The fastest update of marital passion: President husband, you are on!

Shen Mu Chen inexplicably upset, also don't want to pay attention to her, turn round to slam the door to go out.

Looking at the closed door, Gu Nan's heart was in a mess.

In fact, she knew that she was making trouble out of no reason today - if everyone wanted what they wanted, how could she care so much?

Who is he? Who does he love? How many women does he have? What does it have to do with her?

She is not so fussy, but why is not hold back his heart that not reconciled?

This time well, annoyed Shen Muchen, is the grandmother that the hospital treats how to do?

She's too useless.

It has been three weeks since I came to the design department, but my work is still not so satisfactory. Designers are a very cold profession. No matter the personality of people in this department is funny, arrogant or envious, compared with other departments, there is some unspeakable pride in their heart.

Gu Nan is a new rookie. Her three-month internship only helped her learn how to become a designer better, but she didn't fully understand. A rookie is not easy to mix in the circle of a group of old birds. What's more, there is an OU ran who often stirs up dissension. Many designers in the design department begin to listen to rumors and doubt Gu Nan's participation.

But Gu Nan didn't dare to fight with these old people. He was afraid that he would be driven out of the group by a group attack, so he had to give in blindly. However, more times he gave in would only make people bully him even harder.

For example, today's design draft took her a day to produce results. She was about to hand in the draft after work, but it was "dropped" by a cup of coffee from Ou ran, and the whole paper became a waste.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to. Let me wipe it for you." Ou ran pretended and wiped the cloth on the table. The design draft was worse than the waste paper in the trash.

Such a design draft is beyond recognition, not to mention whether it can see the graphics clearly. Even if it can be seen clearly and handed in, it will be beaten down by the director.

Gu Nan was so angry that he trembled all over: "Ou ran, don't be too much a man." She had wanted to go to the hospital to see her grandmother after work. In this case, it was absolutely impossible.

"Even if it's too much, you bite me!" Anyway, tear face more than once, behind the small action everyone knows, Ou ran sneered and played her design draft, "right away from work, you'd better stay here to work overtime, sisters can go first."

Gu Nan is very angry. He can't help waving his fist. But he thinks of the company's rules against fighting in an instant. He puts them down again. In the eyes of everyone's ridicule, he sits back in his original position.

Fighting and quarreling are never the best way to solve problems. Just like she's angry now, and she's giving aura a a fat beating, she still has to work overtime to finish the design draft.

What's more, she cherishes the job.

Instead of wasting time arguing with others, it's better to race against the clock to finish the design so that you can go to the hospital earlier to see grandma.

"Coward." I don't know who yelled, which made everyone laugh.

Although she has the heart to watch the tragedy of being bullied, but the bell rings, there is still no one left, just to appreciate her tragedy. Fortunately, overtime has become a habit, Gu Nan has begun to get used to the last person to clean up and get off work.

He devoted himself to drawing. Because he had a manuscript before, he still had some impressions in his mind. It's not too difficult to draw a design draft again. Rao is like this. Gu Nan finished the drawing according to his previous memory and looked up. It was still eight o'clock in the evening. But with a sigh, it seems that the plan to visit grandma has failed again.

Is sighing, behind someone poked her: "did not work?"

It's so rare that there are still people who don't get off work at this time. Gu Nan surprise back, but saw the high spirited, handsome extraordinary Qi Yuan. He quickly said, "Mr. Qi, you haven't left yet?"

"Well, the daily workload is too high to stay the next day." Qi Yuan laughs. When there are few people, especially when it's not working hours, the director is still very funny. "It's you who are diligent and work overtime for a few hours every day."

Gu Nan can only smile bitterly: "in order to mix food to eat, no way." She can't complain to Qi Yuan. Even if she is wronged now, she has to bear it.

Qi Yuan took a look at her and took another look at the design she had redrawn. His eyes flashed“ Gu Nan, if you have difficulties, you can come to me. Our team should be united first. "

Gu Nan silently "um" a, did not answer the words.

Qi Yuan asked, "why don't you fight back every time you are bullied? People are gregarious animals. Bullying is instinctive. If you continue to tolerate it like this, you will only attract more bullies in the future. "

Gu Nan just smiles and doesn't talk. After all, paper can't hold fire. If there are too many evils, there will always be retribution. At least those people's deeds have let Qi Yuan notice, can save her a lot of words.

"You are a talented person. You can be my apprentice and assistant in the future. You can work directly under me. You don't have to look at the faces of those people any more." Qi Yuan saw her silence, thought for a long time, gave her an idea, "of course, it depends on whether you want to talk to me."

"You are an elder. I feel honored to have your guidance." Gu Nan exultation, cheering, "happiness came too suddenly, I do not know whether it is true or not."

In fact, she is not very willing to be a receiver outside, but there is no way, who let her not understand too much. If Qi Yuan is willing to guide her, she will not need to be angry with those people in the future.

"I'll make an announcement when I go to work tomorrow." Qi Yuan, smiling, still a playboy, patted her on the shoulder and said, "I just can't see little beauty being wronged. Look, I'd better laugh and look good."

"Thank you, master." Gu Nan hit snake with stick, gave him a gift directly.

"No, I can't do it now. If you appreciate me, I'll work hard in the future. Now I'm off work, I have to go." After a pause, "do you have a pick-up?"

Originally, someone was willing to be a free coachman, and this person was still the head boss, so she made a lot of money. However, her present status does not allow her to accept the kindness.

"Thank you, Mr. Qi. I have someone to pick me up."

Qi Yuan said it casually. After listening to her reply, he patted her on the shoulder with a smile: "it's good. Enjoy your free time after work. There are many busy things in the future."

Gu Nan wry smile, now she is not free, looking at the outside hand can't see five fingers of the sky, afraid to go back to nothing, and dawn.

But these can not say to Qi Yuan, just nodded gently: "well."

Qi Yuan said that he would go as soon as he left. The title of design director has a high income, and the level of busyness is proportional to his salary. Gu Nan watched his back disappear at the stairs of the company, relieved, and went downstairs with his bag.

I didn't want to see Shen Muchen downstairs. I was stunned. I remembered his sentence that I couldn't reveal my relationship outside. My eyes flashed. I pretended I didn't know him. I went to the next platform to wait for the subway.

It's just that she hasn't been far away, and the bright light from the car lights behind her makes her dizzy. Gu Nan subconsciously raised his arm to cover his eyes, but saw the appearance of the car in the gap of the remaining light.

Is the bluish Lamborghini Shen Muchen's favorite sports car?