The fastest update of marital passion: President husband, you are on!

Gu Nan also tilted his head to see the past, and found that Chen Yu Ning just gave her a smile in the direction, she quickly continued to bow her head to do their own things.

After a brief introduction, Shen Pei left. Gu Nan thought that Chen Yuning should at least get familiar with the working environment first. She didn't want to come directly to her.

"Sister, you are the only one with an empty seat. Do you mind my sister sitting here?" Chen Yuning walks to Gu Nan with a smile.

Raising her eyes, today's Chen Yuning has passed on a work suit. Her perfect figure is fully displayed, and her enchanting curve is estimated that as long as she is a boy, she will be moved. It's just that this kind of dress seems to be her nature. It's much more comfortable than before.

But also just a look, Gu Nan shifted his eyes, she is a woman, not a wolf, natural enemy of love has no good face, "director arrangement, I have no opinion."

Every newcomer will be arranged by her supervisor when she comes. Chen Yu Ning asks her what she is doing?

Er... The plot of the TV series starts to move in her mind again. She doesn't want to say a word of refusal by herself, and then she says it's arranged by the director to give her a bad impression, right?

How insidious to say, thanks to her wit!

Chen Yu Ning went to the seat and sat down.

Gu Nan now just want to calm down, work at ease, do not want to appear around this annoying woman.

"Sister, how do you do it here?" Chen Yu Ning points to a place on the computer and asks.

"This is the login system. You can login with the account given by your supervisor." Gu Nan glanced at the place she pointed to and said casually.

Do new people always need someone to bring them? Just think of her as kind.

However, she doesn't know that this is a bad thing. Chen Yuning is like Xiaobai who has discovered a new world. When she comes across something, she asks, and Gu Nan can't do any work.

"Sister, what is the system operation process of the company?"

"Sister, why does this interface have a card owner?"

"Sister, is this the place to pay for it?"


Gu Nan now wants make complaints about running out of the office at 50 meters, and watching Chen Yu Ning, she really wants to Tucao, but bitch is hypocritical.

Taking advantage of the gap to the bathroom, she hid in the corridor, hoping that she could be a little more clean.

"Are you disobedient?" Gu Nan is depressed, pocket inside the mobile phone suddenly vibrated, she took out a look, is Shen Muchen's message.

Not obedient to your sister, Gu Nan with close to the speed of light hand speed to Shen Muchen back a sentence, "my mother is very angry now, don't provoke me."

What did she send to Shen Muchen just now? Is there a recall function on the SMS?

Gu Nan is in a daze holding her mobile phone. She naturally knows that Shen Muchen limits her freedom and doesn't want to walk on her own. Although she is overbearing, it seems that she cares about herself.

That she is like this now, can let Shen Mu Chen produce a kind of anger that the dog bites LV Dongbin, no, no, she is not a dog!

In an instant, Gu Nan's thoughts became confused. After waiting for a long time, there was no message coming back.

Trembling, she picked up her mobile phone and sent several sorry messages in succession. Then she briefly described the reason why she was angry just now, hoping that he could understand her.

Although she didn't know how much she could do, it was the only thing she could do now, "let it be."

"Sister, are you back?"

After the hair, Gu Nan returned to the office, just sat down, almost did not fall from the stool.

She managed to keep her figure steady. Seeing that Chen Yuning didn't seem to want to ask about her posture, she went on working.

After that, Chen Yu Ning did not ask Gu Nan's question, even before the smile gradually disappeared.

Gu Nan can't help being curious. What happened just now?

After work, Gu Nan didn't punch in. Today, because of Chen Yu Ning, she disrupted her original plan. She had to wait a while to finish her work at hand, so she refused Mo Yun's invitation to go shopping.

There are also some other people who work overtime in the company. Gu Nan naturally won't care about it at ordinary times, but what the hell is Chen Yuning?

Does she have to work overtime on her first day? There's no need. At first, the supervisor won't assign her many tasks.

"Brother Shen." Chen Yu Ning's excited voice breaks Gu Nan's doubts.

Well, she would have thought about such naive questions just now, but how could Chen Yuning know that Shen Muchen would definitely appear?

Thinking of what Linna had said before, she instantly felt that she understood a lot.

"Brother Shen, are you here to pick up your sister?" Chen Yu Ning holds chin in both hands and looks at Gu Nan enviously.

I don't know if he is angry. If he is angry, won't he come to pick her up?

Gu Nan has no music in his heart. He thinks whether he wants to be like Chen Yu Ning. He calls brother Shen sweetly. Will this make him feel more comfortable.

However, when she looked up and saw Shen Muchen's disgust at Chen Yuning's eyes, she immediately gave up her mind.

But now that they have come, they can't let them wait. Gu Nan is ready to go home and work overtime.

Anyway, the company's system can be connected at home. After all, the president is at home.

Shen Mu Chen walked to come over, the facial expression has been gloomy, looking don't want to say what.

And both women seemed to have been used to it, and there was no fear in their eyes.

But Gu Nan pretends anyway. She doesn't know what Chen Yu Ning is like. She's really afraid that Shen Mu Chen will pull her collar and yell at her about the text message she sent when she comes back home.

"Sister Gu Nan, can I get a ride?" Chen Yu Ning stood up, voice is not as sweet as before, a bit more mature and capable.

Is it really downwind? Gu Nan looked at Shen Muchen beside him. He didn't see any change in his face. Do you agree or disagree.

"Well, if we don't go home today, we should have a problem with you." Gu Nan naturally took Shen Muchen's arm.

Gu Nan didn't notice that after she refused, Shen Muchen's face obviously eased a lot.

Two people very tacit understanding went out, this scene in Chen Yu Ning's eyes is so dazzling.

After getting on the bus, Gu Nan's heart has been on tenterhooks. In the end, she decided to admit her mistake on her own initiative, thinking that to admit her mistake first is to seize the opportunity, well, preemptive.

"Shen Muchen, I'm sorry, today I see you are not in the state, you must not go to heart." Gu Nan's attitude that calls a sincere, just as the so-called prodigal son return gold does not change, Shen Muchen you must have a prime minister's measurement, otherwise not white when President?
