There is no doubt that three round cake shaped explosive packets fly out of the ground.

The home-made heartless gun is fired with an earth barrel.

That is to dig a round hole similar to the barrel directly on the ground to replace the barrel. Therefore, when Gao Shilian and others arrived, they didn't see any weapons. They were "deep in merit and fame" under the ground.

The flying speed of the three thrown explosive bags is not fast, which can be seen by the naked eye.

Under the surprised gaze of Gao Shilian and others, the explosive package slowly fell from the sky and fell on the hill 100 meters away.

However, the dropped explosive package seemed to have failed, and nothing happened.

Gao Shilian looked suspiciously at Li forgetting his worries and didn't understand what this meant.

Li forgot to worry, but shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands.

No way, now there is no detonator, let alone any trigger device. Even the burning speed of the twist is different, so it is very difficult to know when the explosive package will detonate.

In order to prevent the explosive package from being detonated during the flight, Li forget worry can only let Niu Wu and them make the twist of the explosive package longer and burn it for a longer time.

It's better to detonate later than to be detonated earlier.

"Ziyou, what do you mean and why..." Gao Shilian waited for a moment, but he still didn't see any reaction and couldn't help asking.

But before he could finish, he heard three loud thunders from the hill a hundred meters away.

The people looked in horror, but they saw that on the hill, with the explosion, the fire suddenly appeared, the black smoke rose, and the trees fell one after another.

As for the birds perched in the woods on the top of the mountain, they were so frightened that they rose to the sky and fled everywhere.

"This... This is thunderbolt! It's thunderbolt! Ziyou, how can this thunderbolt fly to the top of the mountain by itself? You, you still say you can't do magic?" Gao Shilian almost pulled off his beard in amazement.

The captains and school captains of the Tang army also had the same expression of seeing ghosts. Who could have imagined that this thunderbolt would fly to the mountain 100 meters away and explode.

Li forgot to worry and smiled secretly, but he would not explain the principle to Gao Shilian and others.

It's better to keep gunpowder as secret as possible.

Therefore, Li forgot to worry about Gao Shilian's question and didn't answer it. He just smiled and asked, "what do you think of my method? Is it possible to break the Zhang Feiying camp?"

"Can! Naturally! Ha ha, I didn't expect that Ziyou gave me such a big surprise. As long as this thunderbolt can explode at the top of the mountain guarded by the staff, they will lose!"

Gao Shilian didn't bother to manage. How did Li forget to worry about doing such an incredible thing.

As long as Li forget worry can really send those thunderbolts to the top of his staff, these Tang troops under his command can go to Zhang Fei camp and wipe out these lawless staff in one fell swoop.

The captains and school captains of the government soldiers were surprised, but they also showed surprise on all sides.

They don't understand what it means to show them this scene.

For a moment, rainbow flattery surged in.

"I'm really an immortal. I can get it out by such immortal means! Ha ha, look at those bureaucrats. How can they guard according to the danger?"

"That's right. It's natural that you're extraordinary. Those petty people are naturally easy to catch!"

"Grandpa can turn the damn barbarians into powder without effort. This is the means of thunderbolt and thunder!"

"Your majesty!"

"My Lord is domineering!"

"The soldiers of a generation are in robes and bow to the Lord!"

For these flatteries, Li forgot to worry and received all the orders without blushing. He was forced to smile and nod to the people.

Backed by Li's heartless gun, the previously frowning people immediately became interested and began to offer suggestions on how to use Thunderbolt to quickly solve the rebel colleagues in Zhang Fei camp.

After some discussion, Niu Wu and the Zhangjia brothers led hundreds of government soldiers to climb the mountain with the remaining explosive bags, and pushed forward to a hundred steps away from Zhang Fei camp, camped and established an attack position.

At the same time, Niu Wu began to lead a group of government soldiers to dig the ground and dig out the soil barrel for firing explosive bags.

After several tests by Li forgetful worry, there are not many remaining explosive packs, only less than 20.

But no one, including Li forget worry, is worried about the lack of ammunition.

As long as these explosive packages fly into the air and explode over the heads of the staff, it will be enough to solve the problem.

On this day, the Tang army did not try to attack Zhang Fei camp again. Niu Wu led the government soldiers to dig out more than 20 earth barrels in a small half day.

Round planks and explosive bags are all ready. The attack will be officially launched after dawn tomorrow.

The next morning, the soldiers of the Tang army had breakfast, prepared their armor and blades, and began to climb the mountain. They were ready to work hard to capture Zhang Fei camp.

Gao Shilian and Li QIAOYOU stayed in the camp at the foot of the mountain, raised their binoculars and looked at the top of the mountain a little nervously.

At the second quarter of the morning, the battle drums sounded in the camp and issued the order to attack.

At the foot of the mountain, when the Tang army camp sounded the war drum, the staff of Zhang Fei camp also sounded the bronze drum.

The staff were armed with bows and arrows and prepared all kinds of stones and rolling logs.

Although the thunder continued to blow at the foot of the mountain yesterday, these bureaucrats were very afraid for a while. But when the staff found that only the voice came, they didn't take it seriously.

These days, they fought back several attacks of the Tang army without any effort and without damage, which made these bureaucrats from fear to contempt for the Tang army.

In their view, as long as they occupy the favorable terrain of this flying camp, they are not afraid of even a thousand troops.

The 100 meter long mountain path in front of Zhang Fei camp is a Jedi. No one can attack it.

Not to mention, the staff are still at the end of the mountain road, building a small pass with stones and thick trunk.

In this way, even if the Tang army rushed through the 100 meter death mountain road under the arrow rain, it would not threaten the staff above the pass. Instead, it would turn itself into a target and let them shoot at will.

So when the staff heard the drums of the Tang army's attack, they not only didn't panic, but happily picked up their weapons and waited for the Tang army to die.

Through the telescope, Li Qieyou looked at the mountain five or six hundred meters away. Niu Wu and the Zhang brothers stood up at the same time and motioned all the soldiers around him to step back.

Because there is no time to train other government soldiers to launch heartless guns, this time all the earth detonators will be ignited by Niu Wu.

Therefore, on the mountain road, the earth tubes excavated by the government soldiers are also arranged in groups of three.

The three of Niu Wu blew up the fire at the same time, ignited the fire, then quickly retreated to the lower soil barrel, ignited again and retreated.

When they lit the twist of the third barrel, they heard three loud noises in front of them. Then the explosive bag was watched by the people and flew slowly to Zhang Feiying 100 meters away

Niu Wu and the Zhang brothers also had no time to watch their achievements. They ran all the way and lit the medicine twists in each soil tube.

When all the explosive packs were ignited, the first thunder finally sounded on the top of the mountain.

Already impatient with waiting, the Imperial College captain immediately pulled out the horizontal knife at his waist and began to lead a group of imperial soldiers to rush towards the top of the mountain