"Are you going to enter Australia?" Hearing Cheng Feng's words, BHP Billiton people were nervous.

Now that the Chinese have money, they fool around. They are afraid that the Chinese will come to Australia to mine, and then force them to cut prices

"No, we just set up a branch here to facilitate after-sales service. Of course, it may involve the sales of mobile phones, computers and other products. But it will not buy mines from the Australian government. Our boss has a lot of complaints about the cost here. After all, the price here is much more expensive than that in Africa. Another is that the labor cost here is also higher than that in Africa... "How can Cheng Feng not know what these guys are worried about?

Yunfei really has no idea of mining in Australia.

The cost is really too high to obtain the mining property right here.

Working hard to open the mining stone, but the big head was taken by the Australian government and those ore transportation companies, so the profit of mining here is not high.

Audrey and others were relieved to hear Cheng Feng say so.

Although Yunshi holdings is not a state-owned enterprise in China, this company is a sharp weapon of the Chinese government abroad. They engage in mining and oil from Africa, which gives the Chinese government a lot of confidence in negotiating with their company. Officials of the Ministry of Commerce of China have straightened up a lot when negotiating.

If Wynn holdings obtains world-class mines in Australia or South America, it will be a great disaster for them. The Chinese are too cruel in this regard. Just look at the iron ore in cadier. From nothing to an annual output of 20 million tons, and then to an output of 50 million tons within five years

This terrible speed is really frightening.

Not to mention the cost of mine construction, the Chinese don't care about the cost at all, but because the construction speed of cadier iron ore in Africa exceeds everyone's imagination. Not only their mine construction speed is fast, but also their railway construction is very fast.

The Chinese transported the iron ore back from Africa and then used the empty transport ship to transport the train track. This speed is really frightening.

It would have taken several years to build, but the modern railway of several hundred kilometers in Mauritania should be completed within two years!

The Chinese are going to empty this world-class iron mine in 17 years!

The reason why BHP Billiton wants to purchase their 500 ton Ore Truck from Hongqi machinery this time is that on the one hand, the production cost can be reduced by three percentage points. On the other hand, it hopes to build a line with Yunshi holdings through this cooperation and bring them into the world mining association, Avoid the time when Yunshi holding's mining in Africa is too fierce, resulting in a big price reduction of iron ore in the whole world!

They have considered these things.

If there is no cooperation, the arrogant young man of cloud holdings will never see them. After all, they are competitors.

"After discussion, we decided to purchase six Super ore carriers of your company. If the use effect meets our expectations, I think our company should purchase on a larger scale..." Audrey and his party discussed for a while before they said to Cheng Feng.

"No problem. Even if we order one, our company will serve wholeheartedly. Mr. Audley, in order to show our sincerity again, I decided to reduce the price of six 500 ton dump trucks by another 10000 US dollars. After all, you are the first international customer of our equipment... "Cheng Feng said with a smile.

The order for six sets has exceeded his imagination.

The production cost of Hongqi machinery is only about 5.2 million each!

"Of course, in order to supervise our production quality and production progress, I hope Mr. Audrey can personally visit our production plant in China..." Cheng Feng smiled and hinted.

Yun Fei once told them that not only Chinese people will need kickbacks.

Salesmen who make the company responsible for national business development need to pay attention to this problem.

Cheng Feng has begun to test.

Before, Audrey had visited Hongqi machinery factory. They also know very well what the Chinese want to do.

"That's for sure. We know that you Chinese like to delay the construction period in order to show the difficulty of production. If the company's equipment is put into use one day later, it will lose one day. I think it is necessary to communicate with your production supervisor! " Audrey looked like he had understood it and said to Cheng Feng very seriously.

"Don't worry, Mr. Audley, when I get back to China, I will call you and formally invite you on behalf of the company..." foreigners are not greedy, but dare not take benefits openly.

Therefore, Cheng Feng needs to find an appropriate excuse for them.

Moreover, they will not be suspected of taking advantage of it.

"OK. Mr. Cheng, the contract has been drawn up. You can take a look. To be honest, we have never seen a big company like you. The top executives will come out to contact the business... "These guys are really surprised that Cheng Feng came out to develop the market business in person.

Originally, they were still hesitant, but after knowing Cheng Feng's identity, they made up their mind to buy, which can explain the problem.

Market competition has not yet reached such a tragic level.

"Only when people like me come out can you feel the sincerity of our company in this regard. After all, I represent the highest level of our whole company and our boss in these aspects. If there are any problems in the future, we won't worry. We prevaricate and say we don't know... "Cheng Feng has nothing to hide about this problem.

The reason why he came to develop the company's business was that he heard Yunfei say one day when chatting that if Lao Zhu went out to help some domestic enterprises with the ability to enter the world to contact business, it would have a great impact.

Cheng Feng didn't understand at the beginning. After coming down, he kept thinking about this problem. When he understood, he found out why Yun Fei said that at the beginning.

The organization of their company has changed from side to side, but the position and power of managers have not changed much. At most, it is just some business problems. Otherwise, the people below don't know how much opinion they have. The Chinese people are criticized by the world for some things.

If a company wants to achieve good results, it can't just have good technology and equipment. It's the most important to reassure consumers who buy their equipment.

The contract was signed on the spot. Six 500 ton dump trucks, US $2.39 million each, equivalent to more than 20 million yuan, nearly 2 million higher than the company's reserve price. This trip is a good start.

Moreover, the negotiation of Vale is not so easy. It has been negotiating for two days, and there is no turning point. It is because the representatives of Japanese shareholders have been obstructing it. Finally, Cheng Feng simply ignored them and left the company here to negotiate with Rio Tinto.

"I really didn't expect that as soon as Cheng Feng went out, he made a good start. Six 500 ton dump trucks with a total amount of more than $10 million!" Yunfei was taking children on Nanhai island when he knew the news.

"Do you care about more than ten million dollars?" When the woman around him heard what he said, she couldn't help but curl her mouth.

The Nigerian government's purchase order for one billion US dollars of equipment, he said not at all.

If the last country did not come forward, the order would really be yellow.

"How can you not care? This is also a turning point in our company's international business. Although our equipment sells well in Africa, it is basically used by our own companies and our people's mines! Where is Africa? The forgotten region of the civilized world! And where is Australia? BHP Billiton is one of the three mining giants in the world! If we get their order, we will worry about the lack of order in the future? " Yun Fei smiled and explained to his women.

This is a turning point in their international business.

He was even more pleased that Cheng Feng received orders for three sets from Rio Tinto and two sets from vale in the next few days. The price is 240 dollars, not a Penny Less!

Such business is enough for their mining vehicle production workshop to produce for two years!

This makes Yun Fei very happy.

I feel that the Spring Festival in 2001 is full of joy.

This is a very good sign.

As Yunfei thought, this year, the overseas business of Yunshi holdings developed very rapidly. Cheng Feng went from Australia, then into South America, Canada, and then bypassed Europe and Central Asia. He stayed outside for more than three months before returning home!

Over the past three months, Cheng Feng has received more than $1.6 billion in various equipment orders! There are all kinds of CNC machine tools and mining equipment. At the same time, we also ordered a large transport ship for a small country in South America

For Cheng Feng's achievements in taking office, Yun Fei was stunned.

The whole trip, a total of 110 days outside, Cheng Feng signed more than 400 contracts! Not counting his time on the road, he signed an average of more than three contracts every day. The cloud doesn't know how these contracts were signed.

Ask Cheng Feng, and Cheng Feng doesn't say it either.

His entourage was obviously greeted by Cheng Feng. No one told their boss. Even if the boss threatened to fire them, they didn't speak at all.

"I think no one will complain any more when you see this pile of contracts? Don't tell me anything bad about international business. Cheng Feng is not a professional salesman. Why can he sign so many contracts in such a short time? " After Cheng Feng returned home, Yunfei again gathered these business personnel responsible for international business.

They suck up when they are doing business, but complain about what is hard and tired.

Wu fan once opened the situation in Africa and launched the company's plan to exchange ore for equipment. Now Cheng Feng has signed a business of US $1.6 billion in more than three months, with more than 400 contracts. This is another record of the whole company. It is estimated that it will not be greatly broken.

"This is indeed a miracle. It is precisely because of this miracle that our company has constantly created new highs one after another. In terms of sales, it doesn't mean that you only sell your own products. We can take over those that are domestic or our customers can't get by themselves. Like the original ore exchange equipment. Do we need ore? Is the ore useful to us? Wu fan is also a newcomer who knows nothing but simple training. He can know the increase in our domestic demand for ore. therefore, he suggested that the company can agree to exchange ore for our equipment... "

Rigid thinking is the biggest defect of the Chinese people.

There is no way for Yunfei. Most people in the whole country have no sense of innovation.

"I have always stressed to you that you should take a long-term view. At the same time, you need to constantly enrich yourself and let yourself know more. In this way, you can more easily find opportunities in the market. Although the original example of Wu fan is not similar to the example of Cheng Feng, careful analysis can find some common ground, because these contracts between them are because they know the whole industry very well. At the same time, they are not limited to the profit of a contract, especially Cheng Feng. They do not consider how much commission they can get! Let's say nothing else. If small South American countries don't have transport ships, they can buy them by themselves, right? If it were you, would you help? Because this has nothing to do with us, and a transport ship has no oil or water to catch... Cheng Feng bought it for them, and then a series of contracts came. There is a large copper mine just discovered in their country... Mine. I know you are all interested, but does this have anything to do with the copper mine? How does Cheng Feng do it? He transferred the mine to BHP Billiton, which had signed the business contract with him at the beginning, and obtained more than 30 related contracts at once... "This is the most successful place for Cheng Feng to sign the contract.

BHP Billiton has business contacts with many heavy industry companies in the world, and Audrey's network resources are unimaginable.

He helps Cheng Feng introduce business. Cheng Feng gives him business fees, which does not affect him, and their company will not deal with him because of this.

Therefore, Audrey helped Cheng Feng sign orders for various equipment of at least US $400 million

"Of course, I know you have to say that Cheng Feng is a senior manager of the company. He has more power to decide than you. But do any of you care what I've been emphasizing to you to give full play to your contacts? Benefits, don't take it alone, give more to those who introduce business to you. They are not professional. Although they take the big head in a business, who takes the big head in the end? "

The company's salesperson, Yunfei, has always wanted to beat them.

These do not exist in the domestic market, but the foreign business is different. Most of their foreign businesses are recruited outside. These people are very selfish. They always consider how much they can get for each order. When others introduce their business, they will not give their big head to others and send some beggars casually

Otherwise, Cheng Feng would not have made such brilliant achievements.

There are also few examples of foreign sales.