Episode 3 Im Holding Hands With My Ex-Girlfriends Older Sister

I understand. Please go out with me, Rina san.

Okay. Then, please take care of me from now on, darling.

Within half a day of breaking up with my girlfriend, I ended up going out with my ex-girlfriends sister.

In spite of myself, I think its a ridiculous development.

Most of all, I was surprised that Rina san had feelings for me.

D-darling, dont call me that.

Is that so? Doesnt that sound lovey-dovey?

It sound stupid.

Whoa, so harsh.

Rina san opened her hands quickly and laughed bitterly.

I heavily stood up from the swing and scratched my cheeks.

Um, then, shall we go home?

Yeah. See you.

Rina san waved her hands at me.

No, thats not what I meant.

Were dating, arent we?

Yeah. Thats right.

Then, Ill walk you home.

Im fine. Its not that far.

No, its already dark. Let me walk you home.

I-I see Then, Ill take your word for it and let you take me home.

Rina san smiled embarrassedly.

When I started taking steps, Rina san also followed half a step behind me.

The distance between us is so close that I couldnt imagine before. Every time her sweet scent hit my nostrils, my state of mind became disorder.

Hey, Takuto kun.

Y-yes, what is it?

I was focusing on Rina san when she called my name.

Rina sans cheeks slightly blushed.

A-arent you going to hold my hand?

My shoulders twitched up and down, and I gasped.

O-of course.

If were going out, it would be more natural to hold hands and go home together.

Shall I hold your hands?


Rina san took out her right hand.

I held it gently with my left hand.

Rina sans mouth breaks into a smile and she closes the distance between us to the point where our shoulders almost touch each others.

Are you perhaps nervous?

Of course I do.

Hmm. Even though you did it all the time with Yuika?

Well, thats not the same thing.

Is your heart beating fast?

It would be crazy if it didnt.

Youre crazy if you can maintain your calmness.

I would like to be praised for barely being able to have a conversation.

Rina san loosened her mouth even more.

I see. Hmmm.

How about you, Rina san?

What do you mean?

Dont you think of anything when you hold hands with me?

No, I dont. I think that boys hands are surprisingly firm and their hearts are beating fast.

You cant talk about people like that. .Eh? Rina san, have you ever dated someone before?

Suddenly, I spoke out the question that came out of my mind.

Rina sans cheeks filled with air.

Whoa. Youre going to assert dominance over your girlfriend that you just started dating?

No, I didnt mean it like that. Youre as beautiful as ever, Rina san, so I thought you had a lot of experience with relationships

No way. Im quite single-minded.


Ah, forget about earlier. Pretend you didnt hear that.

No, I cant pretend I didnt hear that.

Forget it !

Rina sans cheeks blushed and her lips pouted.

When I took my eyes off her, she said something in a voice that seems to fade away.

Its just a matter of words, or rather, there was simply no one other than Takuto kun who I wanted to date. Ive had more experience in getting a lot of confessions than you, Takuto kun.

What am I going to do if you start to assert dominance, Rina san.


My heart started to beat faster than normal.

It was loud enough to reach my ears.

I dont want you to get the wrong idea, so Ill just say this.

Ah, okay.

I didnt want you and Yuika to break up, Takuto kun. So I hid my feelings for Takuto kun. I hoped that your relationship would go well. I could tell by seeing how much you love Yuka, Takuto kun.

Thats why, I think it would be better if the two of you started dating again B-but, if Takuto-kuns feelings turned towards me, I want you to put aside Yuikas past love affairs and only look at me.

Rina san revealed whats in her heart with an unusually shy manner.

I couldnt see Rina sans face. I turned away to hide my cheeks that were completely blushed. My body is burning.

Im weak against that kind of single-mindedness, so please dont do it.

Hee, so you have a weakness for single-minded girls?

Theres no man who isnt weak.

I see. Then, shall I tell you more of my single-minded episodes?

P-please dont. Thats not fair.

Not fair, hey.

Did I say something weird?

No, I just think youre guilty of a lot of things. You stole my first love without realizing it.

Rina stares at me with an intense gaze.

I have no idea what shes talking about, so a lot of question marks appeared in my mind.

However, I think there was some kind of trigger that made Rina san start to like me.

Please tell me. I want to apologize if I did something wrong.

I dont want to.


If you want to know so badly, just ask yourself.

If I couldve known that, then I wouldnt have bothered to ask Rina san.

As I was accumulating frustration, Rina san suddenly stopped. Since we were holding hands, my steps was stopped as well.

Whats wrong?

C-come here for a sec.

Rina san pulled me to hide behind the wall.

Her voice is filled with impatience.

I hid myself without knowing what was going on.

W-what is it, so suddenly.


Even though Rina san was puzzled, she weakly pointed at something.

As I was told to, I looked and.


I froze in the spot unconsciously.

Her hair is slightly bluish.

Her hair length was adjusted so that it just touches her shoulders, and she has a slender figure.

Although from a distance, there was no doubt that she was my ex-girlfriend , Tsukise Yuika.

And next to her, there was a man.