Chapter 213

In the temporary dormitory of temporary group A, Cheng Chong was just like an uncle, lying on his back on his bed without taboo. He had a good quilt folded into "tofu pieces", which was almost pressed into tofu residue by him. The housekeeping of the whole bed is a mess.

The other four members of temporary group A are surrounding him, presenting facts and reasoning, and earnestly persuading him to stay and don't commit any more stubborn donkey's temper. Our good young hot-blooded boy, if adults don't remember villains, don't have the same knowledge as Wang Yao. Be more patient and let him go as a fart.

However, Cheng Chong was lying on his back in bed with his head resting on a "bean curd" quilt. His limbs were spread out in all directions in a big character shape, and he was closing his eyes to rest. From time to time, seize the opportunity to refute a few words, but in any case, just don't let go. Put on the appearance of fighting a protracted war and being stubborn to the end.

It was at this time that Min Jie walked in easily with her hands on her back and light steps.

She didn't knock or shout a report. She just stood at the door, smiled and coughed gently and symbolically. Seeing this, the other four people in the temporary dormitory immediately quit quietly.

Only Cheng Chong, who is closing his eyes to recuperate, continues to stay in bed and pretend to be an uncle.

At the moment, Cheng Chong thought that no matter who came, he was like this. Anyway, I didn't want to stay in this bird place, so I didn't care about anything.

I'm a person who wants to quit. What can you do to me?

Seeing that he had entered the door, he was ignored by Cheng Chong, who was keeping his eyes closed. Min Jie was not angry, but deliberately aggravated the cough, as if she had a clinical attack of a severe cold.

Now, Cheng Chong can hear clearly.

This is the voice he is very familiar with, even the voice he dreams of. For countless days and nights, he recalled the sound that sounded very pleasant to him, and repeatedly remembered all the sounds and smiles of the people who made the sound.

Now, the voice that has been thought about thousands of times in this dream really rings in my ears again, and it can be concluded that this time is by no means a daydream.

Cheng Chong seemed to get an electric shock. He suddenly opened his eyes. Before he could fully see min Jie in front of him, he bounced out of bed like a compressed spring. In addition, he looked at Min Jie in front of him with a flustered, nervous and vaguely excited face.

His face is so complicated that he is making trouble with naughty children, but he is suddenly caught by teachers and parents. He has a hard time. Very embarrassed, very embarrassed, very embarrassed.

At this time, min Jie opened her big black eyes, carefully looked at Cheng Chong, who was cramped and nervous in front of her, looked at his hurried but naive expression, wanted to laugh but didn't laugh, pretending to be calm and profound.

The two dream that no matter how far apart they are, they always care about each other in each other's hearts. It is at this time and in this place that they meet each other in such a way.

Both of them have fantasized about the grand and romantic scene when they meet each other again, but no one thought that they would meet so hastily at this time and in this place.

If true, dreams are mostly neat, but reality is often a mess.

When Cheng Chong, who was cramped and somewhat flustered, saw min Jie, he suddenly didn't know how to address each other. For a time, the titles of platoon leader min, instructor min, min Jie and Li Ying rushed into his mind, but none of them could be said or called.

What should I call her?

Calling her platoon leader min is too stiff and formal. Calling her min Jie directly is too serious, and calling her Li Ying is not so appropriate at this time

After struggling for a long time, Cheng Chong couldn't make up his mind after all. Cheng Chong was very embarrassed and grabbed his head. With an embarrassing smile, he said without calling anything: "you, you're here. How did you come here?"

At this time, although there were waves and ripples in Min Jie's heart, she was cold by nature and soon calmed down. She didn't answer Cheng Chong's words, and then pretended to be as if nothing had happened, Half true and half false, he scolded: "according to the internal affairs regulations, officers and soldiers are strictly forbidden to stay in bed, lie in bed, lie on the bed, sit in bed, etc. This is what recruits should learn when they are company. Why? When they become non commissioned officers, they don't even know, understand and abide by these most basic common sense?"

After min Jie said this, Cheng Chong became more and more embarrassed. He continued to hold his head, giggled and stood there. For a moment, he didn't know what to do.

This is completely different from the posture he just made up his mind to quit, even if the sky fell, he would never be moved by it. At this time, he wished he could become a cautious and tolerant little daughter-in-law, for fear of showing the slightest presumptuousness in front of her.

This stubborn and strong fighting soldier is almost a blank in emotion and has no experience in communicating with girls. That's why I'm so nervous, so cramped, so afraid of even the slightest mistake.

This may be the power of love.

After an awkward standoff for a while, Cheng Chong didn't answer min Jie's half true and half false reprimand. Like a repeater, he still asked nervously, "Why are you here... How did you come here?"

Seeing that Cheng Chong was still like a little daughter-in-law, min Jie's heart was so happy that it was hard to say. She continued to deliberately floor her face and said, "why am I here? That's a good question! I heard that someone here had a cow's temper and shouted to quit, so I specially came to see which cow was crying..."

Min Jie, who always acted cleanly and never procrastinated, never beat around the Bush, but directly explained her purpose.

"How did you know about it?" Cheng Chong said a little embarrassed. At the moment, with his head down and his hands constantly pulling his clothes, he almost pulled off his clothes directly.

"How do I know? Don't worry about it. You talk about yourself. You've been training hard for several months. You've finally survived. Why do you quit now?" Min Jie didn't follow Cheng Chong's topic, but went straight to the subject.

Speaking of this matter, Cheng Chong's stubborn temper immediately came up. At the moment, he was obviously still angry and still brooding, which was hard to release.

He replied without thinking, "because I don't want to be comrades in arms with a traitor, and I don't dare to go to the battlefield with a traitor."

"You know, traitors are fake, drug dealers are fake, everything is fake!" Min Jie, who was clean and neat, replied very simply.

"I don't fully agree that all this is false. I think he has the potential to be a traitor. It's very real and not false at all." At this time, Cheng Chong was a little unreasonable. He still regarded his imagination and speculation as reality.

Min Jie understood it as the mood and meaning at the moment. Some of his emotions need to be vented. Otherwise, he must be suffocated. Therefore, he did not retort tit for tat or haggle over every penny. He just smiled and didn't reply immediately.

"Can you imagine?" Cheng Chong saw min Jie's expression, Then he continued to vent his grievances: "Anyway, I don't want to accept the fact that there is a traitor among my comrades in arms. If we really go to the battlefield, in addition to our own military skills and the weapons we carry, I'm afraid the comrades in arms around us are the most worthy of our reliance and trust. If there is a traitor among our comrades in arms suddenly , the consequences would be unimaginable. Isn't it? "

Knowing that Cheng Chong was just venting at the moment, min Jie was inconvenient to answer immediately.

After Cheng Chong vented his anger and calmed down for a long time, min Jie directly asked, "do you say that you are disgusted with traitors or Black Hawks?"

Cheng Chong didn't expect min Jie to ask such a question. The question directly pointed to the most sensitive nerve in his heart. He was stunned for a long time. Then he continued to insist without knowing why: "is there any difference? No matter how I look at it, I think he is a traitor. Everything doesn't look like acting, but the true feelings in his heart."

Whenever he thinks of the details of Wang Yao's torture, Cheng Chong can't help thinking about it. It's like a nightmare in the middle of the night. In any case, it can't go away.

At this time, he had long been wishful thinking and imperceptibly linked Wang Yao with the traitor.

"No way! The black eagle can't be a traitor! Well, I know him better than you!" Without thinking about it, min Jie immediately denied Cheng Chong's words and said it very firmly.

However, when Cheng Chong heard that Min Jie said she knew Wang Yao better, he felt a strong smell of acid and vinegar, which made him very uncomfortable. He swallowed a mouthful of spittle ruthlessly and said with a flood of vinegar: "yes, you really know him better than me. He told me before that he and you have been childhood friends and grew up together..."

"Childhood is not a good thing, but growing up together in a courtyard is a fact. Later, I went to a military academy, but he directly joined the army as a soldier. Later, he met us in our brigade and was assigned to the same special combat team. That's what happened..." Min Jie, who was magnanimous, didn't think much at all, He didn't carefully observe the change of Cheng Chong's face at the moment. Therefore, in a few words, he made clear her relationship with Wang Yao over the years.

"But he said you were his fiancee -" Cheng Chong, who was still full of sour and vinegar, said again reluctantly. Some time ago, when Wang Yao was torturing him, what he said to him was like a brand, which was branded in his heart and could not be worn away for a long time.

Min Jie was stunned when she heard this. Then she returned to Wei'er. She blushed and looked at Cheng Chong subconsciously. Seeing that he was jealous and eating seriously, she couldn't help laughing.

In the world, which woman doesn't want to see two or more men competing and jealous for herself? What's more, they are two excellent men?

However, min Jie is not a frivolous and indulgent female soldier after all. She soon noticed the discordant taste, vaguely understood the real reason of the matter, quickly found a real "root cause" in Cheng Chong's heart, immediately rejoiced, and then adjusted her mind, He said seriously, "that was a joke of the two elders many years ago. Don't listen to his nonsense. For so many years, he is him, I am me, and there is no shit engagement between me and him. Besides, I never thought about that. Don't follow him."

With a few simple words, min Jie pressed this matter into Cheng Chong's heart, repeatedly tortured him and explained it clearly.

Cheng Chong's heart brightened immediately, but he said vaguely: "between you and him..."

"I only have comrades in arms and comrades with him." Min Jie, who found a "cause" of Cheng Chong, quickly interrupted him, completely eliminated his concerns, and then said, "if you're just angry with him for this matter, it's not necessary."

Seeing that Min Jie said so resolutely and simply, Cheng Chong's heart was finally more secure. Perhaps his heart felt that the result was too sudden and too simple. He couldn't turn around for a moment, so he seemed unwilling to continue saying, "but he --"

"But what, you still want to talk about his guest role as a traitor?" Asked min Jie.

"Yes!" Cheng Chong, who seemed to have grasped the straw, immediately changed the topic according to min Jie's meaning. So as not to make min Jie feel small hearted and cling to an unnecessary problem, so as to make her have a bad image of herself.

"I don't think he simply plays, but reveals his true feelings!" Cheng Chong accentuated his tone and repeated what he had just said.

"Hey -" Min Jie sighed softly, then said with a little helplessness on her face, "in fact, you can't blame him completely for this matter. He also has difficulties. Of course, he did a little too much in his guest role as a traitor. The captain also said him several times for this matter."

Cheng Chong looked puzzled at Min Jie in front of him. What he didn't expect was that the captain also knew about it and stood with himself.

Min Jie didn't see it, Just continued her explanation faintly: "These words should not have been said to you new players, but now that you have said it, you might as well say it all! In fact, one or two groups of new players join the team every year. In order to test the tenacious willpower and absolute loyalty of new players, we also think of many ways. But any way can only be used once or twice, which is much easier to help , it is easy to expose flaws and be detected by new team members, so as to destroy the overall plan. "

Speaking of this, min Jie glanced at Cheng Chong, who was very surprised, Then he said: "So in order to make the new team members believe that the situation they are facing is true, we are also constantly trying to find ways, constantly improve and constantly add new elements. We try to make the enemy situation as realistic as possible, so that the new team members participating in the test can believe that real and reliable results can be obtained. However, any implementation method always has some defects or defects, which is difficult To be perfect. For example, this time, the Black Hawk made such a bad decision in order to test your new team members and to control the scene close to avoid accidents. However, it still makes you have bad ideas, and it also hurts the head of the specially invited professional actor... "

When min Jie said this, Cheng Chong's heart became clear and clear.

Is that what happened?

Then, however, Cheng Chong suddenly thought of something, and his face suddenly became serious and even angry, Then he said, "maybe what you said is true, and I believe it for the time being, but can it be false that Wang Yao injected drugs into me? I saw him put a needle in me with a syringe, and injected a full syringe of liquid into my body..."

Even though it has been several days, Cheng Chong, who has always been afraid of needles, still has a grudge about it and can't be relieved