Zhang Feiying's camp, which was closed to all, was broken after the first explosive package exploded.

In the age of cold weapons, there is no solution to the bug of explosive bag.

Whether it's the power of the explosive bag or the strong impact brought by that sense of shock, the staff can't face it.

In fact, not to mention these uncivilized bureaucrats, even the Tang army would probably collapse in the face of the "dimensionality reduction" attack of explosive bags.

With the huge waves caused by more than a dozen explosive bags exploding like thunder, hundreds of Tang troops crossed the 100m mountain road, crossed the collapsed pass and poured into zhangfei camp.

As for those bureaucrats, long after the explosive package exploded, they left their weapons and ran away.

When the armored Tang army rushed to Zhang Fei camp, the battle was no longer in suspense.

Although the size of Zhang Fei camp is about 3000 mu, it is very broad. If the staff want to flee everywhere, it will take a lot of effort to catch all of them with the help of these more than 2000 government soldiers.

But the staff had been shocked by the explosive package and completely lost their fighting spirit. They ran all the way back to the staff camp, just like frightened birds returning to their nests.

This saves the soldiers from catching people all over the mountain.

As soon as the Tang army arrived, the bureaucrats of the five tribes laid down their weapons cleanly and surrendered.

Knowing that the battle on the mountain was over, Gao Shilian couldn't help laughing and invited Li forget you to go up the mountain to see the captured officers.

Li Lianyou is naturally interested. He wants to know whether the leaders of the five Liao tribes have been caught.

But when he and Gao Shilian, old and young, were panting and finally boarded Zhang Fei camp, they got bad news.

According to the identification of the captured Liao people, the five tribal leaders and their cronies fled into a wooden house on the top of the mountain after the Tang army attacked Zhang Fei camp.

And the wooden house, Li forgot to worry, looked in the direction of Tang Jun's finger, but saw only a smoky building that had been burned into a piece of white debris

What is this?

Li Qieyou was stunned by this scene.

Are these staff leaders so strong?

Would rather commit suicide than be captured by the Tang army?

Even if they are caught, it must be a dead word, but the mole ants are still alive, Li forgetful doesn't believe that these tribal leaders are so righteous and heroic?

This is so unscientific!

"Is there a secret road in that house? The chief of the staff ran along the secret road?" Li forgets worry and asks reluctantly.

Tang Jun's captain shook his head: "Lord Hui, the house has been inspected, and no secret road has been found. In addition, more than a dozen charred bodies have been found in the house. Just now, those colleagues have identified it and confirmed that it is the leader of their tribe and his confidants."

This immediately blocked Li forgetful worry's stomach. I didn't know what to say.

Damn it!

Li forgot to worry and scolded in his heart. He turned and was ready to go.

Immediately, he paused again, turned his head and asked, "did those Liao leaders burn themselves or were killed?"

"This... I don't know." the captain looked embarrassed.

He is a lieutenant of the government army, not a work in the Yamen. How can he understand this.

On the other hand, someone suddenly said, "Grandpa, if you don't let me humble down and have a look? Although being humble is not an act, I know how to distinguish the scars on the corpse when I work in the county government."

Li forgot to worry and looked up, but it was the Yamen servant in Jiulong County who was sent to lead the way for the Tang army.

He naturally agreed, smiled and nodded, motioning the Yamen to quickly check the charred body.

Li forgets worry, but now he is skeptical. He thinks that the leaders of these bureaucrats are likely not to "commit suicide", but to be killed.

Otherwise, how could it be so coincidence that just after the Tang army broke through Zhang Fei camp, these Liao leaders, together with their close friends, burned themselves to death.

Even though they are brave and fearless of death, they are not so brave.

He saw that the Yamen servant quickly ran to look at the bodies, and soon came back to Li forgetful to reply: "return to your father, those bodies have been humbly examined, and it is confirmed that there are no sword wounds on the body. They should have been burned to death."

His words did not dispel Li's suspicion.

Li forgot to worry for a moment and suddenly thought of the case solving plot often seen in TV dramas, including how to identify whether the dead died of fire or death and murder.

As soon as his eyes brightened, he ordered the Yamen: "go and cut the trachea of the corpses of those bureaucrats to see if there are ashes in them."

The Yamen serviceman and the Tang army captain were stunned by this. They looked at each other and didn't understand what Li forgot to worry about.

"Sir, I'm afraid it's wrong. Although these bureaucrats are hateful, the dead are big. Sir, if you don't let them go," Tang Jun said after hesitating.

Both he and the Yamen thought that Li forgot his worries because he hated the leaders of these bureaucrats and wanted to humiliate their bodies.

In the traditional Chinese concept, poking the corpse owl's head is always against the moral concept.

Even enemies, usually, do not deliberately destroy their bodies.

This is why the people of the Tang Dynasty dislike Koguryo very much. The reason is that Koguryo built the heads of the dead soldiers of the Sui army into the Beijing temple.

Li Qieyou was stunned when he heard the speech. He thought about it and then reflected what the two people's expression meant. He couldn't help laughing angrily.

"Don't you two think we have nothing to do? I asked you to cut the trachea of those charred corpses to tell whether they died in a fire or burned after being killed!"

The Yamen serviceman and the school captain were stunned. They could not understand why they cut the trachea of the corpse.

"I'm sorry to be humble and stupid. I really don't understand what I mean. Why can I know whether it was burned or killed when the body was cut open?" the Yamen stooped to ask for advice.

Li forgot to worry very much and forced him to pull out the folding fan from his waist, Shua shook it off, and the natural and unrestrained fan folded the fan in his hand. Then he explained calmly: "the dead can't breathe, and there will be no ash in their trachea. If they are burned alive, there will be ash in their trachea. Don't you understand such a simple truth?"

In fact, what he said was what he saw in the TV play.

In the era of information explosion in later generations, any useful and useless information will be unconsciously accepted.

These are naturally useless in later generations, but they come in handy when they wear more and more Tang Dynasty clothes.

But if future forensic doctors hear this, they are afraid to laugh off their big teeth.

Naturally, this is not entirely correct, because some of the dead will suffer from the burning of the fire, resulting in rapid shock and stop breathing. Naturally, there will be no ash in their trachea and lungs.

Of course, the method he mentioned is naturally feasible to detect the corpses of these bureaucrats.

After all, it is impossible for all the staff to be shocked by the burning of the fire. Therefore, as long as the bodies are tested, something must be found.

The Yamen serviceman and the school captain didn't know this. They just felt that Li forgetful really knew astronomy and geography. He was worthy of being an immortal. He quickly promised and ran to examine the bodies

Take a break at the weekend. There's only one watch today