Chapter 281


With a loud noise, the screaming rocket suddenly exploded around Du Lei and Su Wugang.

In an instant, the huge air wave and shock wave generated by the violent explosion of rockets spread rapidly around. The countless metal shrapnel produced after the violent explosion carried high kinetic energy and radiated rapidly around. When encountering obstacles, they fully vented their huge energy, thus producing great destructive power to everything around.

Sadly, the explosion point of the rocket is definitely no more than one meter away from Du Lei and Su Wugang. At such a close distance, the power and destructive power of the rocket can be imagined.

At the critical moment when his life was on the line, Su Wugang desperately protected Du Lei who had been shot and injured with his body, so that the great power and destructive power of the rocket could be vented on him.

In a moment, Su Wugang's back was blown to pieces by this rocket, and his flesh and blood were blurred!

The other members of Falcon group A were stunned and completely stunned! A series of violent emotions, such as shock, shock, surprise, sadness and sadness, suddenly surged and stirred in the hearts of other players.

"Flying Eagle -" group leader Chen Zheng, Cheng Chong and Meng Lang almost shouted at the same time.

The extremely painful cry seemed to roar directly from the depths of their hearts, almost without going through a series of organs such as lungs, chest, trachea and vocal cords.

That voice, even if it is heard by the most cold-blooded tough man in the world, will inevitably not be moved, will inevitably not shed tears, and will inevitably have compassion for it.

However, Rao is so. At the moment, even though they are in extreme pain, they still can't run over quickly, observe their comrades in arms in time and rescue them urgently. Because, at the moment, the three of them are also charged with the arduous and urgent task of guarding against the enemy who swarmed in and kept narrowing the encirclement.

On the cruel battlefield where life and death are at stake, it is not a joke at ordinary times. There must be priorities. Otherwise, at this extremely critical moment, just one carelessness is likely to lead to the destruction of the whole army.

At this time, they really have more heart and less strength. Although they can't reach the body, their heart is extremely yearning for it.

The pain and suffering of separation and lack of skills are extremely painful and crazy.

However, at this time, it was Du Lei, the object of Su Wugang's life protection, who felt the most sad and crazy.

After the rocket exploded around him, Du Lei was shocked by the earthquake for a long time, but also stunned for a long time. When he found that all the bloody things in front of him were real, he immediately felt like an electric shock. He had been shot and injured, and his body suddenly shook like a resurrection full of blood in the game. Then he didn't know where the strength came from. He quickly pushed Su Wugang, who was pressing on himself, to the side carefully, regardless of any injury, He quickly sat up, turned Su Wugang's face down, trembled and hugged him in his arms.

"Flying Eagle! Flying eagle! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up the fuck --" Du Lei trembled, shook carefully, and uttered a low and extremely painful cry. A moment later, his voice was almost hard to cry.

However, Su Wugang seemed to have completely fallen asleep at this time. His eyes were closed, his teeth were clenched, and his face was tight. He couldn't see any expression. He didn't have much vitality.

Seeing this situation, Du Lei suddenly seemed to be crazy, which exacerbated the shaking strength and the intensity of painful cry: "Flying Eagle! Flying eagle! Wake up! Wake up! I beg you! I've never asked you anything. Now I beg you to open your eyes and look at me, OK? I beg you!"

Kung Fu pays off. A moment later, Su Wugang, who was dying, opened his eyes slightly with great difficulty. His eyes seemed to be looking for something. He looked at Du Lei for a long time. Instead, he forced a comforting smile on his face, as if it took a long time, It was very difficult and said intermittently: "Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu said... Said that at the critical moment, Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu wanted to block bullets, bullets and shells for you. Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu did it..."

Su Wugang said and gasped heavily. Then, although his mouth continued to mumble hard, he couldn't make any sound anymore. At this time, he has lost his voice!

"I don't want you to block bullets for me, and I don't want you to block shells for me. I want you to get better quickly! I want you to get better quickly! Do you fucking hear me? I want you to continue to live, quarrel with me, talk nonsense to me, talk nonsense to me, do you hear me, do you fucking hear me, answer me, answer me..." Trembling, Du Lei suddenly opened his mouth and cried like a child.

However, Su Wugang seemed to hear nothing at this time. His already godless eyes were still staring at Du Lei's eyes. He was unwilling, reluctant, infinite yearning, and seemed to be a little relieved.

At the moment, Du Lei was so sad that he could hardly express his grief in words. He continued to hug Su Wugang and trembled in his voice, The grieving Jedi continued to beg: "Feiying! Feiying! Su Wugang! Lao Su! Lao Su! Wake up! You're talking! Didn't we agree! After we retire from the army, we'll go to the north and south of the motherland and see the great rivers and mountains of the motherland together? How the fuck did you forget? When did you become so ungrateful? Don't be so talkative It's my influence... "

At this time, Du Lei, who was devastated, even ignored the taboos on the battlefield and called Su Wugang's real name instead of his code name!

However, even so, Su Wugang could no longer make any sound. The muscles of his face relaxed slowly. His originally godless eyes suddenly became more and more godless, and then his pupils gradually enlarged

After a moment, he seemed to fall asleep quietly! Sleeping in Du Lei's arms!

What is comrades in arms? Comrades in arms are not just the playmates who accompany you when you are bored; Not only when you are happy, but also when you are sad, you can accompany you with silent tears; It's not just making trouble for nothing. I want to play with you for no reason, even fight with each other, but no one is allowed to bear grudges

But the one who can trust his life at the critical moment of life and death, who can stand up without hesitation, block bullets and shells for you, and protect your safety with his precious life.

His name is comrade in arms!

The surrounding gunfire was still raging like a storm.

Seeing this situation, Du Lei did not continue to hold Su Wugang, but suddenly calmed down and calmed down, as if his grief had reached the extreme and no longer felt any grief.

Regardless of the injury on his body and the severe pain in the wound, he suddenly stood up quietly and abnormally, holding his 95 assault rifle in his hand, and rushed frantically in the direction of the rocket just fired and at the swarming mercenaries.

The 95 assault rifle in his hand immediately roared angrily at the swarming enemy.

At the moment, he seemed to be really crazy. As he rushed forward, he was still tearing his heart and lungs, shouting with a soul stirring cry: "you bastards, you dog bastards! Return my comrades in arms, my brothers, my iron brothers, and me..."

Dada... Dada

At this time, the 95 assault rifle in his hand could hardly vent the extreme anger in his heart

Suddenly, the other three special combat members of Falcon group A did not expect that Du Lei would make such an abnormal move and launch a suicide attack on a large number of enemies with fierce firepower.

Surrounded by the enemy, he had been shot and injured. In the central position, he suddenly stood up and launched a crazy attack on the enemy. Although he could also kill or even inflict heavy damage on the enemy, it was tantamount to suicide for himself.

After all, those mercenaries with large numbers and fierce firepower are not vegetarian.

However, at this time, it was obviously too late for the other three special combat members of Falcon group A to stop him. Moreover, at this moment, Du Lei, who was already extremely angry, had no one to stop him.

At this time, he had been desperate and had completely let go. Even if the sky fell, the earth directly hit Mars, and the sudden arrival of the end of the world could not stop him from taking revenge for his comrades in arms!

"Son of a bitch! Dog bastard! Return my comrades in arms, my brothers, and my iron brothers..." Du Lei was still roaring and trying his best to roar while attacking forward quickly.

After all, he is an elite Chinese special forces soldier. His strength is strong and his combat effectiveness has never been weak. At the moment, under his suicidal attack, many enemies fell at the muzzle of his gun and never got up again. However, this still could not eliminate his hatred and his anger at the loss of his comrades in arms.

He is still moving forward, shouting and shooting desperately

On the battlefield, the short-term balance between the two hostile sides was quickly broken by his extremely unusual behavior. The muzzle of the enemy's guns, which had been aimed at the other three special combat members, all aimed at him in a moment.

In an instant, countless bullets, whistling, fiercely tore the thick night curtain and layers of space barriers from all directions, drew death trajectories in the void, and rushed towards him!

However, at the moment, he is still unmoved, still fearless, determined to die, must avenge his comrades in arms, and must let the enemy pay the price of bleeding. He stared with blood red eyes, holding the 95 assault rifle in his hand, heartily and madly blocked the enemy in front, venting his anger of revenge.

"Son of a bitch! Dog bastard! Return my comrades in arms, my brothers, and my iron brothers..." his heart rending voice was still hissing and roaring angrily.

However, he was extremely angry. No matter how brave and fierce he was, he was still a flesh and blood body raised by his mother and father, not an invulnerable steel body. A moment later, a very sad scene appeared again.

Dozens of bullets came at him from all directions at the same time.

In an instant, he was shot several times and blood flowed, but he still held the 95 assault rifle in his hand and kept firing. At the same time, he stared at his blood red eyes and still roared and roared at the top of his voice.

At this time, the other three special combat members of Falcon group A were so sad that they couldn't look directly at the scene in front of them.

Cheng Chong, who was equally excited and angry, almost jumped out of the temporary bunker to follow Du Lei's footsteps. In any case, even if you die immediately, you should avenge the two comrades in arms in front.

However, when he was about to quickly jump out of the temporary shelter, through the low light level night vision instrument he was wearing, he suddenly found that a familiar figure suddenly appeared about 50 meters away from the periphery of the surrounding circle surrounded by the mercenary regiment.

It's the spy! It's that damn spy!

In a hurry, he had several face-to-face clashes with the spy and quickly made a judgment. At the moment, the biggest reference is the distinctive prison pants that the spy is wearing.

"It must be him. It can't be wrong!" Cheng Chong was immediately excited.

This time, Cheng Chong did not guess wrong! No mistake!

At this time, after learning that the five special combat members of Falcon group A were surrounded by their people again and hit one special combat member back. The spy Scorpion was very excited at once. Unexpectedly, he rushed forward to have a look and satisfy his curiosity and revenge.

I think it is safe and safe to do so! After all, he only looked at the periphery from a distance. When he saw the five special combat members of Falcon group a being cleaned up one by one, he would feel extremely satisfied. It would certainly be a great thing for him if he could still see the special combat team member who had caught him cleaned up at the moment.

But at the moment, he never thought that he was also an extremely important target of Falcon group A. He desperately wants to see Cheng Chong cleaned up by their people. At the moment, Cheng Chong desperately wants to clean up himself.

After quickly confirming the real identity of the other party, Cheng Chong felt very excited in addition to his anger. This powerful, unusually fierce and stubborn Chinese special forces soldier made up his mind on the spot. Even in the footsteps of Du Lei, he must kill this important goal.

Although the captain emphasized how relevant he was before the mission, it's not so realistic to bring back the damn spy alive at the moment. In that case, we have no choice but to kill on the spot. Even if you can't bring it back, you must not let the scorpion mercenary regiment take it away!

Thinking of Cheng Chong here, he made up his mind on the spot. No matter what he paid for it, he would complete this arduous task.

In an instant, Cheng Chong made a sudden appearance with the power of lightning and the power of fierce tigers. With the help of a moment when all the mercenaries' attention and firepower were on Du Lei, he quickly went to the damn spy.

Cheng Chong risked his life to attack forward!