Chapter 214

"Puff -"

It was a little unexpected that Min Jie's face, which was cold all the year round, suddenly looked like a blooming flower, showing a very rare smile. The face that didn't smile all the year round suddenly showed a very rare smile, which was particularly beautiful and beautiful.

This is similar to the commendation Si in the war fire drama.

However, at the moment, the flowers blooming on her face were as short as Epiphyllum. A moment later, they disappeared without a trace. They quickly recovered their original appearance and became traceless.

Then he said solemnly: "You can take ten thousand heart. Even if the Black Hawk digs three feet in our brigade, he can't find any so-called drugs. Therefore, the liquid He injects into you is not drugs, but a kind of physiological salt water that has been specially treated to treat diseases and keep fit without diseases. This kind of physiological salt water will bring some slight kicks to people except the moment it is injected into the body Besides the weak side's pain, it will never have any adverse effect on any part of the body. You should rest assured now, my Senior Sergeant. "

Speaking of this, min Jie accidentally added a joke: "maybe it's also possible for people to become stupid. Judging from your current clinical manifestations, this may be true."

After that, min Jie looked at Cheng Chong carefully with playful eyes.

Cheng Chong was embarrassed to be looked at by her for a moment. Seeing that she explained so easily, the stone hanging high in her heart finally landed safely. My heart immediately became relaxed.

Then he seemed to be a little unreasonable and said, "in fact, it's nothing. I just can't stand his domineering and arrogant behavior. I feel that he seems to be the first in the world and the only one in the world. In fact, what does he have? He just became a special forces soldier a few years ago..."

"Puff -" looking at Cheng Chong, who was full of jealousy at the moment, min Jie smiled again, and then seemed to complain for Wang YaoMing, say: "That's because people have this capital. What would you do if you can be among the best in whatever you do, and even always achieve the best results? Let alone, in our brigade, he is the leader of the famous Falcon group A. you say, in our brigade, who does not show off? Who is not arrogant? Who is arrogant? This is the culture in the army Being strong and competitive is an eternal and most mainstream topic. It never fails, especially in special forces. "

When min Jie said this, Cheng Chong's jealousy was like fermented wine, which became more and more strong and mellow. He took a sour look at Min Jie in front of him and said with a look of never admitting defeat and even being soft. He was confident and even a little conceited: "I don't think he's great! He was able to rank first and successfully become the leader of Falcon group A. that's because I haven't come yet, which gave him the chance to have no tigers in the mountains and monkeys become overlords..."

"Pooh! Hee hee -" at this time, min Jie smiled very satisfied and relaxed. She was completely different from her usual cold. At the moment, she is not laughing at Cheng Chong's overestimation and excessive conceit, but laughing happily for her goal to be achieved.

Because, under the guidance of her efforts, Cheng Chong's stubborn donkey finally got on the road.

However, taking advantage of this opportunity, she had to add another fire, and then asked with a trace of doubt: "what? Do you disagree? He is the best man in our whole brigade with comprehensive military quality. Do you really have confidence to surpass him?"

This is a remark that Cheng Chong can't and absolutely can't deny.

Even if you put aside the cultural background of being competitive in the army, even if you fall, you will never easily admit defeat. It was enough for him to stand in front of Min Jie and admit defeat to his rival in love, let alone the dignity of men and special forces.

"As long as I have a chance, I will surpass him." Cheng Chong's face suddenly became particularly serious and determined. After talking, he still felt dissatisfied. The strong self-esteem of men and iron soldiers prompted him to strengthen his tone and said firmly: "I can definitely surpass him, I can definitely surpass him, and I will become his nemesis and Terminator!"

"Good -" Min Jie praised Cheng and clapped him with his heart.

He really didn't read him wrong. He was a bloody man. He was an iron soldier who would never admit defeat and was not afraid of any strong enemy.

"However, opportunities are not waiting. Sometimes, they need to fight for themselves!" Min Jie's conversation immediately turned rapidly and immediately shifted to the original problem. She deliberately shook her head and said with great regret: "unfortunately, you're about to quit our brigade. I'm afraid there's no chance to defeat him and defeat him in the future. However, her courage is commendable and worthy of praise."

"Who said I was quitting?" Cheng Chong was anxious and even worried. He had no time to think about anything, so he blurted out in a hurry. At this time, he completely forgot and asked to quit, which was what he had always insisted on. No one asked him to quit.

Cheng Chong, who responded quickly, although he still turned a little in his heart, but said with great determination: "I don't quit, I must stay, and I must surpass him, I must defeat him. I must replace him as the leader of Falcon group A, and I must!"

Cheng chonglian said several necessary words, and his tone was also firm and strong to the point of no increase.

"Good! Have ambition! A little manly, a little special forces." Min Jie lost no time in taking over the topic. After properly praising Cheng Chong, the conversation turned again, Then he said, "however, it's no use telling me whether you stay or not, because in our brigade, what I say doesn't count. You have to talk to the captain in person. After learning that you're going to quit, the captain is now furious in his office. Whether you can stay or not depends on whether the captain is willing to nod."

In this way, with a few words and a little calculation, the smart min Jie decided to go, and he was extremely stubborn and pulled back to Sheng Sheng. There was also a 180 degree reversal in attitude, but there were no flaws.

Moreover, it not only skillfully resolved Cheng Chong's anger and dissatisfaction, but also transformed his anger and dissatisfaction into a positive, competitive and enterprising benign competition.

Most importantly, taking advantage of the opportunity of this conversation, the two people who love each other and face each other have skillfully revealed their hearts, and each other has a very subtle insight into each other's thoughts. For the development of their feelings, they went to a higher level.

If, at this time, only min Jie is smart, it's a little underestimated her.

"Well, I'll go to the captain now and make it clear that I won't quit. I want to stay. I want to be the best special forces and the strongest special combat team member in the whole brigade." Cheng Chong, who has changed his mind, even can't wait to say so.

"Are you going to tell the captain?" Minjie resumed her usual cold appearance again and asked suspiciously.

"Yes!" Cheng Chong didn't know what was wrong with doing so. Then he affirmed: "this kind of thing can't be delayed. If you think about it, you must do it. Besides, the captain is angry about my things. Don't I solve everything if I say so?"

"Fool! Fool! Fool!" Min Jie listened to Cheng Chong speak so seriously, then looked at Cheng Chong in front of her and scolded three nouns with almost the same meaning.

Cheng Chong was stunned there and didn't know where he was. However, he did not dislike min Jie's scolding him as a fool or a fool at all. On the contrary, he even enjoyed min Jie's arrogant and angry tone and look.

If, at the moment, it may be more appropriate and appropriate to use scolding is pro.

Cheng Chong smiled foolishly and looked at Min Jie in front of him with a puzzled face. Min Jie was like a man who hated iron but didn't become steel. Then he said, "you just go to the captain. Guess what the captain would think?"

Cheng Chong looked blankly! How could he guess what the captain would think? What's more, what the captain thinks is none of my business. Is this very important?

Moreover, at this time, in front of Min Jie, or in front of love, his head is not as smart, clear and resourceful as usual. It seems that love can make people lose their most basic reason and make people become stupid inexplicably. This is true.

What's more, for Cheng Chong, who has a big nerve and almost no emotional experience!

"Fool! Fool! Fool!" Min Jie once again hated the iron and looked like steel. She scolded a few words like arrogance and anger, and turned her face into a little helpless, He explained with satisfaction: "How stupid and stupid you are! Think about it! As soon as I finished talking to you, you ran up to the captain and said you didn't want to quit. You had to stay anyway. There was a 180 degree reversal in your attitude. What do you think the captain would think? Does he really think there is something wrong with us? Why can't others explain you? As soon as I say it, you go back My heart has changed? Isn't that to prove to the whole team that we are in trouble? "

At the moment, Cheng Chong was very surprised when min Jie said so!

Unexpectedly, min Jie would think so much, so far and so carefully.

It's as fine as dust. It's really insightful!

How else can she be a sniper and become the top sniper of the Falcon special team?

At this time, Cheng Chong felt that he was like a fool who knew nothing. He stayed where he was. For a while, he didn't know what to do. For a long time, he asked, "what should I do? Don't I go to the captain to explain it clearly?"

"Come on! It's hard for you to open your head!" Min Jie was angry, But he continued with satisfaction: "Just keep pretending that you have made up your mind, as if our conversation didn't work at all. When the brigade leader came to talk to you, you pretended that it was the captain's conversation that moved you, which made you decide to stay. You should understand this time! In this way, we can not only dispel the suspicion of something between us, but also make the captain feel self-confidence His sense of achievement makes him feel that it is his credit to keep you. In the future, he will only pay more attention to you, okay? "

Ah, I see!

In this way, they not only covered up their true feelings to the whole brigade, but also proved the team leader's working ability to the whole brigade. Really kill two birds with one stone, or even kill more with one stone!

I can't imagine a seemingly simple thing, in which there are so many twists and turns, and so many mysteries are hidden! If the clever min Jie didn't give him a detailed explanation, in any case, with his own thinking and head, even if he wanted to break his head, which could be equivalent to elm bumps, he would never have thought of this layer.

Min Jie can almost be her own instructor in shooting and life, and she deserves it.

However, this can not explain Cheng Chong's stupidity or Cheng Chong's stupidity. At most, it can only explain his energy or thinking, which is not in these seemingly trivial things at all.

Cheng Chong suddenly realized that before he showed his sincere admiration for min Jie, while fully agreeing with min Jie in his heart, he chewed several key words that Min Jie had been repeating in these words for a long time.

Then he was very excited, even brazen, and asked a little rogue, "you're talking about us, aren't you? Were you talking about us? We, we..."

"Me, did I say?" Min Jie quickly denied it, and then quickly recalled it. Suddenly, a blush like the morning glow quickly appeared on her always cold face.

"I, I'm talking about us, just us among ordinary comrades in arms. You, you bastard, don't talk nonsense and think nonsense... I won't talk nonsense with you. I have to get back to the captain now? Just wait for the captain to repair you!" After that, min Jie, blushing and blushing, hurried out of the temporary dormitory of group A.

It was quite different from her usual coldness and calmness. At the moment, she didn't fully understand why she behaved so abnormally and inexplicably.

Four other comrades in arms of the temporary group A, who had never gone far near dormitory and inquired about some details of the dormitory from time to time, came out with the Minjie's appearance.

Immediately he knew what was going on inside. Then he burst in with a collective smile and a satisfied face. Without any division, he made concerted efforts to push Cheng Chong down. All the people are waving their teeth and claws, pretending and posing to make Cheng Chong confess and be lenient, otherwise he will be tortured to extort a confession

Min Jie ran back to the captain's office, Pretending to look angry and dissatisfied, he complained to the captain: "that's a stubborn donkey who won't go, smoking and fighting back. Captain, anyway, I've tried my best, and there's nothing I can do now. However, he said that he needs to meet and talk with you before he can make a decision. He said that you are kind to him, captain. He can't forgive you..."

Shi Rui was a little disappointed when he heard what min Jie said. However, when he heard what min Jie said later, his heart suddenly lifted up hope, and he was a little satisfied.

Min Jie's words made him very useful.

"This boy has a little conscience!" With a satisfied look on his face, Shi Rui then ordered the messenger waiting outside the door: "messenger! Go! Bring me that stubborn donkey. I want to hear what he wants to talk to me?"

When the correspondent outside the door heard the command and was about to turn around, Shi Rui immediately changed his mind and said, "forget it, I'll go myself. I'll go and see what tricks this stubborn donkey wants to play!"

After that, Shi Rui walked out with his hands on his back and his head held high. He walked towards the temporary dormitory of group A with a satisfied face