Chapter 361 - Reunion ( 3 )

Reiji was lost in his thoughts. It seems that he has already pieced the puzzles. 

The Arcanist Tower has an Administrator that has been managing it ever since it has been built. Reiji met this Sentient Arcana and he didn't feel that the Floating Chalice at that time would harm the Arcanists living in the Tower. 

Well, the tower was made to strengthen the young Arcanists so it would be weird if the Chalice which was managing it would have such a bad intention.

However, after thinking about it, what if the Administrator and the Dark Elves are actually working together?

What if the purpose of the Tower was to create strong Arcanists to become Sentient Arcana for the Dark Elves?

What if Rufus' mission to find a place in the northern part of the kingdom to build another Arcanist Tower was to enable a faster transaction between the two?

What if the Chalice itself wasn't just a partner of the Dark Elves but actually a Sentient Arcana controlled by the Dark Elf King and was also previously a human?

Reiji shuddered at the thought. 

Just how deep their connection was?

The Chodora Kingdom truly has a lot of problems. Not only do they have to worry about the Execration or the organization of the Cursed Arcana, but there were also the Dukedom's infiltrators who were looking for the parts of the Ancient Arcane Stone within the land. Aside from that, There was also a Cult that seemed to be stronger than the Three-Eyed Imp Cult, and finally, the Arcanist Tower that is actually a human trafficking den!

'What a mess… I just hope that there's no problem with their Knight's Order or the Hunter Association as well. They might truly be done for if that was the case.'

Reiji can only pity the royal family of the kingdom having to worry about all these things.

Well, he's not planning to help them deal with this after all.

"Guy, I need to go to the Enetha Empire… I need to find four Legendary Arcana and one Mythical Arcana to be sacrificed. It's difficult to find them in these small countries. Although these Arcana can be found here, they are definitely owned by the strongest Arcanists and it will be dangerous to take them. It would also destroy the balance of power in their nation."

Reiji slowly said as he looked at everyone. 

"I heard that the Enetha Empire has a lot of strong Arcanists and Legendary Arcanists can even be found in small villages and towns. I should be able to complete this task easily."

As soon as Reiji said this, everyone became excited.

"Let me join, Master!" Imane said almost instantly. 

"I still need to learn a lot. Please teach me Nittouryuu as well, Stasis is not a good teacher!" Vinete added while Stasis frowned at her.

"If it's alright, I just want to inform my friends before we go..." Stella recalled how Aria, Yasmin, and Lyrei still remained in the Fortress. She should at least let them know what happened and about her plans. It would be rude to just disappear from them after all. 

"Right, we just have to inform our superiors, it's probably alright." Diether and Rufus who were part of the Sun Fire Knights added.

As for Mourad, he has no other plans anyway so he might as well join everyone. He can't just let the others become stronger than him while he lazes around here. If possible, he might think of getting his little sister as well if she would like to join him.

'Ahh… No, it's dangerous. It's better if she stays with father.' Mourad shook his head as he didn't want to put his sister in danger.

"How about you guys, what are your plans? I'm sure you didn't look for me just to find out which Deity I'm serving, right?" Reiji then spoke to the three Sentient Arcana. 

"Haa~ We have already reached our limit long ago. We thought that our purpose for being summoned here is to fight against the Cursed Arcana but…" Ryu replied helplessly. They have basically lost their purpose after the three Blessed Arcana abandoned them, or changed their ways after Fern managed to get out of the Curse placed on him. 

Dingxiang and Luoyang similarly expressed their concerns.

"We need to get stronger. I think that it's not over for us."

"I think we need to explore the powers of our Mystical Energy a lot more. There might be things we're not aware of up until now. Somehow, I feel that we're underestimating the Mystical Energy of us Sentient Arcana. We're using them as if they're like Spiritual Energy. However, I think that this is the gift given by the Deities to us."

Reiji remained calm as he already thought that the Mystical Energy is indeed a very powerful ability of the Sentient Arcana. Unlike the normal Arcana that are incapable of controlling their own energy, the Sentient ones like them can naturally benefit from it and add it to their strength. 

"Alright, if you plan on joining me… You have to learn how to be wielded by humans. You can practice being used with my students." Reiji said with a smile. 

With this, their group's fighting force would increase tremendously. 

"Right, Master… You still have one Sword Servant that is alive. Oh? Is that so? I thought they already died at this point… Who's still alive?" Reiji asked as he looked at Stasis. 

"It's teacher Shiori, Master. After you chased the Dark Elves at that time, they felt that you were getting too far and had to chase you. However, Sir Ruthren, Instructor Mio, Tenri, and Ayumi were being held off by the Gryphons and Wyverns at that time so they were unable to follow and died fighting." Stasis replied with a hint of sadness. 

"Hmm… I see. Where's Shiori then?" 

Reiji felt a pity having those Sword Slaves die after teaching them Kendo. 

However, he knows that it's just a matter of time for them to die. Since they entered this chaotic land, it's already impressive for them to last for several years considering their low talent and weak bodies. 


Reiji felt dumb for asking such questions. He should be able to tell who was still alive if he checked his Sword Slave Marker with his Guide and he could also learn about their rough connection using their unique connection.

Anyway, Stasis still answered him after hearing the question.

"She should've been following you and maintaining a 15-kilometer distance.. She's together with one of your Man-Eating Eagles, Master."