The fastest update of marital passion: President husband, you are on!

"My God! When did you come here? " Do you want to be so scary? She didn't hear anything just now. Is this man the embodiment of the nether world?

"If you want to come over, it's you." Shen Muchen takes advantage of the situation to pull the quilt, don't have deep meaning to see Gu Nan one eye.

"What's the matter with me? You just play games. What do you care about me? " Gu Nan quickly pulled the quilt back for fear that he would take the opportunity to do something.

In fact, she was just seeking psychological comfort. If he wanted to do anything to her, nothing would help her.

"Aren't you hungry?" Before Gu Nan could react, Shen Muchen walked out of the bedroom.

"Hungry!" How can not be hungry, Gu Nan quickly got up, limping to catch up.

After a comfortable meal, Gu Nan feels as if she is alive, and the pain on her feet has disappeared. As long as she doesn't move, she can't feel it.

W group president's Office

"Brother Zinan, do you really want to do this?" Chen Yu Ning stares at Shen Zi Nan who is sitting in front of her with a sneer on her lips. Of course, she is not sneering at Shen Zi Nan.

"I said Sister Yu Ning, why do you still stand so far away from me?" Shen Zinan stands up and walks to Chen Yuning. He reaches out his hand and swims around her.

Chen Yu Ning is very cooperate of low head, close to Shen Zi Nan a few minutes, "Zi Nan elder brother, you are really bad, business has not finished!"

"Well behaved," Shen Zi Nan raised Chen Yu Ning's chin and printed the cherry red lip, "Shen Mu Chen won't stop you from entering R group, as long as you use his mother as an excuse."

"I see." Chen Yu Ning fell into Shen Zi Nan's arms.

Shen Zinan is a natural beauty who won't refuse to send her to the door. He peels Chen Yuling off quickly. The taste of this woman is much better than that of ordinary common powder.

That day, Shen Zinan thought that she had to play some tricks to make the woman soft, but she didn't want the woman to climb into his bed and serve him very comfortably.

At the beginning, he was not happy. He thought she was that kind of casual woman. He thought he was wrong. Who knows, in the end, he found that she was really a baby. Now Shen Zinan was really happy.

You know, it's rare for a pure woman like Chen Yuling.

Originally thought he would love her for a period of time, but this time he felt that such a flattering woman was too hypocritical. It's better to be a little pure. A little figure flashed in his mind. If she was, would it have another flavor.

early morning.

Gu Nan suddenly has a kind of feeling that he has not woken up. Shen Muchen pulls her out of the quilt in the early morning and says that he wants to send her to work.

If not in his cold eyes dare not speak, Gu Nan will directly ask on a, you are not taking the wrong medicine.

"Except for going to the bathroom today, I can only sit at my desk." After arriving at the company, Shen Muchen gives Gu Nan a death order.

"Where else can I go if I'm not there?" Gu Nan secretly gave Shen Muchen a white eye.

"I'm talking about today. You'd better remember." Shen Mu Chen emphasized a, opened car door.

Gu Nan from the car difficult to walk down, just want to go inside the company, Shen Muchen timely appeared in her side.

"Hold on." She took her little hand and put it on his arm, no matter whether Gu Nan agreed or not, she said and walked forward.

Is it really safe to walk in like this? Although the heart is to think so, but Gu Nan or from Shen Muchen's body to get most of the support, so she walked without obvious limp appearance.

"President." As soon as Shen Muchen appeared in the company, he immediately attracted all the attention. When he saw Gu Nan beside him, all kinds of eyes flew over.

Gu Nan just didn't see it and continued to follow Shen Muchen to the design department.

"Thank you." When Shen Muchen turns around to leave, Gu Nan says a word that does not go through the brain very much.

Shen Mu Chen just the footstep has a trace of hesitation, didn't take care of Gu Nan.

Of course, Gu Nan didn't expect him to answer. He was just that kind of character. It was more difficult for him to say more nonsense than to go to heaven.

"The relationship between the president and her doesn't seem to be as good as expected." Aurora whispered to Lina, such a couple looks really strange.

"Just try." Linna smiles. If Gu Nan's relationship with the president is really what she imagined, it will be fun.

"EURA, is Chen Yuling the one who appeared in the company that day During the break, Lina pointed to a newspaper and said to aurora.

"It should be. After all, there are only two women around the president." Aurora doesn't understand what Lina wants to do, but she tries her best to cooperate.

Linna seems to be very curious, seriously read the newspaper, Gu Nan thought she just wanted to say a few sarcastic words, did not notice that she came directly.

"Gu Nan, I wonder if I can have a few words with you alone?" Linna's friendly face is like she really wants to make friends with Gu Nan.

Now is the time to rest, and Gu Nan has nothing on hand at the moment. According to the reason, she has no reason to refuse Lina, but does she need to reason in front of Lina?

"I'm sorry, I don't think there's anything to talk about between us." Gu Nan lowers his head to play with his mobile phone. Although he says he doesn't smile, it depends on who is smiling.

Linna put her hands around her chest and didn't seem to be angry at all. "What if I said that what I want to tell you is about Chen Yuning?"

"Chen Yu Ning? Do you know her well? " Looking at Linna's determined appearance, Gu Nan subconsciously asked out, we all know what we should know, and there is no attraction, so Linna knows something unknown.

This kind of thing is not common people can know, so long only another possibility is that Linna actually knows Chen Yuling.

"How?" Linna's face flashed a trace of panic, and did not escape Gu Nan's eyes.

Really! Gu Nan is surprised. It's not that Chen Yuning has been learning how to operate in w group. Why did she know Linna!

"Oh, since you don't know me, I'm even less interested." Gu Nan casually waved her hand, guessing Linna's plan in her heart, but she couldn't come to any conclusion.

"In fact, I can't say that I don't know her. After all, I'll talk to her after today, oh, No." Lina covered her mouth with her hand and said with a smile, "we are all colleagues from now on."

Gu Nan didn't show any extreme performance. At this time, Chen Yuning had told her that it would be sooner or later for Chen to come to the company. Linna's behavior of acting behind the scenes is very shameful.

Looking at Gu Nan indifferent appearance, Linna heart appeared a strange guess, suddenly heart also follow happy.

Shortly after work in the afternoon, the supervisor came in.

"Come on, let's be quiet. There's another talented student in our design department. Your work will be much easier in the future." Shen Pei's little voice rang out in everyone's ears.