The fastest update of marital passion: President husband, you are on!

"Why?" Shen Zifeng is surprised to see Shen Xiaoqi. He remembers that the child was always tired of Gu Nan. What's the matter today? Don't want to see Gu Nan?

"I just don't want to see mom anyway!" Shen Xiaoqi turns his head and looks in another direction. His hands are still tightly around Shen Zifeng's neck.

"Well, even if you don't go back, I'll call your mother and say hello!" Shen Zifeng nodded, put Shen Xiaoqi down and was ready to make a phone call.

Shen Xiaoqi grabs Shen Zifeng's hand and looks at him stupidly, "Uncle Shen, I'll call again tomorrow. You just say that I was locked up all night and you saved me."

"Why?" Shen Zifeng didn't understand why Shen Xiaoqi had such an idea. What happened in the past two days would make the child say such things.

In the past, although he was close to this child, no matter how he coaxed Shen Xiaoqi, Shen Xiaoqi would just call uncle Shen sweetly, but today this child wants him to be a father.

He clearly remembers that once when Xiaomeng joked and asked Shen Xiaoqi to call him Dad, Shen Xiaoqi almost cried.

It can be seen how important father's status is in Shen Xiaoqi's heart, and now? Shen Xiaoqi begged him like this. Something special must have happened.

"Anyway, I don't care. Uncle Shen, I begged you for such a thing when I was so old. Will you promise me?" Shen Xiaoqi pitifully stretched out a finger.

Shen Zifeng hesitated a little and nodded, "I can promise you, but you must tell me the reason."

"Good!" Shen Xiaoqi turned around angrily, and then turned back, "Mom, she hit me!"

"Hit you? Why hit you? " Shen Zifeng looks at Shen Xiaoqi in surprise, but he knows Gu Nan's treasure to Shen Xiaoqi. No matter how mischievous Shen Xiaoqi is and how wrong he is, Gu Nan is never willing to beat and scold him.

In Shen Zifeng's impression, when Gu Nan gets along with Shen Xiaoqi, Gu Nan is always the one who talks about reason, while Shen Xiaoqi is always the one who listens to reason.

"Because I said Shen Muchen should die!" Shen Xiaoqi suddenly looks up at Shen Zifeng.

Shen Zifeng's eyes dodged when Shen Xiaoqi raised his head. He couldn't believe his ears. What did he hear just now?

Shen Xiaoqi said Shen Muchen should die!

"Do you know who Shen Muchen is?" Shen Zifeng can imagine Gu Nan's heartache at that time. Her beloved son wanted him to die.

"I know, but I still don't want him back!" Shen Xiaoqi pursed his lips as if he didn't want to say anything more. He lowered his head and looked at his toes.

"Well, uncle Shen will take you to buy delicious food and go to the amusement park. You can do whatever you want, OK?" Shen Zifeng also saw that there was something wrong with Shen Xiaoqi's state, and he did not dare to ask any more questions, so he picked Shen Xiaoqi up directly.

"Good..." Shen Xiaoqi deliberately delayed a long tone, and he was more satisfied with Shen Zifeng, the candidate of his father to be.

What he should have a headache about now is how to make his mother accept uncle Shen as his father.

How can we do it?

When Shen Zifeng takes Shen Xiaoqi to the amusement park, Shen Muchen returns to R group.

"Xiuyi, come to my place in ten minutes!" Shen Muchen took out his mobile phone and gave Xiuyi a location!

When Xiuyi just received the news, he was very surprised. He soon reflected who was sending the message.

Looking at Gu Nan, who was extremely anxious, Xiu Yi weighed it in his heart and said to Gu Nan, "there are very important things in the company that I need to go over!"

"Go Gu Nan of course knows that the overall situation is important, and the more he comes to such a time, the more he has to be calm.

Her Xiao Qi is so smart that nothing will happen!

Gu Nan takes out her mobile phone and calls all the people she can contact. She only hopes that someone can help her.

Finally, she locked her eyes on Shen Zifeng's contact number, hesitated for a moment or called in the past.

"Hello? Xiao Nan Shen Zifeng's tone was evasive.

"Zifeng, Xiao Qi is gone!" Gu Nan full of tension, the tone of speech is also extremely shaking.

As long as there is a little chance, Gu Nan will not let it go. Even if she is embarrassed with Shen Zifeng, she will ask for help.

"Xiao Nan, don't worry. Xiao Qi must be OK." Listening to Gu Nan's voice, Shen Zifeng knew that Gu Nan must be in a hurry and quickly comforted him.

Who knows this time, Shen Xiaoqi pulls his hand and stares at him. Shen Zifeng reacts that his attitude is not normal.

"Zifeng, are you hiding something from me?" Gu Nan's heart has been suspicious. According to the normal situation, Shen Zifeng should be very worried when he learns about Shen Xiaoqi's disappearance.

But now Shen Zifeng's performance is so calm, which really makes people have to doubt!

"No, Xiao Nan, I mean, don't be too nervous. I'll help you to find it. You must take good care of yourself. Xiao Qi is so smart that he will be OK!" Shen Zifeng lies in front of Gu Nan, and he is very uncomfortable.

Afterwards, even he can't believe that he actually cheated Gu Nan.

"Thank you, Zifeng!" If Gu Nan had not worried about Shen Xiaoqi, she would have doubted Shen Zifeng's behavior, but now she has no mind to think about Shen Zifeng.

Besides, she doesn't doubt that Shen Xiaoqi will be hidden by Shen Zifeng. Shen Zifeng is the one who won't harm her in the world. She believes that.

After hanging up, Shen Zifeng gasped.

"You see how anxious your mother is. Listen to my uncle and go back." Shen Zifeng sighs and looks at Shen Xiaoqi. He really has no way to deal with this bear.

"Go back, you can't go back now!" Shen Xiaoqi shakes his head decisively and comes to Shen Zifeng.

"Why?" Shen Zifeng is very puzzled. In his impression, Shen Xiaoqi is a very filial child. He has never been willing to take care of Nan's sadness!

"Isn't that what's on TV? If the child runs away from home on the first day, the parents will certainly beat the child. If they go back in a few days, the parents will only worry about it and will not beat the child! " Shen Xiaoqi said the head is the right way, one side of Shen Zifeng also felt very reasonable.

Why does he always feel something wrong when he touches his head?

"Then you have to go back tomorrow, the company can't leave your mother, can't let her delay too long because of your business!" Shen Zifeng nodded and asked nothing more.

"I know!" Shen Xiaoqi agreed deeply.