With regard to the emergence of September 1 heavy industry, the old man thought that in his lifetime, he could finally see that China's slowest developing industries could catch up with those foreign industrial powers.

However, Yun Fei's answer made him find that his hope had been lost.

In many military high-precision and cutting-edge technologies, especially those emerging technology fields, China does not lag far behind foreign countries, because many of these started in the same period. However, in the fields of traditional manufacturing and traditional technology, China is far too far from abroad.

It is this difference that makes China's most important national defense industry unable to compete with those foreign countries. Even the huge Soviet Union was dragged down by the United States with advanced science and technology.

The reason is that the Soviet Union's basic industry is not developed, and its accumulation in basic industry is far from as strong as that in foreign countries. The cost of producing the same type of equipment in the Soviet Union will be several times higher than that in the United States!

CNC machine tools are the basis for the rise of manufacturing industry. Many high-precision and cutting-edge equipment and precision parts need super precision CNC machine tools to process, because machine tools are different from people. Many times, people can't guarantee, machine tools can guarantee, as long as the design accuracy of machine tools can reach that level!

Just like China's fighter has been unable to make a breakthrough, many people believe that it is because China's design ability is not good.

Is this really the case?


Many Chinese engineers have returned from studying in developed countries in Europe and America, and their design ability is no worse than that of the Soviet Union. The reason why the Soviet Union was able to manufacture fighter planes of the same level as the most advanced fighter planes in the United States in this era is that ordinary people do not know how much it has invested. Can the old people who have been in charge of the whole of China for more than ten years not know? The disintegration of the Soviet Union can even be related to the advent of their most advanced weapons and equipment.

If the Soviet Union had not used most of its resources and funds to forcibly manufacture these most advanced weapons and equipment, the Soviet Union would not have disintegrated so easily.

Especially in the later period, the deranged high-level of the Soviet Union actually wanted to compete with the United States in space!

Didn't the Soviet Union know that the picture of the US landing on the moon was false? But the Soviets dared not fail to make efforts in this regard. In the whole world, the only thing that can compete with the United States is the Soviet Union. After China's reform and opening up, the Soviet Union believed that China had also embarked on the road of capitalism. For this reason, it also Chen Bing millions on the Sino Soviet border!

If the Soviet Union had the first CNC machine tool manufacturing technology, even if it disintegrated, it would last for many years.

Multi axis CNC machine tools, especially the five axis linkage machine tools that have the most profound impact on the aircraft industry and aerospace industry, are CNC machine tools. If the Soviet Union had one or two hundred, their manufacturing cost would be reduced by dozens or even hundreds of times in order to manufacture rockets that can send satellites thousands or even thousands of kilometers away from the earth!

Artificial engines and some parts that have strict requirements for space size basically rely on luck.

Because China does not have high-end and precise processing equipment, the service life of many types of fighter engines made by China is only three or four hundred hours. To this end, many of China's air forces have large transportation teams dedicated to transporting aircraft engines and some easily damaged core components. The reason why China has been unable to make a breakthrough in fighting a new generation of advanced fighters is that there is no super processing equipment to process those ultra-high precision and particularly complex parts. The engine is the biggest problem.

Of course, the materials of some key components on a fighter capable of withstanding speeds of thousands of kilometers per hour are also the biggest problem!

The arrival of the old man made the domestic workers who were working stop their work and automatically stand beside the yellow line of the logistics channel in the center of the workshop to line up to welcome the old man. After hearing the warm applause, the senior skilled workers from the Soviet Union looked here and continued to devote themselves to their work.

Their salary is fixed, but the bonus is calculated according to their workload! For the old people they are not familiar with, none of them think it is more cost-effective to waste time welcoming him than to do more work and earn more bonuses.

They came to China to make money!

After the old man waved to the people, the workers looked back at the old man and walked towards their posts.

For such things, the old man doesn't care, and Yunfei doesn't care either.

What he cared about was that some people from central ministries and commissions followed behind the old man, but the old man didn't say anything. Even if he had resentment in his heart, he couldn't vent, so he could only stare at Yun Fei. Before the delegation set out, the old man asked them to visit the 91 heavy industry, listen more, see more, ask more and speak less. Otherwise, let them be laid off directly!

Everyone knows that being laid off is the heart disease of the old man!

In his tenure, not many people who have devoted their lives to the country have lost their iron rice jobs. Even if some state-owned factories go bankrupt, the government can settle them well, but now bankruptcy has become a trend!

Although I don't know why the old man warned them like this, nothing can violate the dignity of the old man.

"I can't wait that long!" Yun Fei comforted the old man when he saw that his face was full of loneliness.

Even if the scale of Jiuyi heavy industry is expanded two or three times, the annual production capacity is only tens of thousands of CNC machine tools! For China's machining market, which grows by tens of thousands of units every year, it is a drop in the bucket. In particular, with the development of domestic manufacturing technology, China's demand for high-grade multi axis CNC machine tools is far greater than ordinary low-grade CNC machine tools. Even if Jiuyi heavy industry can produce three-axis linkage machining centers, as long as the scale is not expanded to the scale of producing tens of thousands of units per year, it is impossible to form much research pressure on foreign machine tool manufacturers.

The main body of China's economy is state-owned factories. Most of the leaders of those state-owned factories believe that the moon abroad is rounder than China.

Therefore, the main purchasing force of CNC machine tools in the Chinese market is the most worthy object for foreigners' CNC machine tool manufacturers.

As long as jiuyizhong does not develop a high-precision four-axis machining center in one day, it will not have a serious impact on those foreign CNC machine tool manufacturers. It is for this reason that large CNC machine manufacturers will allow a large number of Taiwanese enterprises to open factories in Chinese mainland.

To enable the CNC machine tool manufacturers to enter the Chinese mainland, it will have a great impact on China's domestic research and development of high-end CNC machine tools manufacturers.

"Oh?" The old man stared at Yunfei curiously. He really didn't understand what cards Yunfei had in his hands.

"As long as the production technology of our three-axis machining center of Jiuyi heavy industry is mature, we can expand on a large scale." Yun Fei seriously said to the old man who cared about him very much.

The expansion of Jiuyi heavy industry has begun quietly.

The two newly-built factories in the Jiuyuan base are all for supporting Jiuyi heavy industry, which is equivalent to doubling the production scale of Jiuyi heavy industry. Of course, Jiuyuan can provide more production capacity in a short time as long as Jiuyi heavy industry needs it.

The military industry is in recession, but many of the large number of skilled workers in the ninth academy are still used as ordinary workers or even idle. Otherwise, Jiuyuan will not bite its teeth and win so much land in Chengdu Economic Development Zone under the encouragement of Yunfei, rather than moving from the mountains to the mountains more than 100 kilometers away from Chengdu, as in the world of Yunfei.

"Once our three-axis CNC machining center is listed, we will first face the pressure from those Taiwan funded CNC machine tool manufacturers who have negotiated with the mainland to invest and build factories. At that time, the competition was not technology, but price! Only the more we produce can our cost be reduced faster, otherwise we will be at a disadvantage at the beginning. Otherwise, I wouldn't force them to build two machinery factories in Chengdu to support 91 heavy industry when I know that the base has no money! " Yun Fei patiently explained to the old man.

Many state-owned enterprises believe that the establishment of Taiwan funded machine tool factories in the mainland will enable China to have the production technology of CNC machine tools, but where can they know that those Taiwan funded machine tool factories are only assembly factories in the mainland. Key core components, even the manufacture of machine tool blanks, will be transported by ship from Baodao!

If you get an assembly plant, you can get the supporting production technology. At present, China has most of the advanced technologies in the world.

But is that possible?

"Do you need national policy support?" The old man heard a trace of helplessness from Yunfei's words, so only two people could hear big words and ask Yunfei in a low voice.

"No! Only when there is huge pressure in the competition will we work harder to study technology! " Yunfei doesn't want his company to have an official background in the future. Even if the old man doesn't mean that, Yunfei also firmly expresses his position.

Too much policy support will be even more detrimental to the future development of 91 heavy industry.

At the same time, those Taiwan funded CNC machine tool factories were the first Taiwanese to be peacefully unified. Competition with Taiwan funded factories is an internal competition. There is no need to bully the family with the help of parents.

Of course, Yunfei doesn't want to compete with foreign CNC machine tool manufacturers with the help of the state.

"Mr. Deng, let's take a look at the front. These machine tools are the most common CNC lathes. The 91 workshop in front is where our core competitiveness of 91 heavy industry lies!" When the old people come to visit, Yunfei will certainly not reveal any core competitiveness like dealing with ordinary officials.