense, there should be at least five balloon airships to assist in defense.

However, at the moment, it is empty.

"Down there!"

An investigative scholar found the abnormality. With the unbelievable cry, the people quickly flew to low altitude. After passing through the rich demon, they immediately saw the tragic and abnormal war debris.

Dozens of gullies and craters, large and small, fragmented the earth, full of burning debris, billowing thick smoke and surging.

Buzzing, buzzing

Dozens of golden beetles appeared, barely gathering the weak figure of [humble author] sisido.

"Come back quickly... There is an unknown demon among those demons. Their target may be the radiation weapon on your majesty..."

Windsor, raylo's pupils constricted when he heard the speech.

"Come on, go back to the fortress!!"

Windsor roared and led the crowd to pursue the unknown demon passing through the defense line.

"Oh, where are they!"

Sisido gasped: "those demons are really strong, especially the most hidden secret demons. I was only looked at by them, and my soul stagnated and frozen. I narrowly escaped this disaster. I even doubt... Angelina escaped with Orn. I don't know whether she succeeded or not. Megana is in a special state of self sealing, and I hid her."


Without stopping, Leiluo also quickly followed the team and flew towards the fortress.