"Why not? If not, I wouldn't do such a thing. Who would be foolish enough to make money for his own family and have to cultivate a competitor for himself? With these patent authorizations, if we don't rise here, the design team and the people of the production company have no pressure, and it must be us who will suffer in the end... "Yun Fei said helplessly.

It will be a little more than ten years before he knows the situation.

If he can't develop in these ten years, his efforts will be in vain.

If a man has no near worries, he will have far worries.

The ancestors have always warned future generations that they must have a sense of hardship.

Yun Fei, from the very beginning, has always left a way back for himself. He doesn't want his company to be a flash in the pan in the tide of China's reform and opening up like Mou Zhongzhong. He wants to make a legend. The continuation of this legend depends on the people of the company.

As the helmsman, he no longer plays such an important role as before.

This is a world of talents.

No company can survive long without talents.

"Anyway, if you grasp these things yourself, the company can't afford such a big mistake. Once there is a problem, the whole company will be in trouble. Going abroad is a good thing, but every step must be taken well. Because we are private enterprises, once there is a problem, especially the capital problem, there will only be people who will fall into the well, and there will not be any people who will help in the snow... "Jiang Jianxing is an old Jianghu, and he has a special understanding of human nature.

Although he didn't have any management ability at first, he has talent in this field.

Otherwise, a company like Yanlong COMAC would not be handled by him only with rules and without any disputes.

"Uncle, don't worry. You'll leave yourself a way back in life and work. The problem of broken capital chain will not appear at all. I still have $10 billion abroad. Maybe more than that now. I didn't care about this... "Yun Fei told Jiang Jianxing in a low voice that he had $10 billion in funds in order to reassure Jiang Jianxing. He also knew that Jiang Jianxing would keep secrets for him.

"What? Where did you get all this money? If you let people know... "Jiang Jianxing almost had a heart attack.

"I won't let anyone who shouldn't know know know. The big guys above also know the money. I've always been overseas and rarely turn back. This was made by the Japanese government. Those leaders above know these situations. Once our domestic company has problems, we will start to move abroad. The ban that the old man did not allow me to immigrate was also lifted... "Yun Fei immediately said these things again.

When it comes to the old man, he is a little lonely.

I haven't seen the old man for a long time, not because he doesn't want to go, but because the old man's doctor doesn't want Yun Fei to see the old man.

Every time Yunfei goes, the old man's mood will cause violent fluctuations. Such a thing is absolutely not allowed for the old man who is very ill now.

"If it weren't for the old man, we wouldn't have such a chance at all. How is he? " Jiang Jianxing sighed.

Although the old man remembered them because of his father's unjust case at the beginning, they also knew that their company would not have developed without the support of the old man and senior national leaders.

The great kindness of the old man to Yun's holding is absolutely incomparable to anyone.

"I heard it's not very good. But the doctors are trying to maintain it, hoping that he can live a few more years. He is here. We have confidence in doing these things! " Yun Fei said with his teeth clenched.

Jiang Jianxing nodded and said nothing more.

When they finished talking, it was more than 7 p.m. and Jiang Xiufen appeared in the closed restaurant with Chen Xiaomi, who was now on fire.

For Chen Xiaomi, Yun Fei is especially speechless. This woman is now beginning to become a little unwilling to be lonely.

Jiang Jianxing is too lazy to talk about Yunfei's private affairs.

Because it's no use what he said.

In the national goddess program, it is not just a talent host of singing, which makes their network TV stations very popular. In order to improve the ratings, many satellite TV stations began to negotiate the broadcasting right with the 91 network company.

Naturally, Jiang Xiufen will not pay attention to these problems.

Chen Xiaomi is a very good assistant for her.

She helped Chen Xiaomi win votes within Yunshi holdings, which is unmatched by other players. In addition, her paper image, temperament and talent are also very good.

"I'll quit after I finish this program." Seeing Yunfei's ugly face, Chen Xiaomi said faintly to Yunfei after dinner.

"If this is the life you like, you can go on. Of course, if you feel wronged, you can also pursue your life... "Yun Fei shook his head, helped Chen Xiaomi gently straighten out some messy bangs on her forehead, and said calmly.

Yunfei doesn't like Chen Xiaomi much.

If you have to find a reason, it is estimated that Chen Xiaomi's quiet. This can't be seen by other women, and it happened to be such a coincidence at that time. Old Taoist Xiangyun said to Yun Fei, who began to believe in life, that it was best to let everything go.

Saving your head is a dream.

"No, I don't like this kind of life. Originally, I thought I would like it. However, with the increasing degree of PK of the program, many brokerage companies and advertisers came to me to talk about contract agency, and some even wanted to use advertising contracts to make me promise some of their unnecessary requirements. This is not the life I like. I just like a quiet life. If I have nothing to do, I'll keep my light music. Then I'll travel everywhere and wait for you silently... "Chen Xiaomi also said very calmly.

The water in the entertainment circle is too deep.

Only when you enter here will you find it.

She is glad that everything she wants can be given to her, and she doesn't have to do everything to get it like other actresses.

Finally, there is no moral bottom line and no principle of being a man.

That's a no return road.

"Your life is up to you. If you like, you can open a bar decorated according to your favorite style on Zijing road... "Yun Fei nodded.

There was no persuasion.

"Do you agree with me to stay in Chengdu?" Chen Xiaomi asked in surprise.

"What if I disagree? Did Li Lu look for you? Ye Wuqiu had dinner with you? Ni Lishuang, are they your QQ friends? " Yun Fei looked helpless.

Chen Xiaomi stopped talking.

Yunfei also wants a peaceful life, but few people can provide him with such a life.

What kind of position he gets, he has to shoulder what kind of responsibility. Many of his life are no longer controlled by him.

These women around him can live as carefree as they dream. Yun gave them a free life that he couldn't get.

Of course, it does not mean complete freedom. There is absolutely no such thing in this world. Get something, you have to pay something.

Chinese enterprises swallow small fish and buy American high-tech giant apple with some patented technologies and $200 million in cash, which has caused a big wave in the world.

However, no matter how big the waves are, they will calm down one day.

Such news can not occupy the front page headlines of major media every day. Soon, the matter began to calm down. Cloud holdings kept a low profile while continuing their company's reform. Perhaps in order to keep a low profile with them, many large domestic media companies have begun to reduce their company's relevant reports.

From the beginning of this year, cloud holdings began to gradually withdraw from people's attention.

This is not to say that the company has disappeared, or simply that their company has become depressed, but as more enterprises in the country begin to start the strategy of big fish eating small fish, national bank loans have become easier, and many other companies have begun to emerge.

In particular, as some enterprises with national prefix, oil fields and mines in Africa need everything.

Because of the war, the American economy has become less and less popular, and various anti-government demonstrations by Americans have begun to be powerful.

Clinton was somewhat overwhelmed and finally handed over the power of the presidency to George H. W. Bush

The first thing Bush did when he came to power was to increase war funds, which was opposed by the whole Congress.

As a result, the US president and Congress began to quarrel.

Even so, the United States is not idle and continues to pit China. They have no energy. Those fleets are no longer exercising around China's territorial waters, so they began to instigate those island countries in Southeast Asia to send warships to intercept China's mining ships and oil tankers, which makes the government very dissatisfied.

So Zhao Xingbang appeared in front of Yun Fei again.

"What? You asked our company to negotiate with the Thai government about digging the Kara canal? " Yun Fei jumped up when he heard this.

Carat has long wanted to dig for goods, because those bastards in Singapore who forget who their ancestors are have a much better attitude towards the Japanese than the Chinese. The mining companies and oil tankers subordinate to Yunshi holdings are often stuck when they pass through the Strait of Malacca. There is no such thing as charging more fees, but the managers there force them to ask for tips, or refuse to give priority to refuelling and adding water to their cargo ships and oil tankers

For this matter, kamat, who is in charge of this aspect, and Ren Zhiguo, general manager of Jiuyi group Africa Company, have repeatedly negotiated with Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia without any results.

Now, it has begun to fully expand to China's transport ships from a company controlled by Yunshi.

"You know the situation over there. The whole world knows the losses of your company. Although you want to keep a low profile, you can't do these things if you avoid..." Zhao Xingbang said to Yun Fei very seriously.

"Our company is doing this with the Thai government, isn't it justified? Such a big project must be led by the State... "Yun Fei doesn't want to do this.

Finally, the company kept a low profile and gradually began to fade out of people's sight. The word cloud Holdings has rarely been seen in the media. Even the 91 group and the red flag group began to fade out of the media. Any news was reported according to the names of their branches.

Now, once they start jumping out to do it, it's not so easy.

"In addition, the United States has troops stationed in sotaoyi, utabao and Bangkok in Thailand. It seems futile to eliminate the influence of the United States..." Yun Fei is unwilling to do this.

"I believe you have a way to drive the Americans away from Thailand. In those days, the contact between the elder brother Association and the rebels over there has never been broken, has it? Chinese gangs in Thailand are very powerful, aren't they? In order to revitalize the economy, the Thai government has always wanted to dig the Kara canal. I think if you ask, maybe they can meet your conditions... "Zhao Xingbang helped Yunfei come up with an idea.

"It's true that they've dug up the ancestral tombs in Singapore. It's strange that they don't jump up..." Yun Fei said with his teeth clenched.

Mom, Zhao Xingbang wants to do such a thing again, saying that personal behavior has nothing to do with the state.

It doesn't matter. If no country stands behind, their fate will be that there will be no residue left.

"Now do they remember that they are of the same origin as us? These bastards have a much better attitude towards Japan than we do! " Zhao Xingbang also said with his teeth clenched.

"If so, we need very good reasons. Anyway, this thing will not be completed in a short time. We need to let the Thai government come to us. In this way, the pressure from the United States will be much less. At the same time, the little devil will support us very much in this matter... "Yun Fei thought. In order to preserve their company and minimize the hostility of the U.S. government to them, he must put himself in the highest moral position.

"What do you want to do? Come on, we'll cooperate with your company. After all, your ore carriers and oil tankers are the most that pass through the Strait of Malacca... "

"What do you mean we have the most? Two barrels of oil is the most? We only have a few hundred? And most of them are attached to our company. The Jiuyi logistics company has only sixty or seventy ships... "Yun Fei was upset immediately.

The number of countries is the most.

They also mean to say that cloud holdings is the biggest victim.

However, in any case, it seems that we can't stand it any longer.

Those grandchildren are not good people.

Anyway, Yunfei has a lot of money in his hands. The United States hit Iraq and the international oil price soared from less than $50 to $130. They hold the oil field exploitation right in Western Mauritania, and the original 500 Garrison has gradually increased to 1000. Many underworld members are active there to subvert the Mauritanian government.