The fastest update of marital passion: President husband, you are on!

Gu Nan pushed open the door and came out. Her action was very light. She was afraid to wake up her grandmother who had just slept. She carefully closed the door and turned around to see Shen Muchen standing not far from the door. She was surprised but didn't show it. She walked to him and looked sideways, "let's go."

"Well." Shen Mu Chen nodded slightly, took Gu Nan's hand and walked out.

Although she lives with Shen Muchen now, they don't make any substantial progress. Gu Nan is very resistant to the contact between them, especially this common action for lovers. She wants to take back her hand. Who knows that Shen Muchen suddenly pulls her hand forward, causing her to stagger and almost fall to the ground.

Gu Nan glares at Shen Muchen fiercely, and the other party returns a cold look, which is mixed with the meaning of threat. Gu Nan is afraid that he will immediately go back and give up his help, so he can only let him lead him.

I don't know what Shen Muchen is up to. After they get on the bus, he turns off the lights in the car and plays a piece of soft music without lyrics. Gu Nan turns his eyes silently. Does he think they are dating?

Now it's late at night, and there are not many pedestrians on the street. The soft moonlight poured down the window and reflected on Gu Nan's face, warm and emitting a faint light.

Gu Nan closed her eyes and thought of her grandmother's kind smile. Most of the grievances in her heart had dissipated just now. It was all worth it for her grandmother. She just wanted her grandmother to be well.

"Gu Nan." Shen Muchen mercilessly interrupts Gu Nan's beautiful imagination time, and his voice is slightly clear.

"What's the matter?" Gu Nan opens her eyes and looks at the empty road in front of her. The soft moonlight becomes colder and colder. In her impression, Shen Muchen doesn't seem to have called her name. She becomes inexplicably nervous.

Shen Muchen pulled the car to the side of the road, put one hand on Gu Nan's seat, and approached her, "when do you plan to fulfill your obligations?"

When she heard Shen Muchen's words, Gu Nan's hands folded together, lowered her head, bit her lower lip, and leaned to the window. She knew it was unavoidable, but she resisted it wholeheartedly. It was a physical transaction, and she resisted this kind of devaluation and insult.

"You look ready?" Shen Muchen looked as if she was a little coy. She was a little nervous. She put out her hand to stir up Gu Nan's chin and tried to kiss her.

Is this the rhythm of the car shock? This beast! Gu Nan almost want to slap in the past, fortunately this time in time to hold back, in Shen Muchen's mouth is about to come up quickly turned his head, "you don't say don't force women?"

With these words, Gu Nan closed his eyes and died. Strangely, there was no angry roar or prelude to forced violence. Should everything be so calm? All of a sudden, she smelled a strong masculine breath. The faint breath in her ear gradually became louder. The moist feeling came from her earlobe, which made her shiver.

Then a husky magnetic voice sounded in her ear, "I'm not a philanthropist, understand?"

"I know. Can you give me some more time?" Gu Nan tightly with nails buckle his palm, she is really afraid of Shen Muchen so regardless of want her.

Did not get any answer, ear breathing sound gradually disappear, feel Shen Muchen has been far away from himself, Gu Nan secretly relieved, avoid the first day, also don't know can avoid 15.

The car starts slowly and returns home soon. Gu Nan follows Shen Muchen like a small tail, for fear that Shen Muchen will do something to her if she is not happy.

"I'm going to take a bath. You bring me a pair of underwear." Shen Muchen walks towards the bedroom. When she comes to the door, she suddenly turns around. Gu Nan doesn't have time to stop the car. She bumps into Shen Muchen. She quickly steps back, nods and runs away.

When she stood in front of the wardrobe, she had time to react. What did Shen Muchen just let him take? Can't he handle such things himself?

Gu Nan stood in front of the wardrobe for a long time in a daze. Finally, she opened the wardrobe next to her and saw a row of neat underwear hanging on the shelf. She immediately turned her head and covered her eyes with her hands. Is this guy changing one every day? So much preparation!

"It's not the way to stand here, damn Shen Muchen!" Gu Nan turned around and picked up a hanger with underpants and went to the bathroom.

Approaching the bathroom door, listening to the sound of water inside, Gu Nan unconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva, she tried to calm down a bit before opening, "that, I put it on the sofa, you take it?"

After a while, there is no reaction inside. Gu Nan reaches out his hand to knock on the door again, but the door of the bathroom suddenly opens. Shen Muchen appears naked in front of Gu Nan, and occasionally a drop of water crosses his strong muscles.

Gu Nan opened his eyes wide, and the hanger in his hand fell to the ground, "that..."

"Wash it clean." Shen Mu Chen brow a pick, pulled to hang in the bath towel on one side shelf to encircle under oneself, took towel to pass by from Gu Nan side.

After a long time of fragrance, Gu Nan came back and murmured, "is he talking about me or underwear?"

Finally, Gu Nan washed both of them. For the sake of safety, she put on her pajamas and went to the bedroom. The door of the bedroom was open. She went in directly. At this time, Shen Muchen was sitting on the bed looking at a magazine.

"Come here." Seeing her come in, Shen Muchen put the magazine aside.

"Oh." Gu Nan nodded, took the door and went to the bedside.

"Come up and sleep." Shen Muchen didn't look at her, and he lay down.

Gu Nan clumsily climbed to bed and lay beside Shen Muchen. She pulled her collar with both hands, turned over, turned her back to him, and curled up. Then she felt a little bit safer. Suddenly, a warmth came from the back of her body, and a force came from her body. She just wanted to struggle, and a low voice from the man came from her ear, "don't move, or you will be responsible for the consequences."

Gu Nan did not dare to move after listening, and quickly closed her eyes. Fortunately, she was too tired today. She soon said that she was asleep.

In the early morning, the morning light came through the window.

"Well..." Gu Nan opened her eyes and just wanted to sit up. She raised her head and bumped into a hard thing. She covered her head with her hand in pain. Almost in a moment, she snorted. She was nervous and looked up to a cold face.

"Well, I'm sorry. I'll prepare breakfast for you." Gu Nan some embarrassed, quickly hands support the body to get up, put on shoes trot out.

Shen Muchen stares at the little figure in the door that hasn't been closed in time. He reaches out his hand and touches the jaw that was hit just now. His cold eyes are stained with a layer of softness.

"Hu..." Gu Nan patted her little chest in the bathroom, comforting her frightened little soul.

"Aren't you going to cook?" Shen Muchen came out from behind her in her pajamas, and her voice couldn't hear her joy and anger.

"People have three urgent problems. You have to give me some time to solve them." Gu Nan just woke up, the brain is still a bit confused, a word without thinking blurted out, said she immediately closed her mouth, asked the words were also hard pressed down by her.

"Oh, no wonder I was in such a hurry." Shen Muchen nodded, picked up the regular toothbrush and began to brush his teeth, as if ignoring Gu Nan's existence.