Chapter 113 - Why don't you just go to hell?

"Find another woman to take your place," Kiyohira speaks slowly to me. "The woman who can turn me on the way you do."

"Have you lost your head?" I don't remember how many times I have asked him that question since we got married. I am supposed to be the crazy one. The medicines on the table belong to me. He's slightly cracked in the head too. But asking a current wife to find a new wife is too much.

"Are you the only one who can act insanely?" He asks me with a grave voice. "It's fair, isn't? You don't want to be with me. You married me despite knowing how much I love you. You happily let me f.u.c.k you, but you won't accept being with me. You have made me addicted to your body. Then, take responsibility and find someone else to satisfy me. After that, you can go."

I hammer down the thoughts and troublesome feelings trying to make me crazier than I already am. He is getting on my nerve. He can't accept 'no'. Why?

Why do I have to force myself to have feelings for him? We might have a strong physical attraction. What does that get to do with matters of the hearts? When I don't want to love anyone, why do I have to love someone back just because he loves me? I married him because I didn't want Chisa to have him. He knew it. Why do I have to take responsibility? 

Even if I have feelings for him, who made the law that I must act on it? 

"Kiyohira, find any woman after we get a divorce. You should be with someone who can give you a child and love you back. You deserve a normal person." I tell him sternly, "I don't care what you do to her. You know what? Even if you f.u.c.k her in front of me, I won't be bothered."

"If you aren't least bothered, then it should be okay for you." He picks up my bag and empties it on the floor. He gathers my clothes and shoves it inside the wardrobe. "I want to see if you can watch me f.u.c.k her in front of you."

"Why don't you just go to hell?" He thinks that he can use these tactics on me. "Okay, I will find that woman who is suitable for you."

He glances at me with his dark eyes. I hear him sigh. He picks up the laptop and the phone. I see him walking toward the bathroom. "Where are you taking them?"

He doesn't answer me. Something is wrong. I run after him. He flings them in the bathtub full of water.

"No." I grab my hair. Those are not waterproof. "Why would you do that?"

He pulls me back when I try to take them out. "Until I am done with Hashimoto Chisa, you are not allowed to have contact with the outside world. You will stay inside this room and go through the profiles of the women. After I am done with that woman, you can tell me which woman you want me to f.u.c.k in front of you."

"Kiyohira, I hate you." I turn around and face him. "I hate you the most in this world."

"You leave me no choice." He lets go of me and walks out of the bathroom. "Your safety is my priority."

"This is the reason why I don't want you." He will always do what he wants. His love is a joke. "Your ego is your priority."