The fastest update of marital passion: President husband, you are on!

"It's a big kid!" Shen Zifeng said helplessly!

"Uncle Shen, can I ask you something?" Shen Xiaoqi's big eyes dribbled around.

"What?" Shen Zifeng is still repenting for cheating Gu Nan. Shen Xiaoqi can't recover until he speaks.

"Help me take good care of my mother in the future!" Shen Xiaoqi's face was determined, just like Tuogu.

"What are you going to do?" Shen Zifeng asked subconsciously. He also had the illusion that Shen Xiaoqi was supporting the orphan.

"I'm still with my mother, but I'm still young and can't take good care of her, so I still need your help!" Shen Xiaoqi sighed, looking at his small arms and legs, he was very dissatisfied.

"Then grow up quickly!" Shen Zifeng thought it was something. He has been doing it all the time. I believe he will do it in the future.


Xiuyi comes to the position designated by Shen Muchen. At the moment when he sees Shen Muchen again, he doesn't know what to use to describe his mood. He can only say that he is very excited.

See in front of Shen Muchen, the familiar feeling of the past seems to return in an instant.

"President..." Xiuyi called out this title in disbelief.

Shen Muchen nods. Although he also wants to talk about his own affairs with Xiuyi, time is pressing. He guesses that Chen yinwei may have already started, so he has to hurry up.

"Xiuyi, I need your help!" Shen Muchen said directly, indicating that Xiuyi had no time to talk about the past now.

"Yes, President, I will always serve you!" If it wasn't for four years, Xiuyi would never have said such a thing.

"Xiuyi, give me all the authority in Gu Nan's hands again!" He has been away for four years. If he wants to regain the power of R group, he must rely on Gu Nan's help.

He thought that Xiuhui would agree without hesitation, but he didn't think that he hesitated and looked at himself in surprise.

Is this still his former assistant? Although Xiuyi used to do some things privately, he never disobeyed his orders, but now he hesitated?

"Xiuyi, say it!" Shen Muchen has no time to spend with Xiuyi. The problem between him and Xiuyi must be solved because he needs a person who can be trusted 100%.

"Now the authority of the company is in the hands of my wife, so you have to go through my wife if you want to withdraw the authority!" Xiuyi lowered his head slowly.

Shen Muchen is silent, but he is not the slightest unhappy. Xiuyi's reaction means that Xiuyi has successfully treated Gu Nan as his boss in the past four years, not as a woman.

He's really happy.

Shen Mu Chen nodded, "yes, but you have to help me. I want to control the shares of W Group, otherwise we can't deal with this crisis!"

"Crisis?" When he heard that Shen Muchen was going to deal with w group, Xiuyi was shocked. Before, Shen Muchen said that he would never do anything to hurt w group unless he had to.

After hearing the two words of crisis, Xiuyi became nervous. After all, he knew how serious the matter was when he heard the two words of crisis from Shen Muchen's mouth.

"Well, I'll tell you what to do..."

Shen Muchen tells Xiuyi his plan.


After two people discuss, repaired one to see Shen Mu Chen one eye, "president, don't go to see a madam?"

"Go How can we not go? Gu Nan has to be ventilated at this time, otherwise there is no way to play the play.

In fact, there was no need to be so troublesome, but Xiuyi didn't want to give him the power, so he had to ask his wife.

It's been four years. Can he finally meet her?

Shen Muchen feels that his heart has been out of control. He has been thinking about Gu Nan's appearance all the time. Little by little, the things he has forgotten for four years have climbed into his mind.

It's like a rose exploding in a clear sky, fragrant and colorful.

"Good!" Xiuyi didn't know what he felt in his heart. He just picked up the car quickly and took Shen Muchen home!

They don't know how long they have been talking about it. They just know that when they get home, it's already dark. It's an intoxicating summer.

Although the outside is still full of sultry atmosphere, but when you enter the small yard, it is incomparably cool, the faint fragrance is shallow, drunk people in the yard.

At this time, Gu Nan sat in the courtyard alone. She used to lie there with Shen Muchen to look at the sky, surrounded by beautiful colorful petals.

The scenery is still the same, but without his company.

Gu Nan sat on the grass, patting the grass unconsciously, occasionally looking up at the flowers around him, just like a flower fairy.

But Shen Muchen can feel her sadness far away. Why is she so sad? Is it because of herself?

Looking at her like this, Shen Mu Chen's heart unexpectedly appeared timid idea, he dare not go forward, seem to be afraid to disturb this pure beauty, indifferent sadness.

This wonderful feeling is like a dream. Shen Muchen is afraid that he will wake up in the dream at any time. When he wakes up, he finds that there is nothing around him.

"Why don't you come back?" Gu Nan's whispered voice came into Shen Muchen's ears.

Voice so sad, so helpless, like a big hand in the fierce tearing his heart.

He opened his mouth and wanted to say that I came back, but he didn't know what choked him.

What he didn't like the most was such a scene, but now he had to face it and walked to her with gentle steps.

He wanted to put his hand on her shoulder, but he was afraid that his sudden appearance would scare her. After thinking for a long time, he just stood by her side quietly.

I only hope that she can see him once in a while, and then turn around and give him a big hug.

After waiting for a long time, she still sat there alone, as if no one else, trapped in her own lonely world, as if attracted by something, drunk, how can not come out.

Looking at her in front of him, he felt he couldn't help it. He wanted to give her a big hug.

No matter whether it would scare her or not, he directly extended his big hand and hugged her in his arms. There was no scream and surprise in his imagination.

She is very insipid in the face of all this, and even did not head back, he panicked, this is how? Why didn't she respond?

Shen Muchen opened his mouth, but he didn't know how to call the woman in front of him. He gritted his teeth and leaned his chin on her shoulder. After brewing for a long time, he could only say, "I'm back."

The voice is so hoarse, ugly, in the moment of speaking, he can clearly feel a drop of crystal across his cheek.

He cried!