The fastest update of marital passion: President husband, you are on!

Yu Mengzhuang really didn't catch up. She just looked at Gu Nan's running direction and took out the phone. What she said just now was cheating Gu Nan. Now it doesn't seem to have any effect. So she has to spend some effort to catch Gu Nan back.

"I don't think it's going to catch up?" After running for a distance, Gu Nan slowly lowers the speed, gasps and turns to look behind him. He finds that Yu mengmakeup doesn't catch up with him. Gu Nan dials Shen Muchen for the first time.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is temporarily unavailable."

The voice from the phone almost made Gu Nan despair. Should it be like this? In this case, the phone couldn't get through. Shen Muchen, I didn't expect that you should drop the chain at such a critical time.

Do you know that you can't get a wife all your life. If I die, you'll be widowed in the next life!

Gu Nan secretly scolds in the heart, she can't find the person who can ask for help at present, Qi Yuan's business card is put by her in her pocket, she didn't take it with her at all, now really want to die?

Gu Nan looks back and turns over the address book. She finds that Shen Muchen is the only one she can ask for help. Does she want to call Shen Zifeng?

It's certainly useless to call the police. The police certainly didn't find themselves first. She knew that if she was beaten by Yu Mengzhuang, her fate would not be better.

Shen Muchen! You really killed me!

Gu Nan trotted for a period of time, found that after the rest, quickly continue to run forward.

What Yu Mengzhuang said is right. This is the wilderness. Gu Nan has been running for a long time without people. It's really rare to see such an open place in the city. If there were not a few sparse buildings, Gu Nan would have given up and fled directly.

If she could see the location of dream makeup at a glance, it would almost be death.

She doesn't know why she doesn't have the strength. She is also two women, and Yu Mengzhuang is not much better than her. However, her unspeakable fear may be that Yu Mengzhuang looks down on death, and she still has a lot of worries in her heart.

When Gu Nan looks at his mobile phone, he suddenly receives a message. Gu Nan quickly opens it and finds that it's from Yu Mengzhuang.

"Gu Nan, ha ha, I see you."

"Me Gu Nan really wanted to drop her mobile phone to the ground, but she couldn't give up the last hope. She deleted the message with hatred. She was a little uneasy in her heart, because she was not sure whether mengmakeup really saw her.

Anyway, if she looks back, she can't see anything. Is she hiding somewhere around? Now finding the way out is the wisest choice.

Gu Nan immediately opened Baidu map, first to Shen Muchen sent a positioning of their own, and then left him a message, quickly to save me, quickly find this route.

Gu Nan is very sad to find that she completely ran in the opposite direction, it must be impossible to go back, she can only find one around to go back.

But she hesitated again. What she could think of, Yu Mengzhuang must also think of, what if she was blocking her at the intersection where she was going back?

Although there are so many roads, there is only one main road to go back. What should Yu Mengzhuang do if she is waiting there?

Gu Nan is very sad to find that she now has no way back, blame her just want to dream to see the opposite place to run.

At the thought of Gu Nan, it turned out that the direction Yu Mengzhuang was looking at was the city. Did she know that she would run away? Is that why she's always looking in that direction?

If she had foreseen, then this woman would be terrible.

What else to do now? Keep running, or turn back?

Gu Nan finds himself in a dilemma. Shen Muchen is so unreliable that he can't get through his mobile phone at this time!

Gu Nan is very reluctant to call Shen Muchen's mobile phone number again, but there is still no news coming back. What the hell is the man doing now!

If she can survive now, she must punish this man well after she goes back. Shouldn't the wife's important phone be placed in the first place?

What now? We can't run aimlessly any more. We have to make a choice whether to go back or run in the opposite direction.

When Gu Nan hesitated, Xin'er kept beating. Now she didn't have any thought at all. She just felt that the more she thought, the more confused she was. The more she thought, the more she didn't know what to do next.

The longer the time goes on, the more bottomless Gu Nan's heart is. She looks at the direction she just ran to, as if yu Mengzhuang might catch up at any time.

What should I do? What should I do? Gu Nan drew countless full stops in his heart, but he couldn't give an answer. Can't he sit here waiting to die.

I hope everything in front of me is a dream. Gu Nan turns a circle in the same place and says, "wake up, wake up!"

When Gu Nan stood still, he opened his eyes and took a deep breath. That's the way to go back. Since he can't make a choice, he should follow his body's instinct.

Gu Nan looked at the direction where he had run, then quickly browsed the map and wrote down the route to take. Although he went around in a big circle, he did choose the safest route.

She ran to the other side in a hurry, always paying attention to the movement around her. At the same time, she could slow down, for fear that she would not have the strength to resist if she was really so unlucky to meet Yu Mengzhuang.

"Gu Nan, don't forget that we used to be the best sisters. What do you think in your heart? Don't I know?" Yu Mengzhuang stood at the intersection, raised his lips and laughed bloodthirsty.

Gu Nan thought step by step about the entrance of the Hutong. After passing through it, she could get on the bus. She remembered that there was a stop sign open to traffic at night. As long as she got on the bus, she would be safe.

Although Yu Mengzhuang has the courage to be insane for the second time, she doesn't believe that Yu Mengzhuang still has the capital to be insane.

Looking at the end of the alley, Gu Nan seems to see the dawn, desperately running in that direction.

But at the moment when she just stepped into the lane, the endless darkness flooded her. Yu Mengzhuang was like a devil bathing in the darkness, and slowly came out of it.

Her mouth with a smile, like a Sword Pierced Gu Nan's heart.

"You are really my good friend. I don't know whether I should be happy or sad now!" Gu Nan's face also took on the satirical smile, arrived at this kind of time, she really had lost the desire to struggle.

She felt that she was like a dying prey, playing around in dream makeup, which made her feel very uncomfortable and humiliating.

The most ridiculous thing is that Yu Mengzhuang finally grasped her way.

It's only because they used to be best friends that she can know what route she will choose. It's terrible that such a rational person is still in such a crazy situation.