The fastest update of marital passion: President husband, you are on!

Gu Nan originally thought that she would be afraid to see Yu Mengzhuang again, but she gradually found that she was not afraid at all. She just wanted to calm down and talk to her.

Gu Nan gasped and laughed, "is dream makeup so interesting?"

"Nan, I'm sorry, I used your stupidity again!" Yu Mengzhuang is very coquettish. She can be said to be the person who knows Gu Nan best in the world. It's too easy to know her next move.

It can be said that if Shen Muchen didn't participate in the process, she would have trampled Gu Nan hard under her feet, so now she won't get to the point of thinking.

She is some hate Shen Muchen, but she has no way to deal with Shen Muchen, she doesn't understand this man at all.

But it doesn't matter, she knows Gu Nan, as long as Gu Nan has an accident, it's enough for Shen Muchen to be sad for several days.

Yu Mengzhuang is very happy smile.

"Should you now admit that I was the most important person in your life?" Gu Nan step by step approached in dream makeup.

"You are nonsense. The most important person in my life has always been Chen. Who do you think you are? You are just a doll of me. I just didn't expect that you would betray me when I needed you most!" In a dream makeup denied Gu Nan's view.

Gu Nan said coldly, "it's really hard for you to be so devoted to a doll.

Yu Mengzhuang shut up, just looked at Gu Nan deeply, "so now you have come to the end of life, what else do you want to say?"

Gu Nan calmly walked to Yu Mengzhuang and stopped, "what can I say? I just want to ask, do all this for a man who doesn't love you, do you know?"

"Nonsense, Chen loves me, he must love me, otherwise she would not commit suicide for me!" Yu Mengzhuang seems to have heard a big lie, twisted his head and denied it.

"If he loves you, then you will not face all this alone now. In fact, if you let me go, I can find a way to save your baby." Gu Nan has now completely put down all the feelings for dream makeup.

She just pities the innocent child in Mengzhuang's stomach. If she wants to, she will ask Shen Muchen to help her.

"Child... What's the use of having this child born in this world? Do you think he's still alive?" A drop of tears fell from Yu Mengzhuang's eyes.

"What do you mean?" Gu Nan stares big eyes, can't you say that the child in dream makeup's belly has already died.

"How can the Qi family make him born safely? Or do you think I'm going to get this far? Gu Nan, you have lived in this world long enough. Go to accompany my children Yu Mengzhuang raises the knife.

Gu Nan quickly dodges. After talking so much with Yu Mengzhuang just now, she has the strength to resist completely. She pushes Yu Mengzhuang and runs directly to the lane. The speed is almost crazy.

Just as I was about to cross the lane, a car stopped and blocked Gu Nan's life.

Gu Nan's full of despair, she did not think that in dream makeup really arranged the backhand, she really want to end her life here?

Gu Nan took a deep breath and turned around, "you..."

Yu Mengzhuang narrowed her eyes nervously and rushed straight up, no matter what happened.

She can't run away now. Don't you leave her the last words? Well, she has said enough before, maybe Yu Mengzhuang is tired of it.

Gu Nan closed his eyes.

"Pig, get out of the way!" I don't know if it's an illusion. Gu Nan feels as if he heard Shen Muchen's voice.

The sound of a knife into the meat stimulates Gu Nan's voice. She closes her eyes tightly. After a long time, there is no pain. What's the situation?

Is it so soon over? What kind of state is she in now!

"You let me go, Gu Nan, I will never let you go in my life!" Ear came in the dream makeup of shouting, soon around the quiet down.

Gu Nan slowly opened her eyes, a handsome face that she couldn't forget in this life appeared in front of her with blame.

"Shen Muchen!" She jumped up with excitement, and the joy of the rest of her life filled her nerves. This time, she really made up her mind to never leave him again.

At the moment when she closed her eyes just now, what she was thinking about was not grandma or the past with her parents, but Shen Muchen.

The original man has been deeply imprinted in her mind, so unforgettable?

Why is there a hot and humid feeling on the hand? What is this? Gu Nan's hand feels on Shen Muchen's back in panic. An idea appears in Gu Nan's mind out of thin air. She screams excitedly, "Shen Muchen!"

"Pig, take me to the hospital!" Shen Muchen is very weak fell in Gu Nan's arms, hand quietly to stand on one side of two people made a gesture.

Gu Nan raised her head and saw two people standing there, motionless. She yelled, "are you all blind? Call an ambulance quickly

"Yes, young lady!" One of them agreed and called.

After about ten seconds, the ambulance appeared, and three medical staff came down from the car. With the necessary first-aid measures, they quickly stopped Shen Muchen's blood.

Gu Nan is afraid that Shen Muchen will miss something. He follows him step by step. He has no time to think about why the ambulance appears in front of the man just after he makes a phone call.

Gu Nan's hand tightly pulls Shen Mu Chen's big palm, "are you a fool? Why do you want to do such a stupid thing? Why

Shen Mu Chen wants to raise a hand very much to wipe the tears of canthus for her, but how can't lift the strength of half cent specially.

He just dislikes it. Don't turn your head.

Looking at Shen Muchen's reaction, Gu Nan suddenly became nervous, "Shen Muchen, are you uncomfortable? You say it and let the doctor show you. "

"Stupid pig!" Shen Muchen is very disgusted to spit out two words, obviously now has no mind with Gu Nan about what.

Gu Nan busily nodded, "what you say is what you say. You say I'm a fool. I'll always be a fool. I'll be your fool all my life."

With that, Gu Nan's tears fell down like a broken bead. Now she is so regretful. Why didn't she resist her way? If she resisted, Shen Muchen would not block her knife and would not end up like this.

Shen Muchen constantly scolds Gu Nan this stupid woman in the heart, at that time in that kind of critical situation, unexpectedly don't know to dodge.

In fact, what he didn't expect was that he was stupid. He could try to open Gu Nan or stop Yu Mengzhuang.

But he has no choice, just subconsciously choose the safest way to protect Gu Nan.