Episode 2 Im Dating My Ex-Girlfriends Older Sister

Do you want to go out with me this time?

For a few seconds, I froze while sitting on the swing.

After clearing my mind, I let out a sigh as if I was exhausted and turned my eyes toward Rina san.

Im not in the mood to laugh at a joke like that. Im seriously depressed.

Im not joking.

No i mean, do you even know what youre saying?

Would you like to have a relationship with me where we go all over each other, kiss, and do things like the videos you watched at night, Takuto kun?

I-Im not watching them all night long..

Am I wrong?

I-Im not saying that youre wrong, but not every day.

I see. How often?

Etto, Im not going to answer okay !?

Well, it would have been more interesting if you just answered.

Rina san pouted and muttered in boredom.

Rina sans pace is all over the place.

After clearing my throat, I tried to get back on track.

I dont understand what youre talking about. How did you come up with the idea that me and Rina san would go out?

I thought it would be a stepping stone for Takuto kun and Yuika to get back together.

..What do you mean by that?

You wouldnt feel good if your ex-boyfriend started dating your own sister, would you?

WellI guess so?

I dont think youre getting the point. Then, lets assume that Takuto kun has a little brother.

Rina san raised her index finger and tilted her head.

I have a little sister, but not a little brother.

For the time being, I will try to create an imaginary little brother as I was told.

Takuto kun, you said that Yuikas feelings toward you had died down and she broke up with you.


So, immediately after that, Yuika started going out with Takuto kuns brother. Moreover, she seems to be having fun every day. What if that happens?

I became dizzy. Even though you broke up on your own, you started going out with my brother right after that.


But whats the point of that?

Im not quite understand her goals.

Rina raised her mouth slightly towards me who didnt quite understand..

Dont you want to take back at her?

Her slightly reddish hair swayed.

The citrus fruity scent on the wind tickled my nose.

Is that so? Yuika was breaking up with me because she doesnt like me anymore.

Takuto kun, you immediately think of it in a bad way.


Takuto kun, didnt you said that Yuika

wasnt sure if she liked you anymore? Did she hate you?

Im sorry. I was kind of switching things around on my own.

Right. So, lets get back to the subject.


In short, Im going to make Yuika jealous. And then, you can make Yuikas interest go back to you again,Takuto kun.

I see.

I felt like the logic was working, even if it was twisted.

Its not a strategy that will necessarily work, but its not so far-fetched to be called as theoretical.

The man who was her boyfriend just a few minutes ago will soon have a girlfriend. And that girlfriend is her own sister. That would make her a little bit emotional.

Besides, Yuika said she wasnt sure if she liked me anymore.

If I could make her jealous by going out with Rina san then

But, as I was thinking of that, I realized a serious problem.

But that means Rina san wouldnt get any benefit from it, would you?

Hm? What do you mean?

Because it means youre going out with a guy you dont even like.

To me, Rina san is my girlfriend..my ex-girlfriends sister.

To Rina san, I am her sisters ex-boyfriend.

If it wasnt because of Yuika, I would never had any relationship with her,

I dont even know her personal contact information.

Naturally, theres no way that Rina san had feelings for me.

I like you though, Takuto kun.


I let out a dumbfounded voice.

I was so stunned that I couldnt seem to close my mouth.

Maybe its because were sisters. We seem to have the same type of men.


For real.

B-but, Ive only known Rina san as

Until now, I had only known her as Yuikas older sister.

But Rina san interrupted my voice.

No, I dont mind. You dont have to like me.

She smiled softly and said that its fine.

I was embarrassed, but Rina san continued.

You can take advantage of me. I want the boy I like to smile, you know? Thats why Im doing it for my own ego. And Takuto kuns going out with me to get back Yuikas feelings. ..What do you think? I dont think its a bad proposal.

Putting aside that it was a bad idea, it was a convenient proposal for me.

Even if i keep thinking about it, theres only a small chance that Yuikas feelings would come back.

I was in the depths of despair, and this proposal was like a spider thread to me.

But I feel sorry for you, Rina san.

Then, lets do this.

Rina san held my hand as if she was wrapping it around hers.

Its a little cold and makes me nervous.

However, the warmth from her hands made my heart rate rise drastically.

Looking at me, who was nervous, Rina san gave me a devilish smile.

If Takuto kuns feelings turn to me while were together, you will put Yuika behind and continue going out with me. What do you think? Then, it would be beneficial for me, who still likes Takuto kun, wouldnt it?

What a sweet offer.

Its not every day that I get an offer that convenient for me

I even suspected it was a scam or something.

But it didnt look like Rina san was lying.

Her tone was the same as usual, but her hands were shaking slightly as she wrapped me in her arms.

Its an odd situation, but its as if shes confessing her feelings to me.

Its natural to be nervous. There was no way I could stay calm.

I looked down once.

I couldnt think of any reason to reject her after she had gone so far as to say this.

I swallowed my saliva and made up my mind.

I understand. Please go out with me, Rina san.

Okay. Then, please take care of me from now on, darling.