The fastest update of marital passion: President husband, you are on!

Sure enough, the car came and stopped in front of her. The window rolled down slowly, revealing a handsome and resolute face.

"Get in the car." Simple two words, no redundant words.

Gu Nan hesitated a little, but did not refuse like last time, but opened the door and sat in.

"So late for work?" Shen Mu Chen frowns, there is light dissatisfaction and doubt in the eye.

Gu Nan was very surprised. The day before yesterday's incident was very unpleasant. He thought he would be sulky for a long time. He didn't even want to see her. Unexpectedly, he didn't seem so angry now?

In the heart of doubt, but can not answer, nodded: "yes, the work has not been completed, need to work overtime."

Shen Mu Chen's vision lightly flits over from her body, reveal a few Xu's clear, "how, was made difficult by colleague?"

Gu Nan is more surprised, frown: "you follow me?"

Shen Mu Chen sneers: "just a woman, is this necessary?"

Gu Nan is dumb. This person has a high-end and high-grade shelf from head to toe. She's just a plaything for him. How can she be so stupid as to think he's following her?

Think Shen Muchen this kind of rich and handsome little fresh meat, how many women do not want, there is no need to chase her this piece of pork jerky without any seasoning.

There is a stuffy air flow in my heart. I took a deep breath and said with a smile, "where do you work, too?"

If you don't mean to wait for her at the door, that's the only explanation that works.

Shen Mu Chen mouth corner pulls to move, in the Mou there are a few unidentified light floats, "don't you know my identity?"

Sensing his ridicule, Gu Nan curled his lips and replied, "I really don't know."

She goes to and from work every day. In addition to her own work, she is also made to work overtime by the colleagues in the office. She has to go to the hospital to accompany her grandmother in the rest of the time. How can she have time to care about an unrelated outsider?

It's really irrelevant. Apart from trading between them, it seems that even saying friendship insults that word.

Shen Mu Chen thick eyebrow pick up, thin lips also hook up, "this also no wonder, see you to my that attitude."

So, he's very famous, isn't he?

Gu Nan still smile, keep unfamiliar distance, "is you say, don't pry into your private affairs."

Shen Mu Chen inexplicably chagrined, holding the steering wheel hand pinch a tight, "for your grandmother, you can really go out, even I don't know who, also dare to sell himself."

So that day, no matter who the person who can help her, she will promise to do it by herself, not just by him?

So in her eyes, his position is like this.

Benefactor? Businessmen? Or a villain taking advantage of the opportunity to coerce?

Gu Nan can't deny it, but the fact is, "yes."

If there is no kindness, without his looting, she and he are two parallel tracks, there can be no intersection.

Shen Mu Chen in the mind eccentric blocked for a while, stuffy, silent good for a while just find topic, "go to the hospital or go home?"

Home, that's Shen Muchen's home, not her.

"To the hospital, of course." No matter how busy the work is, no matter how tired the overtime work is, the biggest motivation is to see grandma safe.

Shen Muchen didn't object either. He turned around and drove to the hospital.

It's nearly nine o'clock, but it's a busy time in this city. Cars are intertwined on the driveway, neon lights are flashing on the pedestrian street, music is playing on the square dance, and you can still see the shadow of aunts and uncles struggling to wriggle in the community.

After prosperity, the foil is always lonely and lonely. When she thought of her grandmother in the hospital, she was very sad.

Shen Muchen eyes have been watching the window, but also can feel her mood, indifferent comfort, "it's OK, your grandmother will be able to withstand the difficulties, accompany you to the end."

Gu Nan surprised but lift an eye, didn't expect this seeming what all don't care of person, also can consider other people's mind?

Shen Muchen still didn't look at her, his expression was indifferent and distant, and strangers were not near.

Gu Nan but shallow smile, "thank you."

In fact, if it wasn't for the preconceived impression, this man was considerate and didn't have much to hate.

Shen Muchen didn't say anything, the radian of eyebrow angle quietly rose in the invisible place, the lip angle lightly pursed, the distant breath on the body faded a lot.

They are all sensitive people. Gu Nan can feel the change of his breath, but he doesn't touch it cleverly.

Living in a high-end hospital, all the medical equipment is the most advanced in China. Grandma's condition has been well controlled and has not worsened. She is very happy to see Gu Nan and tells her many things about the past. Gu Nan did not have any impatience, carefully cutting the fruit, side from time to time with a few words, coax grandma is very happy.

Shen Muchen didn't enter the ward. After all, except Gu Nan, he was not familiar with the one in the ward. He was alone with few men and women, which was hard to avoid criticism.

He doesn't care, but she doesn't?

Looking in from the half open window, she was coaxing her grandmother to talk and feeding her cut fruit with a toothpick. Her eyes were gentle, her eyebrows were soft, her cheeks were deep and sweet. There was no sunshine in the room, but suddenly she was covered with a light halo.

Shen Muchen was a little crazy.

In the past, he hated the women who were crazy about flowers. Now it seems that her every move, though with the delicate air of a little woman, does not lose the charm of youth.

That kind of young brilliance, as if it can infect people, like the spring breeze, smooth all the haze in the heart, let people's eyebrow angle also stretch out.

"Mr. Shen, are you here?" Is looking into, behind a joyful voice called.

Shen Mu Chen hears sound to turn head, see is a young woman, make-up is quite enchanting, Mou Guang turns, cover the disgust that goes eyeground, "are you?"

He was in a very accurate position. He could not only see the scene of grandma Gu Nan's ward clearly, but also because of the distance and many rooms, even if he met acquaintances, he would not feel embarrassed.

But this woman, though a type he hated, never left any impression in his mind.

"Mr. Shen, you're so precious and forgetful. I'm Linna, Secretary of Qi Yuan. We've met each other. I've sent you information."

Shen Mu Chen recalls, as if still have this one thing really, nod, "good Qiao."

Linna didn't see the impatience in his eyes. She came to see Uncle Qi, too

Shen Mu Chen Mou color moves, "Uncle Qi?"

"Mr. Qi's father is ill. I came to give uncle Qi chicken porridge at the order of my aunt." Lina shakes the thermos in her hand.

Shen Mu Chen eyelashes shake, the shape seems to inadvertently mouth: "Qi Yuan's father what disease?"

After all, working in the same company, and the relationship between Qi Yuan and Shen Muchen seems to be OK. Linna doesn't doubt that she has him. She quickly replies, "it's nothing. It's just that the heart disease has recurred. After taking the medicine, it's much better. The doctor tells her not to be emotional and lose her temper."

"It turns out that's the case. Then you go in quickly so that the chicken porridge won't be cold."

Linna chuckled, "it's OK. There's a thermos. It won't be cold."

Shen Muchen interface, "taste will change."

Well, it's not impossible. Linna nodded, thinking of aunt Qi's repeated instructions and Qi Yuan's look, "I'll go to see Uncle Qi first. Excuse me."

Shen Mu Chen waved, his face didn't change much.