The fastest update of marital passion: President husband, you are on!

Gu Nan nodded“ My grandmother and I both came from the countryside. The so-called country food is a unique skill for me. You are a rich family's son, how can you like the country's home dishes? Is there any special significance? "

But Shen Mu Chen made a face“ You're getting better

Gu Nan was silent.

It's not necessarily a good thing to know too much. She is just a contract with him, and there's really no need to know him very well. So if he doesn't want to talk, she doesn't want to listen.

Xu knew Gu Nan was coming. Shen Muchen made a lot of preparations. He opened the refrigerator and found a cabinet full of fruits and vegetables. He should have bought them in the morning, but he didn't want to eat them in the afternoon.

Taomi pot, wash vegetables and cut meat, not long after, a table full of color and flavor of home meals put up. Shen Muchen is moving the messy table in order. Smelling the smell of the food, he immediately puts down his work and rushes to the table. Before Gu Nan comes to the table, he has already eaten with chopsticks.

Gu Nan has no opinion about it. Some people like the food she cooks. It's too late to be happy.

After a busy day either cleaning up the house or setting up the environment, twilight finally arrived.

Gu Nan looked at the sky gradually dark down, listening to Shen Muchen in the bathroom clattering bath sound, and then glanced at the bedside table condom, nervous the whole person is not good.

This can't blame her. If it's not the first time that she was drugged and lost a girl, it's the first time that she played this adult game with a man.

Is there a girl who is not nervous and afraid when facing her first time?

Gu Nan thinks that she is a little sad. There are too many things in her life that she has to do. She looks like a pretty girl. She has also dreamed of Cinderella who lives with the prince. In the end, she is still with someone she doesn't love. And he didn't love her.

Together, they just take what they need and meet each other's needs.

However, since we have come to this stage, there is no possibility of turning back. Let's relax. We have to face it sooner or later.

Fortunately, although she didn't like Shen Muchen, she didn't hate him very much... I don't think she did, because every time she came near, she didn't reject the taste that belonged to him.

Just after thinking about it, Shen Muchen came out from the bathroom, wiping her hair. She didn't wear a coat, but wrapped a big bath towel around her waist. Her eight abdominal muscles, which were exposed by regular exercise, were strong and strong. Her skin was wheat colored, with a healthy luster. Just her figure was the standard of a model.

This is the most attractive, the most attractive should belong to his beautiful face that can turn all living beings upside down. Although it was cool when he didn't smile before, now just after the bath, Leng is swaying out of the cold to continue his evil charm and provocative temperament.

Gu Nan's eyes went down from his face, across his protruding and sliding Adam's apple, and then across his abdominal muscles to his steady lower body covered by a towel, and he swallowed hard.

At this time, such a word actually flashed across my mind - men can eat.

In fact, if greater China does not have such strict ethical requirements for women, but is open-minded as foreigners, then it may not be her who suffers when she is with him.

"What do you think?" Between absentminded, Shen Muchen has already walked to her body side, the hand stretches, then pulls her into the bosom, a hand uneasily points toward her chest to caress, the head looks at her because of sensitive and blush small face, "you are really shy, is not the first time, how still so timid?"

Why does that sound harsh? Gu Nan expression dun dun, looking up at his eyes: "Shen Muchen, if you like an old woman, you shouldn't come to me." She is not destined to be the one he likes.

"But you are my woman." Shen Mu Chen bowed her head and sipped her cool and soft cherry lips. In her slight breathing, she began to attack the city without hesitation. When she couldn't breathe and almost suffocated, she would let her go a little and hum and smile, "it's a pity, how can there be such a stupid woman as you in this world, who can't even kiss."

Gu Nan chagrin: "won't how?" At the beginning of his acquaintance, he should have known that she was a baby, now regret it?

"I can teach you." Shen Muchen teases, "a woman should be a lady outside and a slut in bed. You are too tender to have some taste."


Gu Nan stabbed Shen Muchen away and sneered: "I can't see that Shen Shao is not only rich in money and women, but also rich in experience. No wonder he doesn't respect women at all."

Maybe it's because I'm still young and I haven't completely given up on my love. When I think that this person has just made out with another woman, I turn around and kiss her to do that, which makes her feel bad.

His disrespect is equal to her contemptuousness. I didn't know when she was so contemptuous.

Shen Muchen is at the moment, suddenly pushed away, a cavity of fire no place to vent, listen to her voice, airway: "this and I respect what has to do, you are just my woman, don't need to know so many things."

"But if you live without dignity, you might as well die." Gu Nan pointed to him, angry, "Shen Muchen, you are shameless and obscene."

"What if I'm shameless and obscene? Haven't you put yourself into my arms?"

"If you didn't take advantage of others' danger, how could I..." Gu Nan said firmly, "anyway, Gu Nan is Gu Nan, and I won't become the slut you like."

This makes Shen Muchen's teeth itch. He leans over and presses her on the bed. There is a dangerous star in his eyes: "so you have such an idea. Don't worry. Don't you say I'm taking advantage of others' danger? Then let's see how shameless people can take advantage of others

This words say too much, Gu Nan is pressed on the bed by him again, one is excited, draw out a hand, suddenly hit on the man who is in front of her chest disorderly arch.


"Pa!" Loud slap sound reverberated in the air, hit people Leng, hit also Leng.

Looking at each other, seeing the anger in Shen Muchen's eyes, Gu Nan turns from anger to panic. He retreats to the bed in confusion, like a frightened rabbit, full of vigilance and precaution, as if facing her next is two big palms.

There was too much sadness and helplessness in those eyes, as well as panic and indignation. When he looked at each other, he seemed to feel her anger and sadness. Shen Muchen was shocked.

No one ever dares to beat him. This woman is so ambitious... But he can't summon up the courage to beat her big eyes.

Beating women is not a good habit.

Get up, dress, eyes are still light, sweeping the spirit of the woman to maintain a high degree of concentration, hum: "Gu Nan, please remember, I never force a woman Shen Muchen!"

Gu Nan is silent.